The new king has ascended the throne, and the generals of the death messenger have dispersed one after another, and they all returned to their defense zone.

After Qin Hao sat in the Temple of Death for a while, he found that the abnormal point of the Scar of Death seemed to have calmed down. There were no powerful legions gushing out there, and there were no abnormal energy fluctuations. The previous changes seemed to be hallucinations. Normally, if King Marshall hadn't died and Qin Hao had become the new king, he would even suspect that everything before was a fantasy arranged by Hong.

In fact, as the leader of the Death Messenger, Qin Hao's work is not very busy. Only when there is a major incident that the Death Messenger generals stationed in various places cannot handle, will he report it to the Death Temple. Qin Hao needs to make a decision at this time.

Now the anomaly in the scar of death is very quiet, and even if there is a little anomaly in other places occasionally, the death messenger there will deal with it, so there is nothing wrong with Qin Hao at all.

After a while, Qin Hao was really bored staying in the Temple of Death, so he arranged the things at hand and left the Temple of Death.

After leaving the Temple of Death, Qin Hao went straight back to Earth. It had been a while since he left Earth last time. He wanted to see how the Earth was developing during this time.

"Generalissimo! You are back!" When Qin Hao arrived at the airport, a large number of officials came to greet him.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Qin Hao asked.

"You lost contact suddenly before, so there are many things that need your approval." The official said.

"Let's go back and talk!" Qin Hao nodded, and then followed the officials who came to greet him back to the parliament building.

"Speak!" Qin Hao said to the officials.

"Actually, we have almost dealt with some small matters. Now there are two main matters that need to be decided by you." The official stepped forward and sent two documents to Qin Hao.

"Tell me one by one." Qin Hao opened a document casually, and at this time the official also began to report.

"The first thing is about the military. Let Colonel Tweed report to you." After the official finished speaking, he took a step back, and another middle-aged man in military uniform stepped forward. The document in hand, and then began to report to Qin Hao.

"Generalissimo, it's like this. Our fleet on the side of the Four Nations Alliance has achieved a decisive victory. Now all the star areas under the jurisdiction of the Four Nations Alliance have been occupied by us, and the Ministry of the Interior has also sent people to start taking over the planets there. The colonization plan has also started, and now the front fleet is resting, they don't know how to continue to attack, and start to garrison on the spot." Colonel Tweed said.

"The action is quite fast..." Qin Hao smiled. He originally thought that it would take at least three or four years to occupy all the territories of the Four Nations Alliance, but he did not expect that it would take less than a year and a half to occupy them all. .

"Yes, on the one hand, it was because General Hu Ke and General Han Yihang on the front line were brave and good at fighting. On the other hand, the Four Nations Alliance completely gave up resistance at the later stage of the war, and they all evacuated on their own, which greatly saved our time." said Colonel Tweed.

"What's the status of the frontline fleet now?" Qin Hao asked.

"The fleet on the front line has been resting for three weeks and is currently in good condition." Colonel Tweed said,

Although the fleet has only rested for three weeks, the intensity of the battles in the later stages of the war has been very low, so the fleet is in good condition at this time and can be put into new battles at any time.

"Well! Since this period of time, has the frontline fleet received follow-up ship supplies?" Qin Hao asked.

"No, Generalissimo. All the newly produced warships have been put into the territory of the Holy Messenger, and now the two main fleets there are fully staffed." Colonel Tweed explained.

During the period when Qin Hao was heading to the Temple of Death, although the battleship factory on this side of the earth was still running at full capacity, and the conscription office was also doing its best to recruit recruits, but because of Qin Hao's order, the capital ship factory had stopped working. After the replenishment of warships, they were all dispatched to the territory of the Holy Envoy. After all, when supporting the Holy Envoy, Qin Hao assigned two polished battleships and a small escort fleet.

"That's it, then send an order to the two main fleets to go to the star area of ​​the Four Nations Alliance to join Hu Ke and his fleet, and then wait for the next order." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while, now the envoy of the Holy Land The safety and security work in the territory has been handed over to the swarm, so it is useless for these warships to stay there.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" Tweed nodded.

"Is there any news about the envoy of Shenglin?" Qin Hao asked.

"According to the news from the Holy Messenger, the swarm has swept across a large area around the Holy Messenger, but after those planets are occupied by the swarm, they are not suitable for us to develop." Tweed said It's a pity here, after all, there are many administrative stars over there who are very suitable for immigration.

"That's good!" Qin Hao nodded. Of course he knows that human beings covet those beautiful administrative stars, but as the saying goes, human fleets are only so large, and the more star areas they occupy, the more space they need. The larger the fleet size, if these star regions are too scattered, then humans will fall into a situation where they can't take care of the tail.

So Qin Hao planned it from the very beginning. Although human beings are also expanding, they will concentrate in one direction. As for the other directions that meet the envoys of the Holy Land, they should all be handed over to the swarm. Anyway, the swarm is here. Qin Hao didn't care about the losses in the war.

"Okay, let's talk about the second thing." Qin Hao looked at the previous official.

"Yes! Generalissimo, the second thing is about the R\u0026D department. They now have several achievements that they want to put into practice. You need to approve this." The official pointed to another document and said to Qin Hao.

"Oh? Another new achievement?" Qin Hao was taken aback, then he opened the document.

"I'll go! Has it really been messed with?" Qin Hao was stunned the first time he opened the file.

Qin Hao had seen the blueprint in this document before. It was the design drawing of a capital ship. The capital ship named Anteko Marauder was an auxiliary ship. Its most powerful It is to be proficient in various phase techniques. This design drawing was placed in front of Qin Hao before, but because the design was too avant-garde, it was technically unsatisfactory, so it was shelved.

Unexpectedly, after just a few years, all the technologies required by this blueprint have matured, and this capital ship design blueprint that only exists on paper can be realized!

"Let's build a prototype first, and if it can really meet the targets on the design drawings, then mass-produce it immediately!" Qin Hao immediately decided, if this capital ship can be realized, then the strength of the human fleet will be geometrically multiplied With the growth, it can even change the human tactical system!

After flipping through this design drawing, Qin Hao continued to look back. The R\u0026D department also provided several other achievements. These new equipment will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of the fleet, but these are small gadgets, and Qin Hao signed them casually. Order, let the factory produce.

Until Qin Hao turned to the end of the file, another thing successfully attracted his attention - the remote assembly module!

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