"As you wish! My king!" Nowitz agreed, and then in the Star Federation's fleet, a large number of transport ships opened the exits of the delivery cabins one after another.

Immediately after, huge spheres wrapped in organic shells broke away from the transport ship, and smashed towards the administrative star!

"Swish, swish..." The anti-aircraft weapons on this planet were activated one after another. They frantically intercepted the organic balls coming from space. The diameter of these balls was about fifty or sixty meters. When they passed through the atmosphere, , although there was violent friction with the atmosphere, it was not burned.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." Giant spheres were destroyed one after another, but at the same time, these anti-aircraft weapons also exposed their positions, and were instantly destroyed by the warships in the starry sky!

Under the acceleration of gravity, the speed of these balls is extremely fast. Although the planet's defense weapons intercepted some of them, most of the balls still landed on the surface of the planet smoothly!

"Boom boom boom boom..." The balls hit the ground heavily, followed by the balls splitting automatically.

"Squeak..." Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of insects, a large number of vicious dogs and skywalkers rushed out of the balls. These balls are the landing capsules of the insect swarm. When going to the surface of the planet, it will not be burned by the atmosphere.

After landing, the swarms rushed out quickly, Skywalker quickly seized the air supremacy, and then patrolled around, while the vicious dogs controlled the entire area, destroying any creatures they encountered, followed by the last worm in the landing bag. Although these worker bees have a low status in the swarm, they are protected at this time.

After Skywalker and Vicious Dog cleared a safe landing site, the vulnerable worker bees left the landing pod and began to cut trees, collect the corpses of creatures killed by Skywalker and Vicious Dog, and collect all organic matter they could find.

After the materials are almost collected, these worker bees start to build insect nests and hatching chambers. Once these two Zerg buildings are completed, the insect swarm will officially gain a foothold on this planet. Through continuous hunting, the Zerg will Get more organic substrate to hatch more swarms!

When the worker bees were frantically building, the Helenians on this planet were not idle. As a higher civilization in the universe, although many people have never left their planet, this does not mean that they do not know the current situation. What is happening now.

The advanced civilizations in the universe have a clearer understanding of war. They know that this is a life-and-death war, and there is no room for negotiation between the two sides. They can't even surrender!

Although the government and the military have abandoned them,

But the abandoned soldiers and civilians on this planet know in their hearts that they must resist, because even if they wait to die, the only thing waiting for them is death!

Rather than being killed by the enemy, it is better to resist bravely. Although the final outcome is difficult to change, at least killing one is enough, and killing two earns one!

Fighter planes of the Helenians took off from the airport. Although they are far less powerful than air-based fighter planes, they are still one of the only big killers on this planet.

The soaring fighter planes quickly assembled into an attack formation, trying to bomb the swarms that had just landed, but just as they flew out of the airport, they collided head-on with the overwhelming army of Skywalkers!

These giant flying insects with a wingspan of more than fifteen meters are no smaller than road-based fighters at all, and their speed can reach subsonic speeds on the surface of the planet, and their flexibility is far superior to fighters. Although the attack distance is relatively short, But the vast number is enough to make up for the lack of firepower.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." The laser weapon of the fighter plane fired violently, and one skywalker was shot down, but more skywalkers rushed up. Although these excellent fighter pilots, each of them shot down at least two Thirty Skywalkers, but the number of enemies is simply too many!

The number of fighter jets is limited, and the pilots who can fly fighter jets are not just cabbages on the roadside. In the previous evacuation, most of these outstanding talents who can fly fighter jets have evacuated, and now the remaining people are being squeezed out. , or those who are unwilling to abandon their relatives in their hometown.

Although their strength is no worse than those of the evacuated pilots, their number is not very large. Although hundreds of fighter pilots are heroic, these pilots and their fighters are still powerless in the face of tens of thousands of Skywalker troops. Back to the days.

Although relying on the advantages of speed and range, these excellent fighter pilots played the most brilliant record in their lives, but in the end, they also ushered in the moment of ending!

After firing up the energy magazines and exhausting the flight fuel, these fighter pilots could not land supplies at all, because although they quickly hunted and killed Skywalker in the air with their amazing skills and fighter advantages, but more Skywalker destroyed all the airports!

If there is no energy to continue flying, and no energy to continue shooting, then the ending of these fighters can be imagined. In the end, most of the fighter pilots were red-eyed, driving their beloved record into the swarm. The steel shell of the fighter plane also crashed to the ground after hitting and killing more than a dozen Skywalkers again.

These heroic fighter pilots did not parachute, because the sky is full of skywalkers, skydiving will not only prevent them from escaping, but also make themselves the food of these bugs. If that is the case, the pilots would rather die in the sea of ​​flames with their fighters, so that At least death is more dignified!

The battle in the sky is extremely tragic, but the battlefield on the ground is even more cruel!

Not everyone can become a fighter pilot, but everyone can take up a gun to protect themselves and their families. When the military and government officials, as well as the rich people, have withdrawn, those military police who stayed are open Armory.

Although everyone can only guess the final outcome, even a dying person has the right to take up arms to defend his life!

Every street and alley, every building and private house has become a battlefield for Helena people to defend themselves and their families!

But the reality is cruel. The regular army armed with live ammunition may not be able to fight against the swarms on the ground battlefield, let alone the ordinary people who have just picked up their guns. The saliva rushed up, and the whole person was frightened stupid. Although he had a gun in his hand, the hit rate was pitifully low under random shooting.

The screams filled the sky above the entire planet, and Qin Hao was surrounded by massive fear energy, until four hours later, the entire planet fell silent...

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