"Because I don't have time to let them go on like this!" Qin Hao said to General Cohen.

"Ah?! What do you mean?" General Cohen was taken aback.

"You may not know that not long ago, a civilization that was much more powerful than human beings was completely wiped out in a month or two. Only a few people fled in battleships. They lost their hometowns and Everything." Qin Hao said as he handed over a projection device of the Holy Messenger, and then he showed General Cohen and General Jimolov the scene of the previous battle where the Kogon people were destroyed.

It's okay if you don't look at it. After looking at it, both General Cohen and General Jimolov were silent.

For a long time, humans have never seen alien civilizations. The first organized and socially structured alien creatures they encountered were Zergs. Although the Zergs are powerful and cruel, they are not like humans. The intelligent race in the world, so humans can easily classify them as wild beasts.

In this way, the savage behavior of the swarm is easily explained, and humans have a sense of it as a matter of course.

However, many human beings still have fantasies about the advanced civilizations of other planets. In their view, if they start contact with other civilizations in the universe, it may not necessarily be through war. Maybe they are civilized. He is civilized and kind, and is willing to help relatively backward intelligent life like human beings and help them start a new life.

However, through the influence of Qin Hao's broadcast, General Cohen and General Jimolov have completely overturned the three views. These so-called advanced civilizations actually have no "civilization" at all. Although they are technologically advanced, their actions are Extremely barbaric, it is normal for fleets to destroy each other in a duel. After all, everyone is their own master, and it is only natural to destroy the enemy for their own benefit.

But the problem is that planets are slaughtered at every turn, and those planets that have completely lost their ability to resist are slaughtered one by one, and the population of the loser is wiped out. This kind of thing is simply cruel and outrageous.

"Do they still have humanity..." Ji Moluofu asked tremblingly, this battle-tested veteran was also stunned by the terrifying scene in front of him.

"Humanity? They only think about survival!" Qin Hao smiled helplessly, and then said to the two seniors in front of him: "You two, according to what I have seen and heard in the past two years, although these advanced alien civilizations are more technologically We are more developed, but in fact they live more cautiously, because if there is little carelessness, the end is to be wiped out, so they are all developing and expanding with all their lives."

Speaking of this, Qin Hao sighed, and then said to General Cohen and General Jimolov: "And after my observation, these advanced civilizations will not take care of those civilizations with backward technology. civilization catch up,

They even pose a threat to themselves. After these advanced civilizations discover new civilizations, if they confirm that the other party is not strong enough, they will destroy the other party without hesitation. Only with strong strength can you have the capital to sit opposite them. "

"Hehe...it turns out we were too naive..." General Cohen smiled wryly.

"I don't want human beings to follow in the footsteps of the Kogon people, so I don't have time to let them play democracy. Even if they want to play this, they have to wait until human beings have the capital to live in the universe dignifiedly. Now, human beings Not worthy!" Qin Hao said firmly.

"Yeah, we don't even have the qualifications to live now. What kind of democracy and fairness are we talking about?" General Jimolov sighed. Although he didn't like dictatorship politics, he had to admit that dictatorship Politics is indeed more efficient than democratic politics in times of crisis, and he also believes in Qin Hao's ability.

"Uncle Cohen, please understand me. After I allow human beings to live freely among the civilizations of the universe, I will voluntarily give up my rights." Qin Hao said to General Cohen.

"Hey...well..." General Cohen nodded. Although Qin Hao's decision violated his values, he also understood that what Qin Hao said was the truth, and the most important thing is that he can't stop Qin Hao at all now. Hao.

General Coen knew Qin Hao's character. It was difficult for others to persuade him to come back when he made a decision.

"Thank you for your understanding and support." Qin Hao bowed to the two old generals.

"Okay, go and get busy with your business. We are old, so it's good to live here." General Cohen said to Qin Hao.

"Yeah, I've been busy for most of my life, and I live the most comfortable life in prison!" Ji Moluo nodded aside.

"Well... well, if you feel comfortable living here, then I will change this place into a nursing home. You two can go out for a walk whenever you want. If you want to come to me, I have time anytime." Qin Hao After thinking about it for a while, he said that next he will use the thunder method, so the scene will be a little bloody. These two old generals are really not suitable to be there. Qin Hao is still very grateful for their initiative to bring it up.

Otherwise, when Qin Hao started to kill and kill, if these two old generals used their status as elders to persuade him, he would really be in a difficult situation.

After chatting with the two old generals for a few more words, Qin Hao withdrew, then teleported directly, came out of the prison where political prisoners were held, and came to the gate of the Federal Parliament Building.

At this time, the federal parliament building was already surrounded by swarms, but because of Qin Hao's previous order, the swarms only surrounded and did not attack, but if someone rushed out from inside, the swarms would not attack The killer is polite.

Therefore, although the high-ranking officials inside tried a few times, whether they were flying or trying to break out from the ground, they were strangled mercilessly by the swarm, and the people inside became honest, and they all hid in the office. Inside the building, one by one frantically contacted the family's army and other armed forces, trying to get them to rescue him.

Qin Hao didn't let the swarm block the communication at all, so all the distress signals from these guys were sent out smoothly, but their rescue was destined to fail to arrive smoothly, because these people were all wiped out by the swarm halfway .

Qin Hao's previous order was very clear. If human beings are not armed and malicious, even if they walk in front of the insects and reach out to touch the heads of these insects, they will not fight back. At most, they will shake their dissatisfaction. Shaking his head, he stepped aside.

But once someone dared to appear in front of them with a weapon, the swarm would tear him to pieces without hesitation!

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