Although the major civilizations scolded the Interstellar Federation in secret, the situation was developing according to the direction set by Huang Xing.

A massacre cannon destroyed the fortress planet of the Babians, which completely knocked on the door of the Babians, and then the fleet of the Soran Empire drove straight in. They were already in a weak position, and lost a large number of fleets on the fortress planet. The Babia Empire is simply powerless to defend.

Seeing that the war was about to end in failure, the emperor of the Babia Empire issued an order to burn everything together!

All Babia's fleets gave up their defenses, and they let Solan's fleet drive straight in, and these Babia's fleets detoured straight into the hinterland of Soran's empire, and launched unlimited revenge on them!

For a time, countless planets of the Babia Empire and the Solan Empire were swept away by the flames of war, and hundreds of millions of people died.

The reason why the advanced civilizations in the universe can maintain a relatively peaceful environment is because although the weak advanced civilizations cannot beat the powerful advanced civilizations, as long as they hold capital ships, they can cause unbearable losses to each other as long as they find an opportunity !

It's not that the Soranlun Empire didn't know this. They relied on their strength and believed that they had the ability to annex the Babia Empire. For this, they were willing to pay some price!

In the eyes of superiors, interests are always more important than the casualties of some civilians!

In fact, this cannot be blamed for the cold-bloodedness of those superiors. After all, from the perspective of the development of the entire civilization and the entire race, sacrificing hundreds of millions of civilians as everyone will be able to double the territory and allow their own civilization to have more room for development. It is also a good deal for the entire civilization.

After all, the dead civilians will be replenished as they recuperate, but if the living space is restricted, the development of this civilization will stagnate or even regress.

For this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the Emperor of the Solan Empire put everything on the line. While ordering the front-line fleet to continue to attack, he organized a second task force to encircle and suppress the Babia fleet that broke into the territory of the Solan.

The war left devastation on both sides.

However, Qin Hao and Huang Chen, the interstellar federation who were the instigators, were watching a good show at this time.

"Let's fight, let's fight, I can pick peaches when you're almost exhausted!" Qin Hao muttered while flipping through the battle report.

"Lu Xing, are we ready for the reason for joining the war?" Qin Hao asked casually.

"The Grand Marshal,

It's ready, just wait until they're almost exhausted, we can join the battle at any time! "Lu Chen said with a smile.

"What's going on in the Namer Empire?" Qin Hao asked again.

"The decision makers of the Namer Empire are much more rational than I thought. I secretly tried to provoke them a few times and gave them an excuse to join the war, but they have always maintained restraint." Huang Xing said.

"Oh?" Qin Hao raised his eyebrows, and he put down the battle report in his hand.

"But Generalissimo, don't worry, war is not a family affair, if they don't want to fight, then they don't have to fight?" Huang Xing sneered, and then continued: "I've already made arrangements, these guys want to stay out of it, That is impossible!"

"Okay, since you have an arrangement, let's follow your pace." Qin Hao nodded. He came to the front line mainly to see the actual combat performance of the battleship Yagota. As for when the battle will start Son, it's better to continue to leave it to Huang Xing to arrange.

For a long time, Qin Hao believed in the principle of using people without suspicion, and using people without suspicion. Since this battle against the three empires was planned from the beginning to the end by Huang Xing, he would not come here to seize power at this time.

As the dictator of the Interstellar Federation, Qin Hao has reached the peak, and he doesn't need to give himself any credit.


Time passed day by day. After more than two months, the Babia Empire could not hold on anymore. Although their fleet was also wreaking havoc inside the Soran Empire, after all, there was another Soran Empire behind them. The fleet was chasing and killing them, so they spent most of their time evading the chasing and killing, and the damage they caused to the planet of the Soran Empire was actually limited.

At this time, there is no defensive force in Babia. Facing the fleet of the Soran Empire, they are powerless to resist. To the carnage.

Soon, the Soran fleet went all the way to the capital star of the Babia fleet, and sent an ultimatum to the Babia Empire.

In fact, the Solanlun Empire and the Babia Empire have the same origin. The two civilizations were established by the same race. There is no reproductive isolation between them, so they can be unified and integrated, but it is not possible now...

The Babia Empire issued an order to burn jade and stone, and let the Babia fleet slaughter wantonly in the territory of the Solan Empire. As a result, the Solan Empire could accept the civilians of the Babia Empire, but their royal family and nobles were not May be forgiven!

This is a hatred forged in blood, even if the emperor of the Solanlun Empire wants not to pursue it, because there are hundreds of millions of civilians who died under the gunfire of the Babia fleet, it is impossible for the common people to forget this hatred.

And the royal family of the Babia Empire knew this well, so they dismissed the civilians of the capital star and ordered the royal guards to guard the capital star.

Facing the final decision of the Babia Empire, the emperor of the Solanlun Empire gave an order to attack after sighing!

"Boom boom boom boom..." The carpet-like planetary bombardment instantly reduced the capital planet of the Babia Empire to scorched earth. Almost all members of the royal family and Imperial Guard troops could only survive by hiding in the underground fortifications.

However, many troops who were too late to retreat underground, as well as some military equipment, were all destroyed and wiped out in the planetary bombing...

The planetary bombardment of the Soran Empire fleet lasted for almost three days, and then the ground battle began!

As the capital planet of the Babia Empire, this planet is very rich and beautiful. If it is directly destroyed, it is indeed a great waste, so ground warfare must be carried out.

All the troops of the Babia Empire hid underground before, and when the ground battle started, this place became their home field.

But even so, the army of the Babia Empire fought quite hard. The reason is very simple. Although they are familiar with the terrain in local operations, they have completely lost the air supremacy. Most of the fighters of the Babia Empire are under planetary bombing. They were destroyed, and the few fighters hidden in the basement were no match for the air-based fighters of the Soran Empire at all!

The land-based fighters are limited by the atmosphere and gravity, so their size and energy levels cannot be compared with the air-based fighters that use space as their home field. As soon as the two sides fought, the land-based fighters of the Babia Empire were defeated. Then they lost air supremacy completely.

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