Destiny is really interesting sometimes, whether you believe it or not, it seems to have its own fixed trajectory, sometimes helping you, sometimes cheating you.

When a person or an organization's luck is low, it's really a mouthful to drink cold water, but if a person or an organization is in a period of rising luck, it's really smooth, and any move will be fine. Can have extra gains!

The luck of the Lanning Empire seems not to be very good recently. Under the emperor's personal order, the empire's fleet assembled in the direction of the capital star, and held a swearing-in meeting on the capital star, and then the fleet was ready to set off to reinforce the Babylonian galaxy.

The whole process was kept strictly confidential, and the news was not spread until the swearing-in meeting was held! And in order to avoid being hit by the Judgment Cannon, the capital star of the Lanning Empire activated a powerful mental power interference device, and it did not hesitate to consume a huge amount of energy to prevent accidents from happening.

Because the secrecy work was done very well, Qin Hao did not receive the news in advance, nor did he let the envoy of the Holy Land use the second round of the judgment cannon.

But it is a coincidence that, in Qin Hao's plan, although there is no plan to attack Lanning's capital with the Judgment Cannon, there is a secret beheading operation, Slaughter Night!

This action plan, code-named Night of Slaughter, is very simple to say. It is to use the slaughter cannon just built by the Interstellar Federation to directly bombard the capital star of the Lanning Empire and destroy their administrative center. If you are lucky, you can directly kill them. The emperor of the Lanning Empire plunged the huge Lanning Empire into chaos.

I don't know whether it is the goddess of fate who takes care of the Interstellar Federation, or the goddess of fate hates the Lanning Empire, but the two unrelated people had an intersection at the same time!

The huge fleet of the Lanning Empire is gathering in the gravity well of the capital planet at this time, and all the soldiers are happily listening to the oath declaration of His Majesty the Emperor. The radars are starting to frantically warn!

"Alarm! Alert! Super-phase transition signal detected! The incoming target is suspected to be a judgment flare!"

"Alert! Alert! The incoming target is expected to arrive at the capital star gravity well in three minutes!"


The phase radar technology of the Lanning people is very good. They warned of the incoming massacre warhead three minutes in advance, but because this is the first show of the massacre cannon, the Lanning Empire radar system without reference data naturally judged it as Judgment flare!

"Everyone don't need to panic! The mental power interference equipment is fully activated. This attack was already in our expectation, so it's nothing to worry about!" The emperor of the Lanning Empire finished his speech calmly, and continued his speech.

In the previous plan, there was indeed a conjecture of a sudden attack by the Judgment Cannon from the Holy Envoy, so the Lanning Empire was fully prepared. They had already prepared a large amount of mental power interference equipment, which could make the Judgment Flame The power is reduced to the minimum, so that it can hardly cause any harm.

Seeing that his own emperor was so indifferent, and even had the air of planning a strategy to win thousands of miles away, the morale of the soldiers of the three armies of the Lanning Empire increased even more, and everyone wanted to go to the front line to kill the enemy immediately.

Three minutes passed in a flash, and with a dazzling white light, the massacre warhead jumped out of the super-phase space, and then it directly accelerated towards Lanning's capital star!

"Damn! This doesn't seem to be a ruling flare!"

"Quick! Intercept!"

"Stop it!"


In an instant, the air defense department of the capital star of the Lanning Empire, as well as the fleet, fell into panic again. They had never seen this kind of super weapon, but as a super weapon, the power of this warhead must be unusual!

"Raise the planetary shield! Activate the planetary defense system!" Admiral Lanning, who was in charge of the capital planet's defense, looked serious.

His orders were arranged one after another, and the officers and soldiers below quickly carried out the orders strictly.

A pale yellow light shield closed on the capital star of the Lanning Empire, and the entire capital star was protected by this light shield. Ordinary planetary bombing cannot destroy the light shield, even the m-bombs of the Borg. It is impossible to destroy this planetary shield with one shot.

And at this time, the massacre warhead also hit the planet's shield!

"Boom!" The massacre warhead detonated, and the dazzling white light blinded more than 30% of the crew in the fleet. The terrifying power instantly exceeded the maximum output value of the planetary shield!

The planet's shield collapsed, and the explosion swept across the entire Capital Planet. The power of the slaughter warhead is really terrifying. This kind of warhead, which also uses antimatter as the source of explosion energy, has higher energy efficiency than the Borg's m-bomb, and the slaughter warhead Its size is not comparable to that of m bombs fired by warships, so its power is hundreds of times stronger!

After breaking through the planetary shield, the power of the massacre warhead swept across the entire capital star of the Lanning Empire, blowing up a corner of the capital star of the Lanning Empire in an instant, and this fierce attack also made Lanning The geological structure of the imperial capital was directly and fatally damaged.

"Boom boom boom..." Violent earthquakes came and went on Lanning's capital planet, the ground cracked, countless bottomless abysses appeared out of thin air, lava emerged from the ground, and the entire planet became Shura's purgatory in an instant!

In this attack, more than 300 million people in the capital of the Lanning Empire died more than 50% in the first ten seconds, and another 3% in the next three hours More than ten people died from various disasters.

But the remaining people don't mean they can be survivors [UUReading Book 00ks], because the entire planet has been fatally damaged by the structure, and it has begun to disintegrate!

The energy released by the planet's disintegration instantly destroyed thousands of warships docked in the planet's close orbit, including two capital ships.

Because the other spaceships retreated in time, although they were not buried with Capital Star, the faces of all the surviving crew members were full of horror!

Since the location where the massacre warhead attacked was the palace of the Lanning Empire, the corner that was blown down at the beginning included the location of the palace. Accompanied the funeral.

Moreover, when the planet disintegrated, the surrounding area was too dangerous. Only after the trajectories of the large fragments stabilized could the spacecraft land. Therefore, most of the surviving people at this time could only watch helplessly as the atmosphere continued to thin out. Rapid cooling, and then suffocate and freeze to death in his own little shelter.

The entire Lanning capital planet has the conditions to survive until the planet's wreckage is stable again, and the rescue spacecraft landed less than one in ten million people!

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