Although Qin Hao didn't stay in the Death Temple for too long, the time he spent on the road was more than two months. During these two months, the war between the Borg and the Silva It is basically over, the Silva people were wiped out, and only a small number of survivors fled their hometown with the fleet and sailed to the depths of the universe.

Because the livable planets in the known universe have basically been divided up by major civilizations, the only thing the Silva people can do is to explore the unknown universe if they want to survive. It is possible to find a suitable place for them to survive.

Qin Hao is not particularly concerned about the wandering Silvas. After all, in the vast universe, civilizations often fall, and it is nothing new for those survivors to wander in spaceships in the vast interstellar space.

When Qin Hao returns to Earth this time, his first task is to urge human scientists to manufacture the first capital ship as soon as possible!

Although the Borg have already developed Titan-class battleships, making capital ships obsolete, Titans are still too far away for human civilization, and it is true to develop capital ships first.

Time flies, Qin Hao stayed on the earth for half a year. During this half year, human scientists worked around the clock. technology is advancing rapidly.

After many experiments and hard work, the prototype of the first capital ship of mankind has finally been developed. Although there is still a gap between human beings actually owning a capital ship, this huge success made Qin Hao truly see A ray of hope.

"Speed ​​up the progress, we must complete the first capital ship within half a year!" Qin Hao gave an order to the first scientific researchers.

"Yes! Generalissimo! Guaranteed to complete the task!" These scientific researchers also issued a military order with Qin Hao.

In the next six months, all the resources of the entire Interstellar Federation began to lean towards the capital ship project. All industries began to serve this project, and some non-essential industrial products even began to stop production to make way for the capital ship. This capital ship belonging to mankind is launched as soon as possible.

During the past six months, Qin Hao also kept in touch with the high priest. Qin Hao learned from the high priest that after the Borg took down the entire territory of the Silva civilization, they didn't stop for a day, so they just found someone As an excuse, the invasion of the Taveral Empire began.

The strength of the Taveral Empire is slightly stronger than that of the Silvas, but it is also vulnerable when facing the Borg. However, the gradual fall of the Taveral Empire has united the civilizations behind it stand up.

at this very moment,

The ambitions of the Borg people are already known to everyone, and no one can stop the Borg people if those civilizations fight alone. Therefore, they must unite, abandon the previous gap, and fight against the Borg people as an alliance. grid invasion.

During the invasion of the Borgs, the Taveral Empire hardly organized effective resistance. From the very beginning, they made preparations for withdrawal, so a large number of military and civilian spaceships did not go to the front line. Possibly loaded resources and people, when the Borg fleet arrived, they basically ran away, leaving only some poor people who could not afford the boat tickets, or those who were worthless, were discarded in the got there.

With the arrival of the Borg, they don't care whether these people are pitiful or not. In the eyes of the Borg, these guys are all targets to be cleaned, so they are still the planetary bombers, and the Marine Corps makes up for the leak. The planet of the Lal Empire carried out a bloody massacre.

After occupying the entire territory of the Taveral Empire, the Borg took a short rest. After all, if they move forward, they will not be as easy to fight as they are now. The previous seven civilizations united to form the Seven Nations Alliance. The fleet has arrived at the front border, and it seems that they want to fight the Borg to the death.

Under such circumstances, the Borgs were not busy attacking, but reorganized and replenished the front-line fleet. In Qin Hao's view, the Seven Nations Alliance should take the initiative to attack at this time, catching the Borgs by surprise.

But the seven-nation alliance doesn't know the reason at this time. Maybe they have internal differences, or maybe they still have a fluke mentality. Anyway, they just stick to the border and don't take the initiative to attack the Borg.

Finally, after the Borg rested for nearly three months, when their logistics supply fleet also arrived at the front line, the Borg began to take the initiative to attack.

And on the eve of the Borg's attack on the Seven Nations Alliance, Qin Hao ushered in a huge piece of good news—humanity's first capital ship was launched for sea trials!

Amidst the cheers and jumps, the first capital ship of mankind was finally completed and began its trial voyage. This capital ship was named—the Forward, and it was the first ship of the Kertu Destroyer class capital ship.

As the only battleship of human beings, this Keltu Destroyer-class battleship was placed with high expectations at the beginning of its design. Human scientists designed this ship after absorbing the strengths of a hundred schools of thought. The perfect battleship.

The Keltu Destroyer-class capital ship adopts the streamlined style of the Holy Messenger in its shape. It uses a trimaran structure. The main body in the center is the equipment area, and the hulls on both sides are mainly equipped with weapon systems.

In addition to adopting the style of the Holy Messenger in terms of appearance design, the shield system of the Kertu Destroyer-class battleship is also developed based on the cutting-edge Holy Messenger shield technology. This shield derived from the Holy Messenger technology Technology is considered to be advanced in the entire universe. Without the large number of cutting-edge accessories provided by the Holy Messenger, it will take at least several years of research and development for human beings to complete such a powerful shield system alone, and this It has to be established under the condition that the envoys of the Holy Spirit open all the technical information.

In terms of armor, there is no need for human beings to use the technology of other advanced civilizations. After all, human biological armor technology is leading in the entire universe. The dark biological armor makes the spaceship inadvertently reveal a dark and mysterious atmosphere.

In terms of weapons, human scientists also learned from others. In addition to installing 30 heavy-duty beam main cannons from the Holy Messenger technology on the spaceship, they also equipped twelve weapons that humans are good at. Heavy plasma cannon, this kind of heavy weapon born out of plasma worms has a slow rate of fire, but its power is extremely terrifying. Even capital ships will suffer heavy damage when they bear this kind of firepower.

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