Originally, it was not a big deal for these smugglers to tell their bosses the news, but the problem was that these smuggling operations had high-level members of the Trade Union as shareholders, so the news was only passed to the smuggler boss to surprise him, but the high-level officials of the Trade Union In the ears, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"What?! Uncountable regular warships?! How is this possible?!" The trade alliance executive who was secretly involved in smuggling was stunned.

"It seems that they have also mastered the smuggling route. I think their target is also the capital star Torriere." The smuggling boss said.

"It's broken! It's broken! It's a big trouble!" The palms of the trade union executives were already sweating.

"What's wrong? Is there any other problem? Isn't this fleet sent by your enemy to cheat us?" The smuggling boss was taken aback.

"I don't have time to talk to you about this!" The trade union executive cut off the communication directly.


After Qin Hao and the others annihilated the smuggling fleet, they immediately started the fifth jump, but after the fifth short-distance jump, Cynthia told Qin Hao something bad through Nilu's mouth. information!

"The chosen ones, you have been exposed!" Although the information Cynthia conveyed was not much, it was enough to make Qin Hao change his strategy.

"Leap over there directly! There is no need to detour!" Qin Hao also made a decisive decision. Before they made five short-distance leaps, they wanted to avoid the sight of the trade alliance and raid their capital star, but now that it has been exposed, then There is no need to waste time, just kill them directly!

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the commanders of the various squadrons immediately re-adjusted the jump path, and let the fleet go straight to the capital of the trade alliance, Star Torrier.

At this time, the high-level trade union official who got the news first did not pass on the news immediately, but immediately took his family with him, and then went straight to the airport, where Qin Hao's fleet arrived at the gravity of Torrie star. Before the well, he ran away in a private spaceship.

In the process of running away, this trade union executive passed the news to the other leaders of the trade union. The reason why he didn't deliver the news immediately is simple. The airport's capacity is limited. If he escapes, the takeoff and landing of the spaceship will naturally be congested. What if he can't escape?

At this time, of course, it is important to save your own life. As for the others, then wish them good luck!

As soon as the spaceship of the high-ranking trade union jumped out of the gravity well of Torrie star, the airport and defense system here detected a large number of space signals!

"A large number of unknown phase signals have been discovered! At least thousands of unreported spacecraft are about to arrive in Torriere!" the radar officer reported.

"Thousands of ships?! How is it possible?" The management staff of the airport was stunned. Although as the capital star of the trade alliance, the airport here is very busy. Thousands of spaceships come and go every day, and some of them are Spaceships that have not been reported and need to land temporarily.

But the news that thousands of unreported spaceships are about to arrive in Torriere is too surprising.

So the management staff immediately reported the news to the higher-ups, telling the high-level that there were thousands of spacecraft that had not been reported, and they would arrive at Torrie Star in an hour.

At this time, the high-level personnel of these trade alliances also received a message from the big guy who escaped before,

None of these guys didn't scold the street, because the guy sent the message after he escaped, which made them miss the best time to evacuate.

But it’s useless to say anything else now. The high-level executives of these trade alliances made almost the same decision. They also concealed the news, then took their families and went straight to the airport, and then used their privileges to directly let their spaceship jump in line to take off.

The bigwigs took to the air one after another, and the news spread like wildfire. After getting the news, the wealthy and officials at the next level rushed to the airport in a hurry to achieve the latest goal. A flight departs.

But at this moment, the fugitives released the information. After the spaceship took off, they informed the ground defense force that the enemy was about to attack!

In order to resist the coming enemies, the army must close the port, so the flights can no longer take off. These wealthy people and high-ranking officials began to frantically launch their own relationships, hoping to get a spaceship that can leave Torriere. .

But unfortunately, they all failed, and none of the spaceships could take off. There are two reasons. The first is that the military has blocked the airport and no spaceships are allowed to take off. The second reason is very simple. Knowing that they were abandoned, the signal on the radar is also very clear, thousands of warships are about to attack, and the garrison fleet of Star Tolier only has more than a hundred ships, and there is no capital ship yet.

Under such a gap, even if all the ground and orbital defense weapons were turned on on Star Torrier, they would not be able to hold on to the arrival of reinforcements, so they were doomed!

Since they are going to die anyway, why not drag these executives who usually have noses on the top of their heads to be buried with them?

With the mentality of dying and everyone dying together, these small officials who usually respect the senior executives became arrogant one by one. They began to use official accents, and the senior executives who used to ride on their heads were half-deadly angry. Even swearing and threatening.

But who cares at this point? Everyone's going to die anyway, right?


An hour passed in a flash, and Qin Hao's fleet broke through the phase space and arrived at the gravity well of Star Torrier.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The warships of the trade alliance and the ground and orbital defense weapons here opened fire one after another. They relied on the warships of the Star Federation just completed the transition, so they had to fight a wave first.

But during the transition, Qin Hao's fleet had already lined up, so when the transition was completed, they also had capital ships blocking the front, and the trade alliance didn't even have a capital ship, so with their little firepower , It is almost impossible to destroy a capital ship under a single salvo.

"Free attack!" Qin Hao gave the order after suffering a round of blows in vain.


"Yes! Sir!"

"As you wish, my king..."

The commanders of each capital ship took orders one after another, and then the massacre began.

Because the strength of the two sides is too different, although the trade alliance is the capital star, but because it is located in the rear of the trade alliance, no one thought that the enemy's fleet would suddenly appear here. There are only more than a hundred conventional warships around. Even if they still have a large number of orbital defense weapons and ground defense weapons, their strength is still too weak in the face of such a huge fleet. ...

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