Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1391: Stabbed the Hornet's Nest

Sherman made a mistake that wasn't a mistake, and arguably any interstellar commander would make, and that was that he didn't use bio-detection radars on asteroid fields that were inhospitable to life.

You must know that at least 500 million years have passed since the last era when the Zerg ravaged. Most of the extremely prosperous high-level civilizations in the universe today were born after the era when the Zerg swarms were rampant. Except for the ancient organization that has been passed down for more than a billion years, no one still remembers the horror of the swarm.

So Sherman rashly ordered the fleet to enter the asteroid belt without using the biological detection radar to search for it. Although he cannot be blamed for this mistake, he must bear the consequences!

"Marshal! Everything is normal! There is indeed no sign of any fleet staying." The radar officer turned on the warship to scan the radar, and the signals returned by the radar were all normal.

"Very! Slowly pass through the asteroid belt, don't rush!" Sherman ordered, because the terrain in the asteroid belt is complex, small spaceships like scout ships can use relatively high speeds, but for large warships , if they are too fast in this environment, it is difficult for them to adjust their direction in time under the action of inertia due to their large mass, and it is easy to hit the asteroid that suddenly floats in front of them.

Soon, the Sigmund Empire fleet completely entered the asteroid belt, and then passed slowly through it.

Time passed by, and Sherman stood in front of the porthole, and he leisurely looked out of the porthole at the near or far asteroids and debris floating in space.

"This vast starry sky is really quiet!" Sherman sighed.

"Yes, it would be great if the universe could be so peaceful." Sherman's adjutant echoed.

"Unfortunately, that's impossible. The nature of intelligent creatures is greedy. All life is eager to survive, so they must compete for limited resources and eliminate hidden dangers that threaten their own survival." Sherman sighed.

"Yes, especially the second point..." The adjutant nodded. In fact, if we insist on resources, the vast universe is rich. If intelligent life just wants to survive, then the resources are very sufficient. The truly scarce resources are almost They are all used for weapons, and few of them are related to people's livelihood, or they are necessary for the survival of life.

But every intelligent race is selfish, and no one dares to hand over the right to survive to the hands of other civilizations. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, to destroy other civilizations and eliminate the danger in the bud. This is what every civilization must do. want to do.

The original balance of the universe has been broken by the Borg, so now all civilizations have exposed their minions, either kill others, or be killed by others, preemptive strikes are better than passive counterattacks.

Reproductive isolation is the biggest obstacle to the integration of all major intelligent civilizations in the universe. Because they cannot be integrated into a unified race, suspicion is inevitable. If no one is at ease with others, the only ones who can be at ease are the dead!

Just as Sherman and his adjutant were discussing the mysteries of life here, a red light suddenly burst into the battleship, and the ear-piercing siren suddenly exploded!

"Alert! Alert! The battleship is under an unknown attack!"

"Alert! Alert! An unknown life form has invaded the battleship!"

"Alert! Alert! All crew members are requested to equip protective measures immediately, and inactivation gas will be released in the ship in thirty seconds!"


Unlike conventional warships, capital ships have stronger protection systems and stronger detection radars, so when the Corruptor's green slime hits Sherman's flagship,

And after spores and bacterial strains invaded the ship, the shipboard system immediately discovered the abnormality.

At the same time, alarms sounded in the other five capital ships of the Sigmund Empire Fleet, but the other conventional warships did not have such good luck. Due to the limitation of their hull size, it was impossible for them to be equipped with so many warships. Monitoring radar and defense measures, so the invasion of spores is completely unaware.

However, because the Corruptors of the swarm are limited, not all conventional battleships have been attacked by the Corruptors, and the most terrible thing is that until now, the Sigmund Empire fleet has not found the source of the attack!

"Marshal, I think the source of the attack may be hidden among these asteroids!" The combat staff came to a conclusion after analysis!

"Command the fleet to attack the surrounding asteroids indiscriminately!" Sherman ordered immediately. At this time, he and all the officers and soldiers in the bridge had put on protective clothing, and then the capital ship had begun to release inactivation gas.

Under Sherman's order, most of the imperial warships began to attack the surrounding asteroids indiscriminately, while a small number of ships had lost control. Inside those warships, spores had controlled all the crew members, and those crew members were one by one All of them looked dull, and they stood at their posts in a daze, doing their work numbly.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The Sigmund Empire fleet began to attack the surrounding small galaxies indiscriminately, but this time, they have stabbed a hornet's nest!

"Bang bang bang..." Asteroids exploded one after another, and a large number of whippers and skywalkers gushed out like a swarm of bees. The number of these Zergs reached hundreds of millions, and it was scary to watch them densely packed!

"This... this is... what?!" Sherman was dumbfounded. He had never seen or even heard of this kind of creature that could survive in space, and there were too many of them. up!

"Turn on the bio-radar and determine the number of attackers..." Sherman was considered an excellent commander. In this panic, he could still keep his head clear and give orders.

"Yes!" The radar officer immediately turned on the biological scanning radar. This thing is usually turned on before the planetary bombing to confirm the underground fortifications of the place, but now it is used to scan these objects that can survive in space and launch attacks. biology.

Ten seconds later, the radar officer said to Sherman with a shocked expression: " number of unknown creatures is at least 300 million..."

"What!?" Sherman clenched his fists nervously. Although he didn't know whether this creature was powerful or not, this amount was enough to make him feel nervous!

"Full fire! Destroy them!" Sherman continued to issue orders.

"Yes!" The adjutant conveyed Sherman's order, and then the fleet began to frantically straf the rushing insect swarm.

As a creature, one of the disadvantages of the swarm is quite obvious, that is, the attack distance is extremely short, and the flying speed is still very slow!

Don't look at these Skywalkers and Lashers in the planet's atmosphere, they have flight capabilities not weaker than fighter planes, and attack ranges not weaker than machine guns, but these are too insignificant in space.


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