After Skywalker came out, the battle was basically over, and the overwhelming flying insects couldn't be stopped by this small military prison.

The Skywalkers easily destroyed the few anti-aircraft machine guns on the top of the prison city, and then killed a large number of human soldiers, and opened the gate of the prison from the inside, and the opening of the gate made the insects outside the city As soon as the crowd swarmed in, the prison almost became a no-man's land.

After just ten minutes, all the people in the entire prison who were still holding weapons were killed. Some of them happened to be injured, and the guys who lost their weapons survived. It was as if the bugs didn't see them. Walking by, only a few unlucky ones were trampled to death.

Seeing that they could survive by throwing away their weapons, the clever humans naturally followed suit. The few smart soldiers all threw away their weapons. Together with the wounded soldiers, they were able to save their lives.

Immediately afterwards, the swarm rushed into the prison area. Whether it was the isolation door or the heavy iron gate, in front of these worms, they were basically like paper. In the end, they were all broken through by the swarm one by one. Although the defensive weapons also caused some damage to the bugs, they were quickly destroyed.

After about half an hour, the fighting in the entire prison was basically over.

In addition to this prison, this situation has occurred in hundreds of military bases or prisons on more than a hundred planets. Those Qin Hao's men who were imprisoned were basically found by the swarm. and was protected.

On the other side of the earth, after the swarm broke through the prison dedicated to detaining political prisoners, Qin Hao teleported there directly. He quickly locked the breath of General Cohen and General Jimolov, and then teleported directly to In front of two people.

When Qin Hao appeared, the two old men were playing chess leisurely.

"Uh... I shouldn't have come..." Qin Hao touched his nose in embarrassment. Although these two old guys were under house arrest, they seemed to be living a good life, and they were more leisurely than before.

When Qin Hao was in charge of the federal government, these two were not idle. One was in charge of education and the other was in charge of science and technology. He was really stuck in his own field.

Logically speaking, although these two old men have deep qualifications and high status, they are laymen in the fields of science and technology and education. Qin Hao entrusted these two items to them just to rest assured. There are a group of deputy staff below to perform, and they are professional.

But these two old men were born in their fifties or sixties, from knowing nothing to two years of hard work,

They have become semi-professionals. Although they are incomparable with those purely professional deputies, at least they can understand the professional knowledge when they report to work.

Based on this alone, the two of them put in a lot of effort, so it was really early and late.

But now it's all right, the two of them are under house arrest here, three meals a day are delicious and well served, and because they have nothing to do, the two of them either play chess or go fishing, and this little day is like a vacation.

"You're back..." General Cohen asked without raising his head. Ever since the swarm started attacking, he guessed that Qin Hao was back, so half an hour or so was enough for him to calm down. , now General Cohen looks indifferent.

"How are you doing with the aliens? Have you successfully penetrated into them? How much trust do they have in you now?" Because he was under house arrest in prison, General Cohen didn't even know that Qin Hao was carrying a The alien fleet is coming.

"How should I put it..." Qin Hao pondered for a moment on purpose, he was a little like offering a treasure at this time, after all, General Cohen actually played the role of Qin Hao's father to a certain extent.

Since Qin Hao lost his parents when he was very young, his father's love is very strange to him, but since he met Nicole and General Coen, Qin Hao can feel that General Coen is real He is being raised as a son-in-law, even as a son, so he not only respects General Cohen very much, even sometimes, he really treats him as a father, even though he and Nicole are not married yet.

"How do you say it? Just tell me! Is there anything else you want to hide from me?" General Cohen gave Qin Hao a displeased look.

"Of course not. I know everything about you, and I can't stop talking!" Qin Hao said with a sneer.

"Then hurry up!" General Cohen said angrily.

"Okay, let me tell you this, now the alien civilization that claims to be the messenger of the Holy Land is under my control, and I can order them to do anything." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Don't tell me, you have become their king in just two years!" General Cohen rolled his eyes after hearing Qin Hao's words, although in his perception, Qin Hao was It's impossible to tell such a lie, but the problem is that people can't believe what Qin Hao said!

"Of course not, how could I be their king!" Qin Hao smiled and waved his hands.

"I'll just say it! To be honest, how are you doing!" General Cohen waved his hand.

"I'm not their king, I'm their god now!" Qin Hao said proudly.

"What the hell?! You are their god?!" This time, not only General Cohen, but even Love at the end of the season had an expression of disbelief.

"The thing is like this..." Qin Hao briefly told these two people about his experience with the envoy of Shenglin.

"So, Mr. Qin Jue, he... hey..." General Cohen sighed after hearing that Qin Jue died completely in order to save Qin Hao.

"Yeah, Grandpa completely disappeared to save me..." Qin Hao also sighed...

"Then what are you going to do next?" General Cohen asked after calming down his emotions.

"I'm completely disappointed with those guys, I plan to come by myself!" Qin Hao said.

"Come by yourself?" General Cohen finally raised his head and looked at Qin Hao seriously.

"Yes! Instead of letting the Federation continue to decay like this, I might as well be the dictator!" Qin Hao said firmly.

"Are you so interested in power?" General Cohen's face was a little displeased.

"Kean, don't be so serious, Xiao Qin is not that kind of person." Ji Moluofu said.

"Not that kind of person? Then why do you want to be this dictator? Please explain to me carefully!" General Cohen looked at Qin Hao displeased and said, because things like dictatorship are completely contrary to his values.

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