Nearly a month later, the number of insect swarms on the planet Tarnex was less than one million, which was an unprecedented low point for the insect swarm.

But after a month of incubation, the Zerg army under Qin Hao's command is definitely the best of the elite. This million Zerg army can be said to have concentrated the essence of the entire Tarnex star, whether it is biological resources or mineral resources. , they nearly drained the entire planet.

At this moment, the seven Leviathans under Qin Hao's command have all grown up, especially the Leviathan that is Qin Hao's flagship. It has even reached the prime of life at this time. This is the most powerful period of Leviathan Time, after entering old age, its strength will begin to decline.

Along with the increase in strength, the size of the seven Leviathans has also become even larger, especially the mature Leviathan, which has a length of more than 100 kilometers from head to tail and a width of 50 kilometers. above!

Such a behemoth is hidden deep in the planet's underground, and it was fed with the flesh and blood of hundreds of millions of Zerg. At this time, its combat ability is definitely not weaker than any capital ship!

In addition to this mature Leviathan, the other six Leviathans have also grown up. Although their size is smaller than this mature Leviathan, they are not much different. Each of these behemoths contains terrifying energy , enough for them to take the battleship of the Borgs hard!

In addition to these seven Leviathans, Qin Hao also cultivated fifty Purifying Eyes, one hundred Hunters and two hundred Corruptors during this period, and these high-level Zergs have undergone secondary evolution , they are at least two levels stronger than before!

In addition to these core combat powers, Qin Hao has also trained hundreds of thousands of Skywalkers. Unlike ordinary Skywalkers, these Skywalkers have all evolved to the third level, and their size has become smaller. Meter-long meat wings, but turned into a flying wing structure with a wingspan of only about five meters.

These Tier 3 Skywalkers have not only changed in shape, but also have undergone qualitative changes in their combat capabilities. Whether the previous Skywalkers fired needles, spit acid, or shot explosive bugs, the distance of these attack methods Compared with the warships and aircraft of scientific and technological civilization, they are far different.

But after unlocking the gene lock, the skywalkers who have evolved to the third level already have the ability to attack energy. They can shoot a powerful cationic breath from their mouths, which is much more powerful than the previous explosive insects, and this breath With a trajectory close to the speed of light and a super long range, it is basically no different from the beam weapons of technological civilization.

After all the Zergs had evolved, Qin Hao decided to end this long-standing confrontation.

"Let's get started!" Qin Hao gave an order to the leaders of the swarm under him.

"As you wish! My king!" After receiving the order, the leaders of the swarm immediately launched their long-planned plan!

During this month of dormancy, Qin Hao abandoned almost all the ground troops, and even fed the Leviathan to the tramplers and plasma worms, but he kept a few tunnel worms.

The continuous excavation of these tunnel worms is to create more underground space for the ever-increasing Leviathans, and to hollow out the underground structures of all the Borg landing sites.

After Qin Hao gave the order for the general attack, the tunnel worms divided into several groups, some digging up from the swarm's hiding place to open the passage for the zerg to take off, and the other part continued to dig under the Borg landing site, preparing for the Borg People a huge surprise!

As a tunnel worm dedicated to digging for hundreds of millions of years,

Each of their genes is filled with information about digging and digging holes. Even the most cutting-edge digging equipment of technological civilization is not as efficient as them. After all, this is the ultimate gene combination refined after hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

With the efforts of the tunnel worms, in just a few hours, they achieved the results that the swarm leaders wanted to achieve!

At the same time, the Borg fleet far away in space also discovered the abnormality of the swarm.

"Report to the commander! The unknown creatures below are gathering for a purpose!" The radar officer reported to Badawell, but what they found was only a swarm of insects with seven Leviathans at their core. As for the tunnels under the landing site Bugs, they are easily overlooked.

After all, although these tunnel worms are not small in size, they are just single creatures. They are scattered around the landing point, which has not attracted anyone's attention at all.

"It seems that these guys are going to collapse. They are probably ready to break through!" Talus smiled when he received the information. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. Almost every day, he could receive engineers After all, they spent so much manpower and material resources, but after more than a month, they still failed to capture those cosmic creatures, which made the senior members of the Engineers Association very dissatisfied.

But Talus and Badavel resisted the pressure, because they knew that if these cosmic creatures were not starved to the ground, they would lose a lot of troops if they stormed, and these would become an excuse for hostile factions to attack.

So the two gritted their teeth and withstood the pressure, dragging on until now, according to the signal feedback of the bio-radar, more than 99% of the tens of billions of unknown creatures have starved to death, and the remaining bio-signals are not enough Millions, as long as they dare to take the lead, the heavy troops hoarded by Talus and Badavel on the ground can wipe them out in one fell swoop!

At this time, the Borg did not realize at all that the insect swarms underground on Tarnex star were no longer the previous insect swarms. Although there were no one in the tens of thousands of them, their quality had increased countless times!

Unknowingly, Badavel and Talus issued an order to let all the ground troops gather at the landing point, ready to deal with the swarm that was about to break through.

But these assembled troops don't know that their concentrated positions have caused too much pressure on the ground. If these Borg are on solid ground, then no problem! But the place where they stood has been hollowed out by the tunnel worm!

If these Borgs just stood there by themselves, it would be fine, after all, the tunnel worms did not dare to get too close to the surface, because they would be discovered by the Borgs.

But the problem is that the Borg will not charge with a gun like human soldiers. They must at least drive land combat mechs, and even heavier combat machines. These all-metal structures are too heavy. Under the centralized station, the hollowed-out ground couldn't bear it at all!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the first landing point collapsed, and the countless Borg troops fell into the bottomless pit before they had time to react!

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