Facing the strafing by the Sigmund Empire fleet, the swarms suffered countless deaths and injuries, which excited all the officers and soldiers of the Sigmund fleet, because these vicious looking creatures seemed to be very weak and did not pose any threat at all.

However, although there were many dead bugs, they were insignificant compared to their huge base.

Although the flying speed of the bugs is very slow, but because they are hiding in the asteroid for sneak attacks, they are not as far away from the spaceship of the Sigmund fleet as imagined. After tens of millions of bugs were killed and injured, the bug swarm finally approached Sigmund. Mongolian fleet.

Then the officers and soldiers of the Sigmund Fleet couldn't laugh anymore. The low-speed flying bugs simply ignored the shield of the battleship. When the speed of the swarm is only a few times the speed of sound, it has no effect at all.

After the swarm entered the range of the shield, they began to attack the warships of the Sigmund Empire wantonly.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The whippers were the first to attack. These small bugs are all self-destruction experts. They have almost no IQ. Hit it and exploded.

Regardless of the small size of the Lasher, the power of the explosion is no less than the heavy phase missile of the Interstellar Federation. If it is a light frigate-class spaceship, it will disintegrate on the spot after being attacked by a dozen Lashers.

Even a cruiser-class spaceship can hardly withstand the self-detonation blow of thousands of lashers, so when the lashers started attacking, the Sigmund fleet suffered heavy losses immediately!

"Report to the Marshal! All ships have been sunk!"

"Report to the Marshal! Ship 392 was sunk, and the ship suffered heavy damage!"

"Report to the Marshal..."

Constant battle damage reports were sent to Sherman, which made Sherman and the people around him have to face up to the fighting power of the swarm!

"The near-anti-aircraft fire is fully fired, annihilating the approaching enemies, and at the same time, the capital ship destroys the large meteorites around and clears the battlefield!" As an excellent commander, Sherman quickly judged the situation of the battlefield. You can see the enemy's battle plan.

These huge numbers of unknown creatures are not the main body of the enemy at all. They are numerous, but they all launch desperate attacks. This is a bit similar to the drone swarms of advanced civilizations. Although such enemies cannot be left alone, they cannot be ignored. Just be close to them.

Because if you only care about killing these unknown creatures similar to drones, then this battle will definitely be endless. If you continue to consume like this, you will lose the elite of the Imperial Fleet!

Therefore, we must find the enemy's mothership and destroy it. Only in this way can we cut off the source of these unknown creatures similar to drones and fundamentally win this war!

It has to be said that Sherman's judgment was very correct, and his order was also very timely. Under Sherman's order, the capital ship began to use the main gun with a stronger range and power to attack those large meteorites that were farther away .

"Boom boom boom..."

With these meteorites destroyed, Sherman and his fleet finally saw the main force of the enemy...

But after seeing these enemies, a feeling of powerlessness and despair flooded everyone's hearts!

I saw that after the large meteorites were destroyed, huge and ferocious unknown creatures were exposed.

Compared with the previous unknown creatures whose wingspan was no more than ten meters long, these terrifying creatures no smaller than a cruiser looked daunting.

Moreover, there are not many of these giant creatures, and there are roughly a thousand of them! Moreover, according to the biological radar and energy detection radar, these giant organisms all have terrifying energy reactions in their bodies!

"What kind of creature is this? Why is there no record in the database?" Sherman was also a little flustered at this time. When intelligent creatures of any race face unknown things, they will instinctively trigger fear, and Sherman does not exception.

"Marshal, are we going to launch an attack?" The adjutant asked cautiously. Those giant creatures were too ferocious. When he saw them for the first time, he swallowed his saliva in fright.

"Directly activate the super weapon!" The fear of the unknown deep in his heart made Sherman directly amplify the move.

Under Sherman's order, the five capital ships began to recharge their super weapons. Their super weapons are divided into two types. One is also a very powerful energy beam, which can destroy all targets in front, even heavy cruisers. Will be vaporized instantly.

The other super weapon is a space force field, which can slow down the enemy and block the enemy's phase warp ability. Under the blockade of this weapon, another destructive super weapon of the Sigmon Empire fleet The weapon can easily hit the local target, so as to prevent the enemy from dodging when the destructive super weapon is charged, or avoid the attack through the ultra-short distance forced phase jump at the moment the super weapon is launched.

These two super weapons can be said to complement each other. In the previous battles, the Sigmund Empire fleet relied on these two super weapons to be invincible on the battlefield, annihilating countless enemies.

"Puff puff..." The swarm also detected a high-energy reaction from the direction of the Sigmund fleet in the distance, so a large number of hunters began to spew yellow clouds. The yellow mist is composed of a strange microorganism. Their Physiological structures are so peculiar that they can refract and scatter light beams directed at them.

Qin Hao had used the ability of the swarm to fight against the attacks of energy weapons before, but at that time he had very few hunters on hand, basically all in single digits, so Huang Wu couldn't block the attack of the battleship level at all. Let alone a super weapon.

After all, those strange microorganisms are not invincible, and although directed energy weapons are also beams, they cannot be reflected by a mirror. The powerful energy contained in this beam will also kill those microorganisms in an instant, so Only through a sufficient number of hunters and a sufficient concentration of yellow mist can the extremely powerful energy attack be weakened.

Although the Sigmund Empire Fleet now has three capital ships launching destructive super weapons, among the swarms ambushing here, there are no longer single-digit hunters. Nearly 500 hunters were frantically spraying the yellow mist. Although the movement of other insects was restricted, they also began to adjust their orientation and disperse as much as possible.

. m.

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