Qin Hao's process of regaining control of the entire Interstellar Federation went very smoothly. After he killed the coup d'état and regained control of the Federation, the two veterans, Ji Moluofu and Cohen, also walked out of the sanatorium-like prison.

The two of them were reluctant to leave the prison before, mainly because they were afraid of Qin Hao's embarrassment. After all, if Qin Hao killed the officials of the coup in front of them, and carried out a large-scale cleansing of the personnel involved in the coup, with the two of them Personality, that must be blocked.

Therefore, in order not to embarrass Qin Hao, these two people stayed in the prison for ten more days. After everything calmed down, they walked out of the prison.

At this time, General Cohen and General Jimolov walked out of the prison not to usurp Qin Hao's victory, but because they knew that there were too few people under Qin Hao who could be used and could be assured. If you can, you still have to help Qin Hao share some.

During the period of regaining control of the Federation, Qin Hao's old subordinates have returned one after another. These people have been rescued by the swarms that forcibly landed on various planets, although in the previous coup, some people were persecuted. They died, but most of them still survived. When they returned to Qin Hao's side, these people were very excited, and even had a feeling of being human in two lifetimes.

After regaining control of the Federation, Qin Hao immediately transferred all the data of the past two years. It was fine if he didn't look at it.

In the past two years, Qin Hao has hardly been idle. He can be said to have racked his brains to collect technical information and technological products for human beings on the side of the Holy Envoy. brought back.

But what happened? He was working hard in the front, but the damned families behind him, the damned second-generation politicians, did nothing but hold him back.

In the half a year that Qin Hao just left, the performance of the Interstellar Federation was not bad. They continued to implement Qin Hao's previous policies and vigorously developed technology, but after Qin Hao left for a long time, those families couldn't sit still. , They were obedient and obedient at the beginning, allocating funds to more profitable industries. As for scientific and technological research and development, in addition to the lack of funds, there were even contemptible things such as academic fraud.

You must know that the harm of academic fraud is not only that some people can get more honors and bonuses that do not belong to him, but also related to the research of other researchers, because of your fraud alone, others Researchers may be citing wrong data, causing their experiments to fail, and before they can rule out that this data is fake, they will experience one failure after another, wasting a lot of time and resources.

Gradually, the scientific research of the entire Interstellar Federation even tended to stagnate a bit. After the coup d'état,

All the scientific research work can't be continued, because in order to stabilize their position, these coup d'etatists sat in the chairs under their buttocks. They began to frantically crowd out those cronies of Qin Hao, and even began to reshuffle in the field of scientific research.

In this way, everyone is in danger, and no one knows whether they will be labeled as an unwarranted hat tomorrow and then arrested. In this environment, no matter how obsessed with scientific research talents, I am afraid I have no intention of continuing the research.

"Crack!" After reading it, Qin Hao threw all the documents on the ground.

"Bah! I tucked my head in the waistband of my trousers and earned these precious materials for you, and you guys are playing with me! If you die, it's cheap for you! Not many of you will be cut!" Qin Hao said viciously, His lungs were about to explode.

These politicians and corrupt families have really refreshed Qin Hao's understanding of them. In order to fight for power, these guys can't tell what is the priority. In their eyes, there is only power. As for the life and death of human beings, they have no idea at all. Do not care.

"Sir, calm down first..." Han Yihang persuaded from the side. He had already returned to Qin Hao from the resource star where he worked. During this period, although he was not imprisoned, But also from the senior commander of the frontline fleet, he was directly relegated to a remote resource star to be the factory director of the mine, and that resource star is very remote. It is said that he is going to be the factory director, but it is actually no different from going to jail.

"Well! Call the members of the council, as well as the representatives of each family. Three days later, I will hold a meeting in the parliament building!" Qin Hao said to Han Yihang.

"Yes! Sir!" Han Yihang nodded, and then conveyed the order.

As soon as Qin Hao's order was spread, various families began to send representatives to the earth one after another. Although the government that came to power through a coup d'état before had a parliament, they squeezed out many families, and that parliament had already been slaughtered by Qin Hao. It's empty, and the current members of the parliament are those who were squeezed out and were not eligible to enter the parliament building at that time, so they escaped a catastrophe.

During these three days, Qin Hao personally went to the territory of the Qian family, and from there he took Qian Feng and Granny Liu back to Earth. The family itself was expelled from the earth, and more than half of the property under their family name was exploited. The previous government only reserved two administrative stars and three resource stars for them, and all other assets were formed into the new government. The family was divided.

At that time, the Qian family and the entire Tianshan sect demanded to fight with the new government. At worst, they would not be humiliated, but Granny Liu gritted her teeth and suppressed the matter.

Because Grandma Liu firmly believed that Qin Hao would come back, and that all the humiliation suffered by the Qian family and Tianshan faction would be compensated, and if they really went to fight with others now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Because this coup involved not only the secular level, the practitioners were directly involved, including many Han families and the martial arts sects behind them.

Therefore, it is not only those foreigners who oppress and oppress the Qian family and Tianshan faction, but also many sects and families of the Han people themselves. At this time, if the Qian family and Tianshan faction cannot hold back their breath, although they can explode The last ray of light, but followed by the end of destruction.

So under Granny Liu's insistence, both the Qian family and the Tianshan faction finally moved out of the earth and shrank into the territory of the Qian family. For this reason, many disciples of the Tianshan faction chose to leave. Assassinations, but basically all failed. After all, among those who participated in the coup, there were also many practitioners, and some of the remaining people chose to join other sects.

It's just that after Qin Hao came back, those disciples who took refuge in other sects began to regret it.

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