Losing air supremacy on the ground battlefield means disaster for any army.

But the Babians have no choice, the capital star is already their last planet, and the royal family has no way to retreat!

This battle was doomed from the very beginning, but the Babians still gritted their teeth and insisted on fighting. Although they knew that their ultimate fate must be failure and death, their dignity also prevented them from allowing the enemy to easily occupy their capital.

At this point in the battle, few of the soldiers on the battlefield were fighting for the emperor, they were fighting for their relatives, fighting for the hatred in their hearts!

In the war between the Solan Empire and the Babia Empire, hundreds of millions of civilians died in the flames of war on both sides. Among them, the Babia Empire was the defeated country, and their casualties were even more terrifying. Reproductive isolation can be integrated on the basis of unification. If two civilizations that cannot be integrated collide, both sides of the war will almost adopt the policy of genocide.

Hundreds of millions of civilians died. With such a large base, almost everyone can find their relatives in the list of the dead. Therefore, the contradiction between the Babia Empire and the Soran Empire is no longer reconcilable. .

"Boom boom boom boom..." The sound of the explosion resounded almost in every corner of Babia Capital Star.

Fighters whizzed past overhead, the sound of guns, the roar of giant mechas, and the sounds of various war equipment became the main theme on this planet.

A large number of people died every minute, but the huge casualties did not stop the war, but instead deepened the hatred in the hearts of both sides!

After one and a half months of brutal ground warfare, the royal guards on Babia's capital star had lost the ability to organize large-scale battles. They began to hide in the mountains and deserted cities, hoping to continue fighting the enemy with guerrilla warfare.

But in any case, the victory and defeat of the two sides have been divided, and the Babia fleet that rushed into the Solan Empire was also being chased and intercepted by the enemy at this time. Although they caused a lot of casualties to the civilians of the Solan Empire , but the difference in strength between the two sides is there. As long as the Solanlun Empire spares civilian casualties, it is impossible for them to turn the tide of the battle.

Seeing that everything was about to settle down, the Namer Empire suddenly made a move!

It's just that the Namer Empire's attack is a bit weird. They didn't prepare in advance, and they didn't even send more troops to the border, and they directly launched an attack on the Soran Empire!

In fact, let alone the Solan Empire was caught off guard by this attack,

Even the emperor of the Namer Empire didn't expect that he hurriedly called a meeting of his important ministers, but no one admitted that such an order was issued!

"Damn! Who is commanding this fleet?!"


After three days of repeated confirmations, the top management of the Namer Empire finally confirmed one thing, that is, this fleet did not receive any orders at all, and they launched the attack on their own!

You must know that no matter which civilization or army you are in, it is a felony for grassroots commanders to act without orders, especially launching attacks!

But the front-line fleet commander did this openly. No one knew why, and even the military department lost contact with the other party at this time!

Obviously, it was the fleet's initiative to cut off external contact, which made it impossible for the military's orders to reach the fleet. Therefore, in order to remedy the situation, the Namer Empire had to send another fleet to intercept this fleet.

At the same time, the Namer Empire also sent a diplomatic note to the Soran Empire, informing them that this was not the decision of the Namer Empire. blocked.

But when the Namer Empire sent a note to the Solanlun Empire, Huang Xing revealed a secret to the Solanlun Empire through another channel - the Namer Empire, under the pretense of interception, actually sent additional fleets to prepare for rendezvous The previous fleet launched a general attack on the Soran Empire together!

After this news spread to the Solanlun Empire, it immediately attracted the attention of the higher-ups of the empire!

Now the war between the Solan Empire and the Babia Empire has come to an end, and the victory will be won soon, but at this time the fleet of the Solan Empire has also been dispatched, some of them are attacking the Babia Empire, and some are chasing Suppressing the remaining fleet of the Babia Empire, it can be said that the border between the Babia Empire and the Namer Empire is now the emptiest time.

And at this time, how could the Namer Empire's increase of troops to the border not touch the sensitive nerves of the Soran Empire?

Although the Namer Empire declared that this fleet was to intercept their attacking fleet without authorization, the problem was that Soran didn't believe it!

For this reason, the Soran Empire had to mobilize troops nearby to defend the border. In this way, the Babia remnant fleet, which was being chased, had a chance to breathe. The imperial fleet had no time to return to aid, and the situation was critical now. The Solan Empire could only mobilize troops to encircle and suppress the Babia Imperial fleet.


"Order all the spaceships belonging to the fleet to prepare for the jump, the target - Solvia Star!" Lieutenant General Yaziz, the frontier commander of the Namer Empire, is giving the order. Before that, he was the one who ordered to attack the Soran Empire. Issued.

At this time, the Namer border defense fleet has cut off all external communication, and only keeps the radio channel in the fleet, which is also an order issued by Lieutenant General Yaziz.

"Yes! Commander!" The adjutant conveyed the order. This frontier fleet includes two capital ships and more than 300 conventional warships, and its scale is not very large.

Because the four empires had been in peace for too long, there were not many permanent troops on the border, and the Lieutenant General Yaqizi only had such a small amount of troops.

Of course, Lieutenant General Yaqiz at this time is no longer Yaqizi before, and the parasite has completely taken over his body.

A long time ago, Huang Xing sent a large number of parasites and amoebas into the territory of the three empires in the commercial fleet, because the three empires are connected, they are all one race, and they are the same as human beings. They are also a purely technological race, such intelligent creatures that cannot cultivate are almost defenseless against parasites.

Through level-by-level contact and parasitism, the spies sent by Huang Xing quickly gained a good status.

And this Lieutenant General Yaziz was one of them. He was infected by parasites during a family vacation, and then he happened to switch to the border line between the Namer Empire and the Solan Empire. When Huang Xing learned that After hearing the news, he immediately made a plan, and when the time was right, the parasite immediately took over Yaziz's body.

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