Qin Hao didn't care much about the strategy battles of these planets. After all, the Soranlun Empire and the Namer Empire had already existed in name only at this time, and they no longer had the ability to counterattack. Has been interrupted, now can only passively wait for death.

The two generals Han Yihang and Hu Ke have also returned in triumph at this time. At this time, the Star Federation dispatched is already a second-line force. These fleets are basically led by commanders who have just graduated from the military academy. It's very simple, that is to experience the cruelty of war, and of course this cruelty is aimed at the enemy.

After these novice commanders lead the fleet to a planet, they only need to wash the ground with naval guns as taught in the tutorial, and then send the landing troops!

Although Qin Hao is now restricted from using the swarm as a ground force, the human ground force is no longer comparable to what it used to be.

Back when Qin Hao first joined the army, because the Federation was corrupt and empty, the ground troops were only equipped with very primitive weapons. On the battlefield of Alpha Star, they were almost using human lives.

But to this day, neither the level of science and technology of the Interstellar Federation nor the level of integrity at both ends of the military and government is comparable to that of the past.

For officials at all levels of the Interstellar Federation, Qin Hao is a pure tyrant. He has absolutely zero tolerance for corruption. For this reason, Qin Hao not only restored the death penalty that had been banned by the Federation for hundreds of years, but also restored Many tortures, these corporal punishments that are only spread in legends, have just resumed, and most of the officials who have been shocked have kept their own.

After all, no one wants to be sent to the execution platform for corruption and bribery, stripped naked, then strangled with a fishing net, and then cut people alive into skeletons with a knife along the protrusions of the fishing net, because modern With the development of science and technology, the executioner will spray medical drugs on corrupt officials during the torture, so that they will always stay awake during the torture, and they will not die until they watch every piece of flesh being cut off.

What's more ruthless is that once such corrupt officials are executed, Qin Hao also requires other officials to watch the live broadcast. This impact will definitely leave a deep impression on them, making them dare not be greedy for money again .

Without corrupt officials, military expenditures can naturally be spent on the right place. Coupled with various technologies obtained from other civilizations, the Marine Corps of the Interstellar Federation has already changed their guns.

Now when ordinary marines land on the ground, they are all driving giant mechs more than five meters high. The firepower of these mechas is enough to overturn air-based fighters. It is also fierce, and the shield is thicker than the average heavy frigate.

The purpose of these mecha fighters is to attack fortifications and destroy the enemy's fortifications. As for street fighting and fighting in the buildings below, you can't count on them.

There are special forces taking over.

At this time, the human special forces are all cultivators. The strength of these human cultivators was not outstanding in the cosmic environment, but the biological armor suits on them made up for their lack of strength.

These battle suits are all manufactured using superalloy technology and Zerg biotechnology. They have extremely strong defense capabilities, and can also increase the energy attack of practitioners, allowing human practitioners to fight against other warriors who practice civilization. There is no downside at all!

When such ground troops are sent to hostile planets that have been washed several times by the firepower of warships, it is basically left to abuse.

So Huang Xing transferred all the first-line troops back to rest, and let these second-line troops clean up the mess. They occupied the enemy's planet one after another, and then Huang Xing sent officials to take the colony ships there. All the territory of the Great Empire will be taken over by the Interstellar Federation.

Qin Hao doesn't care about when these planets will be fully occupied. What he cares about is that the star fields where the three major empires are located have all been controlled by him. In this way, his Titan factory can officially start!

At this moment, human scientists have also cracked part of the technology of the Mortz civilization, and some Titan parts have begun to be produced. Although it will take a certain amount of time to crack all the technology, this is not something that can be solved in a hurry.

Just when Qin Hao started the Titan factory with full of joy, a piece of news that made him not very happy came - the Borg unified the other side of the scar of death!

Although Qin Hao signed a non-aggression agreement with Victor, the great engineer of the Borg on behalf of the Interstellar Federation, and very shamelessly divided up the entire universe with the scars of death as the boundary, but three-year-old children know that this agreement is actually not strong , once one party feels that the time is right, then he can tear up the agreement at any time!

For the Interstellar Federation, at this time they have been opened up by the Borg a big gap, or this gap has always existed.

You must know that when the universe was divided up, the side where the Borg were located was twice as large as the side where the Star Federation was. Their territory accounted for two-thirds of the entire known universe, while the Star Federation had only three. Only a fraction of it.

But even so, the Borg who possessed the Titans pushed down all the civilizations on the other side of the Death Scar in just a few years. If they failed to persist, they all became the history of the universe, perhaps remembered, altered, or forgotten.

Although the Borg need to be corrected after annexing most of the universe, and it is not easy for a large-scale fleet to cross the scar of death, if they really plan to go on an expedition, it will inevitably take some time to prepare, so the Star Federation is now worry-free , but the threat of the Borg is already in front of us, and the agreement like a piece of waste paper can no longer provide any guarantee.

And although the Borg won't come over in a short time, they can exert influence through other means, such as controlling the civilization on the side of the Scar of Death and letting them make trouble for the Interstellar Federation.

After the Borg unified the other side of the Scar of Death, in their eyes, there was only one enemy left in the entire universe, the Interstellar Federation. After sweeping away this enemy, they could successfully complete the unification of the universe. This is a historic moment!

Qin Hao also felt tremendous pressure on this, so he even found the Queen of Worms, hoping that his master could give him some advice.

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