Qin Hao has always been envious of the Titan-class warships of the Borg, and he has also coveted the interstellar bases of other civilizations for a long time, because unlike human space cities or interstellar military ports, the interstellar bases of these advanced civilizations have strong aggressiveness and the ability to deploy quickly.

Although humans have also built military fortresses in space, it takes months or even years to build those things. Although the power is not bad, it cannot be used at all except for defending important planets. Attacking.

But this time the remote assembly module recorded in the document made Qin Hao discover a new continent!

After quickly reading the design drawings and related text descriptions, Qin Hao discovered that this remote assembly module was developed by chance biometal technology. It utilizes the plasticity of biometal and is a further improvement on the body reorganization technology that humans have mastered before. developed.

This design drawing is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is a design drawing of a super-large frigate. This design drawing does not actually have much technological content. Its design ideas mainly come from the envoy of the Holy Spirit Missionary ship.

The missionary spacecraft of the Holy Promenade is a super-large frigate. Its volume is about four to five times that of a general frigate. It is loaded with a large number of construction robots and commonly used basic materials, as well as a detailed database, including Envoys have almost all civilian technology and some conventional military technology.

Basically, after a missionary spacecraft lands on a barren planet, it can build that planet into a qualified resource star or colony planet in a very short period of time.

And this giant frigate named Jialong Migrator also has similar functions, but its volume is even larger. Although it is only a frigate, it has one-third the size of a capital ship.

The larger hull allows this Jialong migrator to have more space and can load more supplies.

If it was only the first part of the blueprint, the Jialong Migrator was just an enhanced version of the missionary spaceship, but the second half of the blueprint gave it a new ability.

The remote assembly module is a new technology further developed based on the body reassembly technology. It can also quickly decompose the spare metal materials and unimportant equipment in the ship, and even the ship itself. However, unlike the body reassembly technology, remote assembly The module is not to quickly repair the hull after breaking down the metal materials, but to quickly build an interstellar base near the Jialong Migrator!

You must know that the materials needed to build an interstellar base are very huge, which is why Jialong Migrator is a frigate but has one-third the size of a capital ship. The larger size allows it to carry more materials .

But even so,

To build an interstellar base, the Jialong migrator also needs to dismantle itself to meet the demand for materials.

In the engineer's design, the Jialong migrator can disassemble itself and build an Oculus-class interstellar base in its place within fifteen hours.

And this Okulus-level interstellar base is the human interstellar that Qin Hao has been thinking about. It is also a powerful interstellar fortress designed after learning from the strengths of many families. Compared with other star bases, there are several more power engines. These engines allow the Oculus-class interstellar base to move freely in the current gravity well. Too strong!

You must know that the interstellar base is a huge monster. To make this thing have power, the technology involved is very extensive, and it is rejected that the problem cannot be solved by installing a few engines on the buttocks.

After such a long period of development, human beings have surpassed most of the cosmic civilizations in certain fields. Although they rose relatively late, Qin Hao has created the best environment for human scientists to catch up.

He not only provided human scientists with the technology of other civilizations, but also obtained stable memory transmission equipment, which allowed human scientists to quickly master the technology of other civilizations.

Moreover, although human beings are not as good as other civilizations in terms of physical fitness and longevity, they have better talents in terms of creativity. These all add up to allow them to complete the corner overtaking in a very short period of time.

At this moment, although human beings have not had time to realize more technology, their scientific and technological achievements are not weaker than most cosmic civilizations at all. The field is not weak at all.

"Good! Good! Good!" Qin Hao said three good words in a row. He didn't even look carefully at the other tactical weapon configurations of the Okulus-class interstellar base, so he made a decision on the spot!

"The Jialong Migrator and the Ankete Marauder-class capital ship should be the key projects! Other projects can also be launched!" Qin Hao gave the final instructions.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" After receiving Qin Hao's instructions, some officials immediately turned around and left. Soon these technologies will become real weapons, and then equipped on the frontline troops.

After finishing all the official duties, Qin Hao closed his eyes and sensed that the Queen of Worms and Lucia were not on the earth. Originally, Qin Hao wanted to chat with them. After all, he is now the leader of the Deathbringer.

And about those strong men who suddenly appeared in the depths of the scar of death, Qin Hao also wanted to talk to the Queen of Worms. After all, she lived long enough, maybe she can provide Qin Hao with some information or suggestions.

But now that the queen and Lucia are not here, Qin Hao has nothing to do.

After taking the time to visit General Cohen and Ji Molov, Qin Hao left the earth in a hurry.

After returning to the territory of the Holy Envoy, Qin Hao summoned the high priest, and from her mouth, Qin Hao learned about the situation on the Holy Envoy's side.

At this time, the swarm has been completely released, and they are rapidly expanding. Under Qin Hao's order, after each expansion of the swarm, some planets will be distributed to the Holy Envoy, but with the speed of the swarm's expansion, Faster and faster, although the high priest and the holy messenger got more resource stars, she became more and more afraid in her heart!

"Your Majesty! The insect swarm has now occupied eighteen star regions, and twenty-seven civilizations have been destroyed because of their expansion. Are you sure they are still under control?" The high priest hesitated before asking Qin Hao asked, the reproductive ability and strength of the swarm had frightened her at this time, she had never seen such a terrifying race, even though the swarm was her ally now, and they kept sending her the best resource stars , but the heart of the high priest is also full of fear of the swarm.

. Miaoshuwu

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