Time passed quickly on the battlefield, and Thrashus' fleet completed two rounds of salvo.

Because of the huge difference in fleet size, the Interstellar Federation's fleet only had time to sink the opponent's two conventional warships, but their two capital ships had already withdrawn to the rear of the battlefield due to serious injuries.

Although the Interstellar Federation did not seem to suffer actual losses, their combat effectiveness was reduced by more than a quarter, and for Terrasius' fleet, the loss of two conventional battleships was almost a huge blow to their fleet. no effect.

"Hmph! Alternate cover, right? It's just a lingering last breath!" Traxius sneered disdainfully. Although the Star Federation's fleet protected their capital ship through alternate cover, it was meaningless at all, because a few more After a round of salvos, all the capital ships of the Interstellar Federation will be destroyed, and then? Who do they turn to for cover? Regular battleship? If they really did this, Tracius would not mind massacring those regular warships of the Star Federation before having dinner, so that the Star Federation, which has always advertised that it cherishes the lives of soldiers, will taste the taste of death!

"Commander! The enemy's reinforcement battleship is about to arrive in one minute! Coordinates!" The radar soldier reported a coordinate.

"Send five battleships over there, and bring another thousand conventional warships, and hit me hard when it comes out!" Terrasius ordered, since the warship of the Interstellar Federation came to the door by itself, then he You're welcome!

One minute is not too long. The five battleships and one thousand conventional warships in the Terrasius fleet have just completed their turn, and before they can encircle the jump escape point, the reinforcement warships of the Star Federation arrive on the scene!

"Shua!" A bright white light flashed, and then the battlefield became silent...

A giant battleship that was so huge that it surpassed the moon appeared in the gravity well of Star Verdun, and the gravity field brought by its huge mass immediately had an effect!

The first ones to be affected are the conventional battleships of the Terrasius fleet closest to the battle star, especially those frigates. They are relatively small in mass and too close to the battle star, so they were captured by the gravity field of the battle star on the spot. up!

These frigates and even destroyers can only turn on their engines at full power at this time, and flee desperately with their backs to the battle star, otherwise they will be pulled to the side by the gravity of the battle star, and then be crushed!

In fact, not to mention these smaller conventional warships, even those capital ships under the command of Trasius, they were also affected by the gravity field of the battle star, and had to readjust their orientation. All lost!

What is even more exaggerated is that the star structure of the Verdun star has even changed due to a protruding gravitational field, and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have become more frequent. Fortunately, the Verdun star is a planet with a rocky structure. There is no liquid water on it, otherwise, the tsunami caused by the gravity field of the battle star will sweep the entire planet!


After the battle star appeared in the sky, the entire battlefield fell into silence. Whether it was the fleet of the Interstellar Federation or the fleet of Terrasius, they forgot to fire at each other at this time, because their attention was focused on this ship. On a behemoth never seen before.

"My God... what is this?!"

"Is this our battleship? Is this a Titan?"

"I don't know...but it looks too awesome..."

"Hahahaha... Scum of the Redeemer Alliance, you are dead, let you be arrogant! Now it's our turn to counterattack!"


The Star Federation Fleet is filled with joy and excitement,

Since this period of time, they have been chased by the fleet of the Redeemer Alliance. Not only did the fleet suffer huge losses, but they also lost a large area of ​​the star field, which made all the soldiers feel angry.

Now, when this super battleship appeared in front of them, they knew that the days of frustration were finally over, the Star Federation was still the invincible Star Federation, and the Generalissimo brought them another surprise!

But as the saying goes, some families are happy and some are sad. If the soldiers of the Interstellar Federation are about to cry with joy, then the people of the Terrasus Fleet are really going to cry!

In the face of such a huge warship, although it has not fired yet, it has suppressed nearly a thousand conventional warships in the Terrasus fleet with its own gravity, so it has not yet started fighting. The officers and soldiers of the Terrasus fleet My heart began to feel empty.

"Commander...we..." The combat staff officer looked at Traxius tremblingly.

"..." Terrasius' face was also a little pale. He looked at the super battleship through the porthole, and his heart was also in a mess!

"Fire!" A commander on the front line reacted quite quickly. He was one of the commanders of the five-life battleship sent by Trasius to attack the battle star, although the battle star also shocked him when he first appeared. , but now he has recovered his sobriety.

This super battleship is the enemy's reinforcements, so there is nothing to say to it, even if you don't fire, it will not let you go, so it's better to act first at this time!

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The capital ship began to pour its own firepower, because the turn was completed ahead of time, and its muzzles were all aimed at the battle star, and the battle star was so huge that as long as the gunner's eyes were not blind, it would almost not exist. Possibility of missing.

Under the leadership of this capital ship, the other four capital ships sent to attack, and the thousand or so conventional warships also opened fire one after another. The intensive firepower hit Battle Star, but even the guards of Battle Star The shield can't even generate ripples.

"Use the phase missile!" The commander immediately changed his combat thinking when he saw that the energy weapon was ineffective.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." The rain of missiles hit the battle star, but they were all intercepted by the shield!

"How is it possible! The energy shield intercepts phase missiles 100%, which is unscientific!" Not only the commander was dumbfounded, but also Terraxus and the officers and soldiers of the Interstellar Federation Fleet.

For a long time, the biggest effect of phase missiles is to penetrate the shield. They can pass through the shield and directly attack the hull, but now this cognition has been broken. The shield of this battleship can actually defend against physical attacks!

"It's time for us to fight back!" At this time, Qin Hao, who was standing on the bow of the ship, smiled. The buffer period after the battle star's transition has passed. Following his order, the leaders of the swarm took action.

"Hum!" As an invisible ripple spread out, the strength of the battle star's gravity field suddenly increased, and the conventional battleships around it were instantly dragged into the gravity well, and then were torn to pieces. Those battleships had no time to attack at this time. They had to turn their hulls around and start their engines with all their strength to fight against the terrifying gravity field of Battle Star.

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