When Qin Hao drove back to the city, it was already dark, because the Klein family's address had not changed, so Qin Hao came to their building with ease.

"Sir, who are you looking for?" At the front desk of the building, a beautiful girl asked Qin Hao with a smile.

"I'm here to see Mr. Azlan." Qin Hao said.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" the girl asked with a smile.

"No, but I see that he doesn't need an appointment, you just need to contact me." Qin Hao said to the girl at the front desk.

"Okay, sir, what's your name?" The girl was still smiling. As soon as Qin Hao came up, he asked to see Azlan by name, and he also swore that he didn't need an appointment to see Azlan, which was quite bluffing. .

Under normal circumstances, people who dare to say this, except for lunatics and those who commit suicide, are real people. They are familiar with Azlan and have a higher status than Azlan, no matter what kind of situation they are in. Next, it's not something this female receptionist can offend.

As for the situation of lunatics and intentional death, the female receptionist only glanced at Qin Hao, and dismissed the idea. How could this girl not have good eyesight to work here? Haven't seen the three teachings and nine streams? So at a glance, you can tell that the middle-aged man in front of you has extraordinary temperament.

Although Qin Hao is now using a disguised appearance, he did not deliberately hide his temperament.

"Just tell him that an old friend who has been away for two years is back." Qin Hao said lightly.

"Okay, sir!" The female receptionist contacted Azlan's assistant without asking any further questions.


At this moment, Azlan was really in the Klein Building. These days, he had been a little restless. Although he couldn't figure out why, he was always inexplicably flustered.

At this moment, outside his office door, the assistant's phone rang.

"Who? Mr. Azlan? What's his name?"

"An old friend who has been away for two years? What's his name?"

"Aren't you even willing to keep your name? How do you work as a front desk? Do you think that Mr. Azlan can see anyone?"

The assistant's tone was bad,

For a person in a high position like Azlan, there are people who want to get close to him all day long. After all, if he can get in touch with such a big man, just a little dregs from his fingers will be enough for ordinary people to eat for a lifetime. up.

So, as Azlan's assistant, he helps Azlan block those irrelevant people every day, lest these people waste Azlan's time.

Originally, the reply of today's visit was the same as usual. Azlan's assistant had seen a lot of people who didn't even leave their names and pretended to be mysterious. In his opinion, this was just an outdated routine Forget it, if you want to get away with it, this kid is still a long way off!

But just when the assistant was about to scold the front desk and refuse the visit, the door of Azlan's office suddenly opened.

"Wait! What did you just say?! An old friend who disappeared for two years?" Azlan rushed out of the office.

"Yes... yes! Mr. Azlan." The assistant was taken aback. He had never seen Mr. Azlan lose his composure.

"Is it a young man?" Azlan pressed.

"No, it's a middle-aged man in his forties..." the assistant replied.

"Middle-aged man..." Azlan was puzzled for a moment, but he figured it out in no time, and then he said to the assistant: "Let him come up."

After speaking, Azlan returned to his office.

"Let him come up, Mr. Azlan is waiting for him in the office." Since Azlan asked to see this person himself, there was no reason for the assistant to stop him, so he said to the girl at the front desk.

"Sir! You can go up, Mr. Azlan is waiting for you in his office." The girl at the front desk said to Qin Hao.

"Okay! Thank you." Qin Hao smiled and nodded at the girl, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

Through the elevator, Qin Hao came to the fifteenth floor, which is the floor where Azlan's office is located.

After getting out of the elevator, Qin Hao walked forward, and soon he came to the door of Azlan's office.

Azlan's office is a suite, the innermost one is where Azlan works, and the outside is the assistant's office.

"I'm here to see Mr. Azlan." Qin Hao said to his assistant.

"Please wait a moment!" The assistant got through the communication with the inner room, and then said to Azlan: "Mr. Azlan, the guests have arrived."

"Let him in!" Azlan's voice came out.

"Yes!" The assistant got up and helped Qin Hao open the door of Azlan's office, and then led Qin Hao into this huge office.

"Mr. Azlan, the guests have arrived." The assistant said to Azlan respectfully.

"En! You go down first." Azlan waved his hand. After seeing Qin Hao, he basically confirmed the guess in his heart.

"Yes!" The assistant turned and backed out.

"You're back..." Azlan leaned back on his boss chair, he didn't get up, but said to Qin Hao in a flat tone.

"Are you surprised?" Qin Hao asked with a smile. He hadn't come into contact with the disguise, but the two of them knew each other's identity about Qin Hao.

"To be honest, I was a little surprised. I thought you would..." Azlan smiled wryly.

"Think I'm going to die outside?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"Yes, in the outer universe, you, a spy, are alone and helpless, and it is too difficult to survive," Azlan said.

"I think it's okay." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"You came back this time to settle accounts, right?" Azlan asked.

"The liquidation is certain, but I have to do something else first." Qin Hao said.

"Is it right to save people?" Azlan asked.

"That's right." Qin Hao didn't hide it either.

"I can help you find where they are being held, but I hope..." Azlan was interrupted by Qin Hao before he could finish speaking.

"I learned something. Although the Klein family fell to them very early, they did not participate in the persecution of other families. Therefore, during this liquidation, I did not intend to focus on punishing you." Qin Hao said.

"Okay! With your words, I feel relieved." Azlan nodded. After confirming Qin Hao's identity, he knew that the human regime would change again, and the angry Qin Hao would definitely not Let go of those families who staged a coup d'état.

So now Azlan wants to quickly get an amulet for his family, just like what Azlan did when those people staged a coup, he doesn't have too many ideals, he just wants to keep his family in the turmoil .

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