In just three hours, the Trade Federation warships and their orbital defense facilities in the gravity well of Torrie star were all wiped out.

Although the fleet of the Trade Federation resisted desperately, the difference in strength between the enemy and the enemy was too great. Their fleet size was only one percent of that of the Interstellar Federation, and there was no capital ship participating in the battle. With such a huge fleet, their resistance is doomed to be futile.

But wars between cosmic civilizations are often wars of extermination, so surrendering is meaningless. The only way for the trade union marines to die is to die.

After solving the enemy's fleet and orbital defense facilities, Qin Hao's fleet began to bombard the planet Torrier. After all, there are a lot of anti-aircraft firepower on the surface of this planet, and they are still firing continuously. The firepower is simply not enough to pose a threat to Qin Hao's fleet.

"Boom boom boom boom..." Huge mushroom clouds erupted on the ground, and the planetary bombing weapons carried by the battleships were all terrifying, even surpassing the strategic nuclear weapons used in ground warfare.

Under this kind of carpet bombing, the civilians on Star Torrier almost died immediately, and the ground air defense weapons were almost completely destroyed. Only a small number of civilians and military fighters hid in the deep underground. Fortifications in the area, and only these places are safe from the threat of planetary bombardment.

"Let the swarms land!" Qin Hao gave the order after the planetary bombardment was completed.

Ground wars are cruel, because they are almost face-to-face battles, so even if the Interstellar Federation has the upper hand, it will still pay a heavy price when it breaks into the underground fortifications. After all, it is a lair carefully managed by others.

So at this time, Qin Hao usually used swarms of bugs as cannon fodder. Anyway, low-level bugs didn't have much wisdom. They were just consumables, just like human bullets.

Under the cover of the artillery fire of the frigate in low-Earth orbit, a large number of Zerg landing pods were launched. They fell to the surface at a free-fall speed, and then the landing pods shattered, and the bug swarm inside roared and rushed out.

As more and more insect swarms landed on the surface, these insects, driven by their hunting instinct, quickly found the military fortresses hidden deep underground.

These deep underground fortifications are generally difficult to conquer, but the ground below the ground is the ideal battlefield for the swarms. No one can dig holes better than them. After the tunnel worms are projected to the ground, The bug swarm sounded the horn of attack.

Almost at the same time, the various underground bases on Star Torriere were attacked by the swarm at the same time, and at this time Qin Hao had already led the fleet to leave here.

Because they were fighting deep into the enemy's hinterland, Qin Hao and the others couldn't stay in any one place for too long, otherwise if they were surrounded by the enemy, the consequences would be very serious.

And it is precisely because they are fighting in the enemy's hinterland that the planets captured cannot be occupied immediately. After all, their fleet needs to be transferred, and the planets that have just started construction will be taken back by the enemy soon, so there is no way to build them. the slightest sense.

In this way, Qin Hao's thinking became clearer. Every time he aimed at a planet, he would directly hit it. After cleaning up the enemy's military forces in space and most of the defenses on the ground, he would directly send the insect swarm, and then He doesn't need to worry about it, anyway, the swarms are just consumables, just let them slowly clean up the living forces on this planet,

Qin Hao doesn't care whether the swarm will be wiped out by the reinforcement fleet that arrives in the end.

What Qin Hao has to do now is very simple. He wants to rampage in the hinterland of the four-nation alliance, slaughter the opponent's hinterland, attack the opponent's economy and morale, destroy the enemy's warship factory, destroy the enemy's war potential, and force the enemy fleet at the same time Returning to defense, by constantly pulling the enemy's returning defense fleet, looking for opportunities to annihilate it in the process.

Once most of the opponent's fleet is wiped out, the Four Nations Alliance will pose no threat to Qin Hao.

Through the information provided by Cynthia, Qin Hao knew that the fleet of the Four Nations Alliance was stronger than his fleet as a whole, so the result of a frontal attack would inevitably be loss of troops, so after detours, he continued to pull to let the opponent divide his troops to defend , so that he can find an opportunity to annihilate the local fleets one by one.

Qin Hao's strategy was undoubtedly successful. When the news of the attack on the capital star reached the Trade Union fleet on the front line, the officers and soldiers of the Trade Union panicked at that time, although the heads of the Trade Union fled in advance. Go out, but the family members of many high-level fleet members are all in the capital star!

So the Trade Federation's fleet asked for immediate assistance, but was rejected by the Masonic Fleet Commander who was the commander in chief of the front line.

The reason given by the commander of the Freemasonry is very pertinent. Now that the fleet of the Interstellar Federation breaks into the interior of the Four Nations Alliance, it must not be ignored, but the fleet of the Trade Federation cannot rush back to the defense. Woolen cloth? If they go back rashly, they will definitely be ambushed.

So the best way now is to send scout ships to investigate the reality first, and then the fleet of the Four Nations Alliance will act together to gradually narrow the encirclement, squeeze the Star Federation fleet to a corner, and then annihilate it. At the same time, the fleet of the Four Nations Alliance will also The border cannot be completely abandoned. After all, no one knows that the Interstellar Federation fleet that penetrated into the hinterland is their own warship. What if there is another fleet staring at the side of the star gate?

It has to be said that the proposal given by the Masonic Commander is very pertinent and sound, but there is a problem, that is, standing and talking will not hurt your back!

It is not the Freemasons who are emotionally beaten, and it is not the capital star of the Freemasons who are raided. Of course, they can take a long-term plan and take their time.

But the trade union can't do it, my family, my wife and children are threatened, tell me to take it easy? I slow you uncle ah!

At this time, the disadvantages of the military combination of the four-nation alliance are reflected. Although it is a unified dispatch, although the commander of the Freemasonry is the highest command on the front line, the fleet belongs to the four civilizations after all, and they have not yet been completely mixed.

This means that the fleet of any civilization is under independent command. Although it is said to obey the unified dispatch of the Freemasons, who cares if your capital star is raided and your family members may be massacred at any time? An order from the Freemasonry?

So the commanders of the Trade Union directly ignored the orders of the Freemasons, and they directly led the fleet back to the territory of the Trade Union.


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