"Needless to say, this is the order of the headquarters. If we need to die in battle, it is also to protect the Federation and all human beings. We will die without regret!" August said expressionlessly.

In these years, he has experienced great joy and great sorrow, and even watched the huge family that once controlled the direction of the Earth Federation collapse in an instant, so August's mind is particularly firm at this time, and he does not believe that the command will order them to die The command.

Since the headquarters asked them to stop the enemy here, it means that they will definitely win this battle!

"Is it the Judgment Cannon? But the opponent should already be equipped with resistance equipment, and the high-intensity mental wave brainwashing should not be able to produce particularly good results..." Although his face was calm, August was also speculating in his heart The command's intention.

"Commander, an abnormal space signal has been detected! It is expected to arrive in twenty minutes." The radar soldiers reported at this time that the radar system of the Interstellar Federation is more efficient than that of the Redeemer Alliance, so they discovered the jump five minutes earlier signal, but even so, everyone including August was still taken aback. After all, when the Interstellar Federation was monitoring the transition trajectories of other civilizations, they could even discover each other two transition nodes ahead of time, and they could even detect each other one step ahead of time. An early warning was issued in more than a hundred hours!

But now, they are only 20 minutes ahead of schedule, which is not enough time to mobilize troops.

"Oh?! Friendly army?" August asked, and at the same time his heart was suspended. If this was an enemy warship, then they would be in trouble.

"Yes! Our identification code is used, but its transition signal is unknown, and it is not in our fleet sequence." The radar soldier said.

"A new type of warship? How many are there?" Auguste heaved a sigh of relief. Not to mention anything else, this warship has the power to crush the existing technology of the Interstellar Federation with its phase radar and signal shielding system. Battleship, the consequences are really disastrous.

"One!" the radar soldier replied.

"Uh... Could this be where the headquarters' confidence lies? All right! Since they are full of confidence, let us witness this miracle!" August's eyes became firmer.

After Qin Hao's several rectifications, the current federal military and political system is very connected. After all, the penalty of skinning alive is still very shocking, especially the continuous sitting system, which makes those bureaucrats more scruples when they bend the law for personal gain.

Although it is very barbaric and inhumane to say that one person commits a crime and the whole family is skinned, but in troubled times, heavy codes must be used. If the punishment is not cruel enough, it will not be able to frighten those corrupt officials.

Although Qin Hao's method is inhumane and cruel, and innocent people may be implicated, you have to admit that its effect is excellent. In the entire Interstellar Federation, whether it is the military or functional departments, at least all bureaucrats are using their hands When it comes to their rights, they will weigh whether it is worth taking the risk of skinning the whole family for this personal benefit. You must know that human beings are unified now, they can't even run, and there is no place beyond the law!

Therefore, the bureaucratic system is not only very clean, but people who are incompetent do not dare to idle there, because the risk is too great, and doing something else is much better than this!

Under such circumstances, the headquarters not only did not eat for free, but also had a lot of talents. They did not dare to let the frontline soldiers die casually, after all, no one wanted to be skinned.

It is precisely because of this that the generals on the front line dare to perform tasks that seem to be death,

Because they also know in their hearts that although the people above are not on the battlefield, they bear the same risks as them. They may make mistakes, but they will never command blindly, and they will never dare to treat the frontline soldiers like nothing.

"Commander! The enemy is charging!" At this moment, the adjutant reported to August.

"Well! Everyone is ready for battle! All battleships' first-class main guns are charged! The shield of the Gallas Law Enforcer is raised to the maximum!" August took a deep breath, and then began to give orders.

"Yes!" The adjutant conveyed August's order.

But at this time, the fleet of the Redeemer Alliance suddenly slowed down. Apparently they also found an abnormal phase signal at this time, but after a short deceleration, the fleet of the Redeemer Alliance accelerated again, and then rushed towards the Interstellar Federation Fleet location.



Soon, the capital ships of both sides brought their opponents within range. The capital ships of the Interstellar Federation opened fire first, but after 20 seconds, the capital ships of the Terrasius fleet began to counterattack!

Under Auguste's command, there were only six capital ship-level spaceships in total. They focused their fire on an enemy heavy cruiser and destroyed it in an instant.

And the counterattack of the Terrasius fleet came soon after. He had as many as 60 ships under his command, and the gap between the two sides reached ten times! So they directly chose a capital ship of the Interstellar Federation as their target.

"Boom boom boom..." The salvos of the main guns of dozens of battleships made the shield of this star federation battleship reach the critical value in an instant. As long as there is another round of salvo, the main force of the Kertu Destroyer class will be destroyed. The ship will be smashed through the shield, and in an instant he will be torn apart by the enemy's weapons!

"Turn on the energy tide system!" The captain of the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship looked serious, and he knew that his battleship was very dangerous at this time.

The energy tide system is the core system of the Kertu Destroyer-class capital ship. It can quickly recharge the shield of the battleship and increase the firepower of the battleship. Of course, this is a super weapon fueled by burning antimatter. Its use has strict restrictions.

But now the captain doesn't care about saving antimatter fuel. After all, if the enemy fires another salvo, he will be destroyed!

"Boom boom boom..." Five minutes later, the second round of volleys from the Terrasius fleet came. Although the energy main guns had a long enough range and were powerful enough, they needed to cool down the barrels and then recharge them. So the cooling time is longer.

The Kertu Destroyer, which had just recovered most of its shield strength through the energy tide system, was instantly smashed through its shield, but fortunately, the shield absorbed more than 90% of the attacks. Although it was broken, However, the Kertu Destroyer itself only withstood a small part of the attack, so although the shell of the hull suffered some damage, the structure itself was not damaged.

"Let the injured warship retreat, and other ships cover!" August gave the order, while asking the radar soldiers: "How long will it take for the friendly troops to arrive?"

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