"Should we expose them..." Qin Hao murmured in his heart. Although he found out the tricks of these Yageta captives, he didn't know whether he should stop them.

If it is not stopped, then Qin Hao and these earth masters will be used by these Yagota people, and they will definitely conflict with another civilization at that time, but if Qin Hao exposes the plot of the Yagota captives, then these Yagota people If the captives of the Tower of Songs are not kept together, they will no longer cooperate. At that time, they, the strong men of the earth, will have to be trapped on the spaceship. After all, except for Qin Hao, even if these strong men of the earth forcibly read the memories of the captives of the Tower of Yage, they I can't even learn to drive a spaceship!

"Grandma's, it's really tricky!" Qin Hao frowned.

Because this involves a series of issues such as why Qin Hao understands Yageta language and their science and technology, Qin Hao can't even discuss with Emperor Yan and others. He can only make independent judgments on this emergency.

"Do you want to terminate the plan of the Yageta people?" Qin Hao frowned.

"Brother Qin Hao, what's the matter?" Emperor Yan noticed Qin Hao's abnormality.

"It's nothing, I'm always aggrieved in this closed space." Qin Hao made an excuse casually.

"Yeah, in such a small space, and staying for such a long time, no one will go crazy with boredom!" Emperor Yan nodded, because there is no free energy such as aura in the spaceship, so even if It is impossible to carry out cultivation, which makes these masters of the earth look very boring.

The spaceship continued to fly towards the Navian star. At this time, the war between the Yagota people and the Navia star people was in a stalemate. Although the strength of the Yagota people was stronger than the Navia star people, but because they were Combat on multiple fronts, so in this war zone, their strength is not much stronger than that of the Navians, so the battle is not going smoothly.

Otherwise, these Yageta captives would not have come up with this plan to kill people with a knife.

Time passed little by little. After Qin Hao thought about it, he decided to wait and see what happened instead of exposing the Yageta people's conspiracy.

First of all, Qin Hao now needs these Yageta people to drive the spaceship, and secondly, these masters of the earth have just appeared in the vision of cosmic civilization. .

So it doesn’t matter whether the Earth masters are fighting against the Yagotas or the Navians, there is actually no difference. Even because the Naviaians are relatively weak, if the Earth masters can conquer this civilization first, Then use the foundation of this civilization as a springboard, and then gradually expand to the surrounding area,

That's much better than directly challenging the Yagota civilization!

You must know that the Yagota civilization has a battle star. Although Qin Hao does not know whether the Yagota people already have a battle star at this time point, they must have the ability to build Titans.

Don't look at the fact that Phoenix and Qilin overturned a Titan of the Yageta people with their own strength, but the spaceships Qin Hao and the others were riding on did not have masters of this level, so they fought against Titans or above spaceships. Not a wise choice.

A few days later, the spaceship came to the sphere of influence of the Navian stars after several jumps, but at this time the star area occupied by the Navian stars had been taken by the Tower of Yage. Humans have eaten away a large part, especially some strategic nodes, which have been occupied by the Yageta people.

Because they passed through the gas in advance, these transport ships passed these strategic nodes quite smoothly. The Yagota warships stationed there did not launch an attack at all, but soon, Qin Hao and his landing craft entered the occupied area of ​​​​the Navian stars. .

"Beep beep beep..." Just after completing a short-distance jump, the alarm in the landing craft where Qin Hao and the others were located sounded.

"Alert! Alert! This ship has been locked by the enemy!"


Similar broadcasts did not only appear on Qin Hao's spaceship, all the spaceships in the entire fleet were locked by the enemy's fire control radar!

Because what Qin Hao and the others are riding are some landing craft or small transport ships, and these spaceships not only lack weapon systems, but also have very worrying mobility. Once they are locked by the enemy's main guns, there is almost no way for them to escape. possible.

"Shua!" At this moment, Qin Hao's heart was suspended, he was really afraid that the Navian star on the opposite side would open fire directly.

"Shua!" Qin Hao's perception was projected instantly, and soon he locked on to the enemy's trace. It was a patrol fleet of Navian stars. This fleet included four light aircraft carriers and two heavy destroyers. , two light cruisers and three heavy cruisers.

Such a patrol fleet can be said to have a very luxurious configuration. After being blocked by them, Qin Hao's fleet composed of pure transport ships and landing ships lacking escort warships has almost no hope of survival.

"Shua!" Qin Hao teleported out without saying a word.

"Boom!" The murderous aura soaring into the sky condensed into a sword light, and then the sword light swept across, directly punching a big hole in a light cruiser. Although the cruiser also activated the shield system, its shield was in the Qin Dynasty. Under the light of Hao's sword, it seemed to be useless.

After breaking through a big hole, Qin Hao chased after the victory. The long sword that Phoenix forged for him had appeared in his hands at some point. With Qin Hao's wrist flipping, the cold light flew and the sword energy was like frost!

In an instant, the sober cruiser was destroyed by Qin Hao. In such a short period of time, except for the officers and soldiers in the bridge, it was almost impossible for the officers and soldiers on duty to escape to the rescue cabin.

"Boom boom boom boom..." Successive martyrdom appeared on the damaged battleship, and within ten minutes, the battleship was completely sunk.

On the other side, almost at the moment when Qin Hao blew the battle horn, the four or five earth masters on the same ship as Qin Hao also teleported to the outside of the spaceship. Although they seemed a little at a loss when they just came into contact with the void, Qin Hao believed them. It won't be long before they can adapt to this kind of life. After all, it is not difficult for them to survive for a short time in the void.

"Boom boom boom boom..." With the appearance of these earth masters, the spaceships of those Yageta people were destroyed one after another. The spaceship that survived the longest among them only lasted for about 20 seconds. The spacecraft was destroyed early on, and the shortest even only took a few seconds.

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