With various purposes, either to maintain the selfishness of the family, or to protect the common people, the uncle of the Namer Empire and the old prime minister of the Soran Empire were brought to the fore. As the culprits, they As a war criminal, he was escorted to the Interstellar Federation for trial.

To be honest, Qin Hao admires these two people very much. No matter what they are for, what they have to pay now is not only their own lives. If they succeed, then after a few years, the common people will forget their sacrifices. When they appear in history textbooks, they are the real culprits. They didn't sacrifice for the righteousness of the people, but they just deserved their punishment.

In Qin Hao's view, although he is a hero who can sacrifice his life for the righteousness of the nation, he is really admirable if he can sacrifice his life and reputation for the righteousness of the nation, even if he dies. He is a hero, but not all of them can do this.

So when the uncle of the Namer Empire and the old prime minister of the Solanlun Empire arrived in the Interstellar Federation, Qin Hao directly put them under house arrest, although the ending of the destruction of the Solanlun Empire and the Namer Empire would not change, But Qin Hao will provide the best material life for these two people and let them spend the rest of their lives in peace.

Although I admire the righteousness of these two people, Qin Hao is not only burdened with his own future. In order for human beings to survive in this crisis-ridden universe, the Solan Empire and the Namer Empire must become victims.

Once upon a time, when human beings were still weak, Qin Hao hated those higher civilizations very much in his heart, because in order to cut off hidden dangers, they would wipe out the lower civilizations that had just stepped out of their home planet for no reason.

But until now, countless civilizations have been wiped out by Qin Hao himself. This is how the ass decides the head. When he was a weak person, Qin Hao was of course dissatisfied with the strong bullying the weak. But with the growth of human beings, In order to survive, they also have to squeeze the living space of other civilizations. Once the interests of the two parties conflict, human beings will not hesitate to destroy other civilizations!

Civilization... This word sounds high-sounding, but to put it bluntly, it is still the jungle of the jungle! There is no moral at all!


For the benefit of the Interstellar Federation, it is necessary for them to invade the territory of the original three empires. Now no matter how weak the Solan Empire and the Namer Empire are, the Interstellar Federation will pick out the bones from the egg, so although they sent the status A noble scapegoat, but the Federation of Stars will never compromise.

So shortly after Uncle Namer and the old Prime Minister Solan arrived in the Interstellar Federation, the Interstellar Federation presented more evidence to prove that it was not these two people who attacked the hospital ship before, and it was not their order.

Then Generalissimo Qin Hao became "furious" again. He declared that the Namer Empire and the Solanlun Empire not only committed heinous crimes,

Moreover, they also attempted to deceive the Interstellar Federation and use innocent people to cover them up!

This kind of deception is an insult to the Interstellar Federation, so the Interstellar Federation officially declares war on the Solan Empire and the Namer Empire!

Because the fleet of the Interstellar Federation was already ready to go, when Qin Hao's order was issued, these warships of the Interstellar Federation directly rushed into the territory of the two empires like tigers riding a flock of sheep.

This time, the Interstellar Federation fleet did not concentrate its forces, but divided into two groups, led by Han Yihang and Hu Ke respectively. Two large fleets went straight to the hinterland of the two empires, and each fleet contained a Yage The capital ship of the tower people accompanied them.

In fact, before the Star Federation declared war, even though the Star Federation's fleet had already overwhelmed the border, neither the Namer Empire nor the Solan Empire dared to send a fleet to the border defense, because they were afraid of angering the Star Federation.

But even with such concessions, they failed to obtain peace, and the fleet of the Star Federation still came...

This time, the facts once again proved that peace is not something that can only be prayed for through weakness and concessions, it is achieved through fighting!

Only the strong have the right to ask for peace, and the prayers of the weak have no effect!

In desperation, the Solan Empire and the Namer Empire had to gather their remaining forces. The two countries had almost exhausted themselves due to previous wars. The only remaining fleets on both sides did not even have a squadron of the Interstellar Federation. The number is large, and the number of capital ships is far from enough.

If this is the case, then the two great empires may still be able to last for a while. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Enough to withstand for a while.

But today's Interstellar Federation is no longer the previous Interstellar Federation. The addition of the main ship of Yagota has increased their combat effectiveness by more than several times in an instant!

The powerful technology of the Yagotas allows their warships to release a force field that can cover the entire theater. Under this force field, all the energy weapons of the Interstellar Federation are greatly enhanced, while the enemy's energy weapons will be destroyed. was substantially weakened.

Under this kind of force field, the naval guns of the two empires could hardly penetrate the shield system of the frigates of the Interstellar Federation, while the plasma main cannons fired by the frigates of the Interstellar Federation doubled in power, and could even threaten ships dozens of times their size. heavy cruiser!

With the addition of these two Yageta battleships, the fleet of the Interstellar Federation will be destroyed in the war against the fleets of the two empires. The powerful strength they displayed in the war has attracted the attention of the entire universe.

You must know that this kind of super force field that can increase and weaken skills has never been mastered by the Borg. In fact, let alone them, even the Silos civilization inherited by the Borg, they do not have this technology!

You must know that in ancient times, the Yagota civilization was one of the three strongest civilizations. Although the Silos civilization was powerful, it was only at the second-rate level.

The absolute technological crushing made the two simultaneous battles without any suspense. Whether it was the fleet of the Soran Empire or the Namer Empire, they would collapse at the touch of a finger when facing the fleet of the Interstellar Federation. Even relying on the fortress planet, They couldn't hold on for too long. After all, the Star Federation has nothing else but a lot of resources. The Star Federation has accumulated a lot of wealth through the trade of bioactive drugs before, and these materials are not only used by Qin Hao for technology research and development and warship production , for the rest, he made the slaughter cannon!

There is such a strategic weapon as the slaughter cannon. What kind of fortress planet, what empire defense line, in front of it is full of chickens and dogs. These immobile targets are living targets in front of the slaughter warhead!

The war lasted for less than two months, and all the organized resistance in the Namer Empire and the Soran Empire was wiped out, and the next step was for the Interstellar Federation fleet to capture planets one by one. The most time-consuming, but these planets are also precious, even Qin Hao can't blow them all up.


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