Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1549: Keeping the Gate of the Country

Although most of the battleships survived the attack, everyone was stupid at this time!

Because before the attack came, the Lanning Empire was conducting a swearing-in ceremony. Although most of the officers and soldiers were on their warships, the generals were invited to the palace to attend the swearing-in meeting.

Therefore, along with the destruction of the capital star, besides the emperor of the Lanning Empire, there are also a large number of senior naval generals. Therefore, although the main force of the Lanning Empire Navy is still there at this time, it has no leader, and all officers at the general level have been killed. Yes, now the highest rank in this fleet is the captain of the battleship at the colonel level.

After a short period of panic, careerists sprung up like mushrooms after rain!

You must know that this swearing-in meeting is very important. In addition to His Majesty the Emperor and those senior generals, there are also a large number of royal relatives and government officials present at the meeting. Now they are all kneeling. became the greatest ruler.

If anyone can stand out from a group of colonels and finally control the entire naval fleet, then as long as he uses his brain a little, it will not be difficult for him to become the new emperor of the Lanning Empire!

In addition to the captains and captains of the battleships who have ideas at this time, the thoughts of the captains of the regular battleships at the rank of lieutenant colonel or major have also begun to become active, although their own small spaceship is unable to compete for the big position. , but the power of the dragon can also make them increase their ranks!

Therefore, even the captain of the capital ship who has no idea will be promoted by his subordinates to add a yellow robe. For a while, the 18 remaining capital ships of the Lanning Empire and their respective affiliated fleets have declared that they are Lanning orthodox, demanding that other The allegiance of the fleet...

All of a sudden, Lanning was in a mess!

Near the wreckage of the capital star, eighteen Lanning fleets are confronting each other. As for whether there are survivors in the wreckage of the capital star, whether there are still high-ranking officials alive, and whether there is even hope for the emperor of the Lanning Empire to be rescued, These people don't care at all, and it can even be said that they are more willing to drag those big men to death, because after all, they are all dead, so there is room for these colonels and captains to fight for power. If they were alive, none of them would have anything to say!

The miraculous effect of this attack was beyond Qin Hao's expectation. Originally, he just wanted to test the effect of the massacre cannon and send the Lanning Empire a beheading operation, but who would have thought that this beheading would be so successful, and the The upper echelons of the Lanning Empire were wiped out.

At this time, these colonels and captains of the Lanning Fleet are fighting for power and profit near the ruins of the capital star. They are intriguing here, and no one cares about the attacked Babylon star area.

And the most important point is that the fleet commander on the front line of Babylon is Lieutenant Admiral Angers, and there are several major generals under him. If these people are allowed to come back, will these colonels still have a say?

So in the eyes of these colonels and captains, it would be better if Angers and his fleet were wiped out in the Babylonian sector, so rescue them? Don't even think about it!

On the seventh day of the siege, that is, the third day after the capital star of the Lanning Empire was destroyed, Angies finally received the news. Only then did he know that the capital star was destroyed, all his family members were killed, and reinforcements were not available. May be coming!

The bad news came one after another, which greatly stimulated Angies.

"General! What are we going to do now?" The adjutant and the staff all looked at Angers.

"..." Angers remained silent. There were two choices before him. The first was to fight with the Star Federation. He didn't believe that the fleet of the Star Federation was stronger than the Borgs. Fleet, also want to bite off a piece of meat from the Star Federation Fleet!

And the second is to give up the entire Babylon star area,

He led the fleet back to the Lanning Empire to quell the chaos. Unlike those captains and captains, Angers not only had the highest military rank, but also had several capital ships and thousands of conventional warships under him. He was very powerful. If he returns to the interior of the empire, as long as he raises his arms, it is very likely that several of the eighteen fleets near the capital star ruins will join him!

At that time, Angers will be able to unify the entire Lanning in a legitimate way, and then he can not only ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, but also raise the soldiers of the whole country to fight the Interstellar Federation!

"General, no matter what you choose, we will support you!" the adjutant said to Angers on behalf of everyone.

"Now the empire has undergone major changes, and the interior is even more chaotic... If we evacuate from here, not only will the entire Babylonian sector be given over to the hateful Interstellar Federation, they will even take this opportunity to continue to attack and occupy The entire empire!" Angers looked around at the officers around him, and then said firmly, "So we can't retreat!"

"But general, even if we don't retreat, those guys obviously won't reinforce us. Once we lose the battle, will the outcome be the same?" the adjutant asked.

"I can't control others, I have to be worthy of my conscience, the empire, and those soldiers who died in battle!" Anjiesi closed his eyes after finishing speaking. At this time, the pressure on his shoulders was heavy, and Anjiesi deduced in his heart Many times, but without exception, what Lan Ning faced was the ending of destroying the country...

"Okay! General, since you have made your decision, we will accompany you to serve the empire one last time!" All the officers and soldiers on the bridge shouted in unison.

"Thank you! Brothers!" Angers was moved to tears. He wiped away the tears vigorously, and then began to dispatch troops.

Although he can't wait to lead the fleet to fight to the death with those damn Interstellar Federation people, Angies' rationality tells him not to do that. Now the difference in strength between the enemy and us is too great, rushing out is death!

Therefore, Angers hoarded the fleet around this military planet, relying on this planet, to fight the Interstellar Federation. He did not want to defeat the Interstellar Federation fleet, but to delay as much time as possible so that Lan The people of the Ning Empire had too much time to evacuate. As for the colonels and captains who were still fighting for power, Angies had no energy to take care of them, and he didn't want to take care of them either.

Faced with Angers' strict defense, Han Yihang was also very worried. It would not be difficult to annihilate the Lanning Empire fleet if he attacked by force, but the Star Federation fleet would inevitably suffer certain casualties, so Han Yihang did not hands on.

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