? One of the congressmen who had seen the whole process pulled Lahufu's sleeve and wanted to signal him to look back, but at this time Hu Ke's attention was on Qin Hao, so he didn't turn around at all.

Hu Fu didn't think much about the few seconds when Qin Hao disappeared just now. After all, they were talking via video. Maybe the camera was blocked, or maybe Qin Hao left the shooting area of ​​the camera because of his movement. It's very possible, because Qin Hao returned to the video immediately, so Hu Fu didn't think much about it at all.

"Well... your conditions are very reasonable." Qin Hao said with a smile before returning to the camera, but he didn't let Qin Xue also appear in the camera.

"So, you agree?" Hu Fu asked.

"No! I refuse all of them!" Qin Hao smiled slightly.

"Why?! Don't you want your sister anymore? Do you want to watch her die?" Hu Fu asked loudly. There were corpses all over the place, and there was nothing left, let alone a trace of Qin Xue.

"Master Khufu..." a member of parliament behind him called out in a low voice.

"What are you doing?! Didn't you see that I'm looking for life for everyone here?" Hufu, who was extremely nervous, shouted back, but after he finished yelling, he also saw the scene on the big screen.

"This... this..." Hu Fu was dumbfounded.

"Are you looking for her?" Qin Hao smiled and pulled Qin Xue into the range of the camera.

"You... this... this is impossible!" Hufu was dumbfounded. Although the location where Qin Xue was detained was not particularly far from the parliament building, it was still hundreds of kilometers away. How did Qin Hao manage to do so within a minute? , brought people back...

"Okay! I don't want to waste any more time! Goodbye!" Qin Hao waved his hand, and then cut off the video.

"Wait a minute! Brother!" At this moment, Qin Hao heard a familiar voice. He knew that the person who called him was Gangmen Pianzuo, but he didn't look back, he cut off the video directly.

"Attack!" Qin Hao waved his hand.

"Yes! Your Highness!" The predator nodded.

"Not one left!" Qin Hao said in a cold voice when he left. He had just scanned the entire building with psychic energy. Although there were some practitioners inside, there were no masters.

So if there are predators in charge, it shouldn't be difficult to wipe out everyone here.

"Yes!" replied the predator.

Here Qin Hao took Qin Xue out of the parliament building, while the predator waved his hand: "Attack!"

"Squeak!" Accompanied by a sharp insect cry, an army of insects poured into the building, and the predator also committed suicide himself. He almost couldn't suppress the desire for blood in his heart!

Qin Hao took Qin Xue onto a levitation car. At this time, there were faint gunshots from the building. It was the armed personnel inside resisting the attack of the swarm. It was a pity that all this was in vain. The firepower of the armed men couldn't threaten the predators at all. Under his leadership, the swarm easily tore through the human line of defense, and then rushed into the building.

The massacre has begun!

After just 20 minutes, the entire building was completely silent. More than 800 people, including the cleaners, were all swallowed by the swarm, leaving no one alive.

In fact, when he ordered the massacre of the entire building, Qin Hao also thought that there would be some innocent people inside, but he didn't want to waste time to distinguish, and now Qin Hao is no longer the same as he was before. He has become accustomed to massacres, and hundreds of lives have long been no longer regarded by him.

Once upon a time, Qin Hao was also in awe of life, but now, killing and fear can only bring him stronger strength.

"Order the swarm! Take over the entire territory of the Interstellar Federation and surround all human fleets, but don't attack without authorization!" Qin Hao gave the order to the swarm through Batulu who was solidified on the moon. Although he is still on the earth at this time, he is in control He has opened the eye of the universe and devoured a lot of spiritual power from the god body. At this time, he can communicate with Ba Tulu on the earth.

"Yes! Your Highness!" Baturu immediately conveyed Qin Hao's order.

Soon, the swarms began to set off from the uninhabited planets occupied by them, and then surrounded all the human fleets, and forced them to gather at designated locations. At the same time, Hu Ke, who was far away on the home planet, also received an order. He also set off with the remaining fleet under his command to join these fleets.

Because the scale of the swarm is very large, and the human fleet has seen their power in the previous unification war, after Qin Hao occupied the earth and issued orders to those human fleets through official channels, these fleets began to attack. Under the surveillance of the swarm, they sailed to the designated location.

This time, it didn't take much effort for Qin Hao to regain control of the army, because the reason why these fleets supported Hufu and others' coup was mainly because Hufu and the others announced Qin Hao's death and faked Qin Hao's death. Hao's body.

Regarding this point, although General Cohen and others did not believe it, they could not prove that Qin Hao was still alive. After a long time, the morale of the army began to waver. Impeached, they control the regime.

Because Khufu and others squeezed away President Claude through legal means, they are the legal government, and Qin Hao, the generalissimo, was confirmed to be dead, so part of the army naturally obeyed the government, and the rest were taken by the government. The fleet controlled by the swarm broke away early and returned to the home planet.

But Hu Ke and Han Yihang were more unlucky. These two guys were on the flagship because of their high ranks. Their spaceships were not pirates with armor, but normal naval soldiers. So when the new government's order was issued, , the two of them were transferred back to Earth, and then they were relieved of their military authority.

Therefore, the reason why the army obeys the new government is based on the fact that Qin Hao is dead. Now that Qin Hao has returned safely, and he personally declares that the new government is illegal, the army will naturally follow him. You know Qin Hao was a big star in the army before, and his reputation was not weaker than that of veterans like Ji Moluofu and General Cohen.

And the most important thing is that Qin Hao controls the swarm, which is a brutal race that will be slaughtered at the slightest disagreement, so those officers in the army, no matter they are sincerely on Qin Hao's side, or they don't want to be eaten by the swarm , they all had to obey Qin Hao's orders.

After mastering the army, Qin Hao began to reorganize the government. After all, the previous high-ranking government officials were fed worms by him.

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