In addition to these weapons, human scientists have also installed missiles abandoned by other civilizations on this capital ship, but the missiles equipped on the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship are not conventional missiles, but phase missiles , this missile uses a miniature phase motor derived from the technology of the Holy Messenger.

The biggest effect of this kind of missile is that it can perform ultra-short-distance jumps during flight. Although the service life of the engine is very low, it can only jump two or three times, but it is enough to avoid enemy interception. When the enemy ship jumps, it avoids the shield of the enemy spaceship, resulting in an astonishing result that the shield is still there but the ship is gone.

In addition to these conventional weapons, as a capital ship, the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship naturally also has its own exclusive super weapon system. After all, this is the capital of the capital ship that disdains the universe. The capital ship is at most an enlarged version of the heavy cruiser.

Therefore, at the beginning of research and development, the super weapon system of the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship was one of the technological difficulties to be overcome. A serious disease in the gene-phobia of lack of vitality.

Under the influence of this serious illness, the core system of the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship is the comprehensive energy fire control optimization system named Energy Tide. Although this system will consume a certain amount of antimatter reserves when it is activated, But after it is running, it will redistribute the energy of the ship, turn off some unnecessary equipment, and forcibly supply the energy output of the main power system to the weapon and shield system.

At the same time, the fire control system of the spacecraft will also be optimized, increasing the firing speed of all weapons by 85%! Coupled with sufficient energy supply, after the energy tide is activated, the firepower of the Kertu Destroyer-class battleship will be directly doubled!

On this basis, its shield recharging system will also be recharged quickly under sufficient energy supply. Under the energy tide, the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship can make the soon-to-be The pierced shield refills!

The energy tide system is a system with both offense and defense. After it is turned on, it will not only allow the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship to obtain a steady stream of shield supplements, but also greatly increase the firepower of the ship. Under proper circumstances, this ability alone will give Kertu Destroyer an absolute advantage when singled out against other battleships.

Of course, in space wars, duels are almost non-existent, because there is no civilization that only allows capital ships to perform tasks. After all, the strength of capital ships lies not only in their own firepower and defense, but in their Improvements to the entire fleet.

Therefore, in addition to the energy tide system, the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship is also equipped with three other major weapon systems.

Electromagnetic Interference System: It can instantly paralyze the fire control radar system of enemy carrier-based aircraft around the Kertu Destroyer-class battleship,

Turning it into a headless fly that can only fly around, this ability gives the Kertu Destroyer-class battleship a good air defense capability.

Chaos Strike Antimatter Oscillator: It allows the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship to destroy the enemy's antimatter reserves while attacking enemy ships, and increase the cooling time of the enemy ship's equipment. This ability allows Kertu The map destroyer directly became the main ship and auxiliary ship killer, and any spaceship that relied on antimatter energy to function would be fatally affected.

At the same time, this ability also makes Kertu Destroyer directly become the king of heads-up battles among capital ships. After all, its ability to burn the opponent's warship antimatter and suppress the opponent's ship equipment is too terrifying. In the case of heads-up, Kertu destroys The attackers continue to release huge waves of energy, but the opponent cannot release skills at all because the antimatter tank is destroyed and the ship's equipment is suppressed. This will greatly reduce the role of the enemy's capital ship.

Explosive nano-robots: After being released, this kind of micro-robots can corrupt the armor of the opponent's ship, causing damage while causing the enemy's ship to suffer more serious damage when it encounters an attack. If only this is the case, This kind of ability is actually unremarkable. After all, spaceships of other civilizations have similar skills, but this explosive nano-robot fusion technology of the Zerg can actually reproduce!

When a spaceship implanted with explosive nano-robots is blown up, these nano-robots will use the wreckage of the spaceship to reproduce, and then spread to the surrounding enemy ships. Like a virus, they will soon spread to Enemy's entire fleet, making all enemy warships vulnerable while being destroyed.

Coupled with the energy tide system, the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship has become the most advanced capital ship in the known universe due to its latecomer advantage and the fact that humans have absorbed many technological features of other civilizations. One, apart from the Titan-class warship whose attributes have not yet been identified by the Borg, this Kertu Destroyer-class battleship is in front of those advanced civilizations, and its performance is at the forefront.

"Very good!" Qin Hao was very satisfied after seeing the report. The attributes of this capital ship are very good. Although human beings only have this one capital ship at present, its appearance has brought human beings into the stage of advanced civilization. !

"Get rid of all kinds of hidden dangers as soon as possible, and put this capital ship into service!" Qin Hao said to the scientific researchers. Although the Qianjin has been launched for sea trials, there is still some time before it can truly form combat effectiveness.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Those scientific researchers, as well as the naval officers in charge of the test, assured Qin Hao one after another.

After finishing the call with the front, Qin Hao, who was deep in the earth, couldn't sit still.

Humans are always greedy. When human beings had no capital ships, Qin Hao couldn't wait for human beings to have their own capital ships, but when human beings really had their own capital ships, Qin Hao began to want more up!

After all, the first-class cosmic civilizations do not only have one capital ship. Civilizations like the Holy Messenger have at least four or five capital ships under their command, and they also have super weapons.

Now humans are still far away from developing their own super weapons, but they have already been able to produce capital ships, so Qin Hao naturally hopes that humans can build more capital ships to protect themselves.

But the problem is that building a capital ship is not like building a conventional warship. Apart from general resources, it also needs an important source of power—the star core!

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