Since it was decided not to directly attack the capital star of the Republic of Helena through the star gate, Qin Hao and the others had to push it all the way from the border area.

Although there are many stars in the vast universe, there are actually not many planets that can be used by intelligent creatures. In the vast universe, stars occupy the vast majority of physical matter. Although intelligent life can obtain energy from stars, but It is impossible to settle on it, or to mine resources.

As for planets in stellar orbits, the most numerous are gaseous planets, especially larger planets, which generally exist in the form of gas giants. Although such planets can provide stable gravity wells, they cannot be developed and use.

So in a sense, the universe is like a huge desert, with only dots of oases on it, and among these oases, those with poor quality and only bitter water are resource stars. Intelligent life cannot immigrate to these planets, so We can only build some factories and send a small number of workers to mine resources.

And those high-quality oases are administrative planets that can be used for immigration. The environment of these planets is pleasant and suitable for the survival of life. It's still similar, except for a few very few races, most intelligent life cannot withstand the high temperature of hundreds of degrees, nor can it withstand the severe cold that makes people go to Baidu.

After excluding these factors that are not conducive to the survival of intelligent life, although the vast universe is large, there are actually not many planets that can be settled by intelligent life, at least in proportion, they are very rare.

After Qin Hao's fleet broke through the gate of the Helena Republic, they drove straight into the territory of the Helena Republic.

In the star area near the border, there are no administrative stars of the Helena civilization. There are only some scattered resource stars here. Because the fleet has no time to reinforce, the Helenians on these resource stars have all evacuated. After all, there are only a few mine workers on these resource stars, and they only need a small landing ship to pick them up, so it doesn't take much effort to transfer them.

In the previous brief exchange of fire, although the fleet of the Helena Republic was completely wiped out, they also passed the size and general strength of Qin Hao's fleet back to the high-level of the Helena Republic, so the Helena Republic knew very well that the fleet of its own It is impossible to fight against the combined fleet of the Interstellar Federation and the Holy Messenger.

Therefore, the Republic of Helena did not waste its troops on refueling tactics. They just arranged for the evacuation of the population on the planets close to the border, and at the same time assembled the fleet near the capital star, and at the same time asked for help from other surrounding civilizations.

More than a week passed in a flash. During this time, Qin Hao and the others occupied more than ten resource stars almost without bloodshed. On this day, Qin Hao and his fleet finally came in front of an administrative star!

Since the Helenians have basically the same physical structure as humans and the Presbyterians,

Although their appearance does not conform to the aesthetics of humans and Holy Angels, the administrative planets that are suitable for their survival are also suitable for humans and Holy Angels to live in.

Just after entering the gravity well of this planet, Qin Hao felt a large amount of fearful energy rushing towards him crazily. Because Qin Hao is currently in the growth period of the messenger of death, these fearful energies not only prevent him from being repulsed, but on the contrary , when he absorbs these energies, he also has an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

"Send them an ultimatum and ask them to evacuate the planet within 24 hours!" Qin Hao gave the order with a cold face.

"Yes!" Han Yihang immediately sent an ultimatum to the administrative star through the public channel, and opened the channel to give the civilians on this planet a chance to escape!

Time passed quickly by every minute and every second, and small spaceships soared from this administrative planet, and then flew into the distance. For an administrative star with a population of tens of millions, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Aren't they willing to abandon this planet?" Qin Hao asked lightly.

"I don't think it's a matter of willingness or not, but that the poor have no right to leave..." Han Yihang said helplessly in the fleet channel. He is a fleet commander from a civilian background, so he understands the situation of civilians and even poor people better.

Although the technological level of these advanced civilizations is slightly higher than that of humans, the general situation should be similar. In human society, although interstellar fleets exist and interstellar flights exist, a ticket across the interstellar space is expensive. This is definitely not something ordinary people can afford.

We must know that after more than a hundred years since the beginning of the era of great spaceflight, most ordinary people of human beings still live on their home planets all their lives. They have never left their home planets from birth to death, although they are In textbooks and on TV, they all know the existence of interstellar travel, and they have seen spaceships from afar in the airport, but that does not belong to their lives.

There are even quite a large number of people, not to mention leaving their home planet, they have never even left the urban agglomeration they live in, and they live a life day after day until they grow old and die...

Human beings are like this, and other civilizations are actually similar. The bright and beautiful only belong to a few high-ranking, wealthy and powerful people. Most ordinary people still live at the bottom of the life.

This is the case with the Helenians on this administrative planet today. The rich have left with their families in spaceships, and the rest are ordinary people and some local guards who were abandoned here.

The 24-hour ultimatum passed quickly. According to the information fed back by the biological radar, there are still at least 15 million people on this planet who have not left. These people are concentrated in three urban agglomerations. Qin Hao didn't know what he was doing now, but he could feel that the fear energy rushing towards him was getting more and more pure.

"King! Shall we launch an attack now?" Nowitz asked through a spiritual connection, it is the leader of the swarm solidified on Qin Hao's flagship.

"Let's drop ground troops!" Qin Hao said lightly. Since he has made up his mind to launch a space war, killing is naturally inevitable. Although there are tens of millions of intelligent beings on this planet, Qin Hao knows clearly , this is just the beginning...

. m.

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