The number of insect swarms on Tarnex star began to drop sharply, but this had little to do with the Borg attack. At this time, the Borg were also hoarding ground troops. They just launched some small-scale tentative attacks. The purpose is only fire reconnaissance.

The sharp drop in the number of insect swarms is mainly because the resources on Tarnex star have been almost plundered by the swarms. Now Leviathan needs to evolve, and Qin Hao needs to hatch more eyes of purification, hunters, and corruption. Or, and these powerful Zerg that consume a lot of resources also need a second evolution, so they need to be supplemented with various resources.

When Qin Hao came from the other side of the scar of death, he only loaded a large number of energy crystals in Leviathan's body, and all other resources needed to be obtained from the occupied planet.

Now the resources of Tarnex Star are almost exhausted. If the insect swarm wants more organic matter and more metal elements, they have to extract them from the insects. Therefore, in order to build a powerful insect swarm, Qin Hao We can only sacrifice these ordinary bugs.

Among them, the first to be sacrificed were the raiders. This cheap ground unit has made great achievements in combating other civilizations. With their absolute superiority in numbers, after landing on the surface of a planet, they will soon destroy that The creatures on the planet were slaughtered.

But in the face of the war technology of the Borg, these fragile little bugs couldn't get close at all, so Qin Hao took the lead in abandoning the raiders who were no longer suitable for the battlefield, and squeezed them into biological resources to fill other giants. The body of the bug.

Although the number of swarms is shrinking sharply, the overall strength of the swarms is constantly increasing, especially after Qin Hao unlocked the gene lock, the strength of the swarm has increased by a large margin.

But for the Borg who don't know the situation of the swarm, the sharp reduction in the number of swarms has caused them serious misleading.

"Commander! According to our biological radar, the signs of life on Tarnex are rapidly decreasing, and millions of lives are dying almost every hour!" The radar officer reported to Badawell.

The Borg's shipboard radar is very powerful, and the swarms of insects hidden under the surface cannot escape the scanning of the biological radar. Unfortunately, this kind of radar cannot guide weapons to attack, and can only point out the approximate location of the creatures. This makes the Borg Unable to accurately target certain bugs.

"Talus, what do you think?" Badaville has now regarded Talus as the backbone.

"Do you need to ask? Can't you see how Tarnix was harmed by these creatures?" Talus sighed, not only Tarnix, but the previously destroyed Tivira The same is true, where the swarms pass, the richest planet will become barren.

"Uh..." Talus said so,

Badawell is also very regretful. You must know that habitable planets suitable for living creatures are very rare. You may not find a few in a galaxy. Now these cosmic creatures have destroyed two of them abruptly. This will let any intelligent creature of civilization know Will feel heartache.

"Tarnix has become so barren. Our ground troops can receive supplies continuously, but what about those cosmic creatures? With their way of life, they must destroy one planet and then turn to harm another There are two planets, but now they are trapped here by us and cannot leave, and then they cannot get supplies, so they can only starve to death in batches!" Talus speculated of course.

In fact, Talus' speculation is not completely wrong. The Zerg do rely on devouring their own kind to maintain their lives at this time, but this is the norm for the Zerg itself. The Zerg has no moral concepts. They are exquisite pragmatists , will absolutely not waste any resources, even if they have just landed on a rich planet, they will transport the corpses of their companions back to the nest to feed the newborn larvae.

So for the swarm, although Talus was right, it was not the reason for the large-scale reduction of the swarm.

"If you put it this way, it won't be long before these cosmic creatures will become ours!" Badawell's eyes lit up. If these cosmic creatures are starved to the point of paralysis, then they will be easily captured. too much!

"That's right, now we don't need to worry at all. After all the troops are sent down, we will spend it like this first. When the number of these cosmic creatures decreases to a certain level, we will launch an attack, which will also reduce our losses! "Talus said that in the previous battles, although the Borg had extremely strong technology, they were wiped out by the swarm. In order to capture some cosmic creatures, if too many troops were lost, Talus It's also hard to explain to Badawell.

So delaying for a while, dragging down these cosmic creatures, and arresting them at the lowest cost at that time, this is undoubtedly the best choice for Talus and Badaville.

"Shouldn't they starve to death?" Badawell asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, the creatures we want to catch are so huge that they won't die of starvation for a few years!" Talus said confidently.

"Alright then!" Badawell nodded.

"Now our main task is to prevent these cosmic creatures from taking risks. If they are aware of our plan and know that we are deliberately delaying time to consume them, they are likely to break through desperately. We just need to be on guard and don't let them escape. That's it!" Talus said, with a smile on his face at this time, as if he had already won.

"Well, don't worry, I will notify the fleet to prepare. We have spent so much effort and sacrificed so many warships and troops. If these cosmic creatures are allowed to escape, then we must go to a military court!" Davier nodded. He and Talus have no turning back now. If these cosmic creatures cannot be caught, not only will their official careers be in jeopardy, but the rest of their lives may have to be spent in prison.

Subsequently, under the orders of Badavier and Talus, the Borg's tactics focused on preventing the swarm from escaping. They sent additional patrol ships, and even sent people to monitor the signals of the biological radar for 20 hours. , always pay attention to the movements of the swarm.

But for Qin Hao, it can only be described by the word "cooperation". What Qin Hao needs now is time, and it is best not to fight, because the more swarms are killed, The more biological resources are lost, after all, when many bugs die under guns, they can't even keep their bodies.

With the cooperation of the Borg, the core zerg cultivated by Qin Hao developed rapidly, while the regular worms died out quickly, and the sacrifice speed of these ordinary worms became faster and faster, which made Badaville and Talus more and more sure These cosmic creatures are about to die!

. Miaoshuwu

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