After annihilating the patrol fleet, the experts on Earth returned to their spaceships, and the whole process took no more than three minutes!

You must know that unless the size of the fleet is too different, if warships of the same level want to destroy the enemy's spaceship, it will take at least ten minutes or even tens of minutes of continuous bombardment. In three minutes, he destroyed a patrol fleet with his own strength, and this was not based on the fact that they were all dispatched.

"It's interesting..." Emperor Yan, who had returned from space, still had something to say.

Whether it was the environment in space or the feeling of fighting against spaceships, this gave Yandi and other masters a novel feeling. They had never fought in this environment before, and they had never fought against this kind of enemy.

However, in this battle, Qin Hao and his side were not completely victorious. One of the beast clan and one of the sea clan's masters were injured, and the injuries were relatively serious. The reason why these two people were injured was also because they Instead of dodging the Navian star's artillery attack, he resisted the damage.

Although their own body protection energy has absorbed a large degree of damage for them, the behavior of resisting the main gun of the battleship is still a bit stupid in Qin Hao's eyes, and these two earth masters also paid for their stupidity. cost.

However, their injuries were not worthless. At least after they were injured, the other earth masters became wiser. They knew that the battleship's artillery fire was very fierce, and they knew that they could not take it hard.

"We will encounter follow-up battles soon. Others go out alternately to experience the new battle mode. The first battle will be relatively easy, and everyone is warming up." Qin Hao said to these people in his spaceship, and at the same time He also told the masters on other spaceships through the radio.

Because they are unfamiliar with the world outside the earth, at this time, whether they are human masters, birds, beasts, or sea race masters, they are quite obedient, so after Qin Hao's broadcast ended, these people followed Qin Hao's suggestion .

In the next few small-scale battles, these earth masters took turns to fight, and they were basically familiar with the new battle mode and battlefield environment.

Along with the small-scale battles, the small fleet of landing ships and transport ships that Qin Hao and the others were in was also constantly approaching the home planet of the Navians.

The Naviaians here have also received reports one after another. They know that a powerful enemy is approaching the mother star, so a huge fleet has been assembled, and they went straight to the transport fleet.

For the Yagota civilization, as invaders,

They enjoy the initiative in the war, and even if they lose, their losses are controllable. Unlike the Navians, they are the party that was invaded. Although they have a geographical advantage, they suffer more losses than Yago Tower people are bigger.

And more importantly, if the Yageta people lost, they would just retreat, and if the Navians lost, they would perish.

So when they discovered that a powerful Yagothian fleet was approaching the parent star, they immediately assembled all the fleets near the home star, and at this time in another direction, an invisible Yagothian fleet was quietly Approaching the Navia star whose troops have been drawn out!

On the one hand, the captives of the Yage Tower driving the transport ship brought Qin Hao and the others to approach the home planet of the Navian Stars by means of killing people with a knife. The fleet is also quietly approaching the Navia star.

In addition to destroying the civilization of the Navians, this invisible Yagota fleet also shoulders another mission, which is to destroy Qin Hao and other earthlings!

The Yagota captives have told their compatriots how rich the earth is, so compared to the Navian civilization, the Yagota people are more coveted by the wealth of the earth, where there are extremely rich sources of energy crystals , this is a fatal attraction for any cosmic civilization!

So first eliminate these masters sent by the earth, and then send troops to the earth to become the only choice for the Yageta people, and they also strictly blocked the news. After all, if the big cake of the earth can be swallowed by itself, no one would want to fight with them. others share.

At this time, some arrogant high-level Yageta people have even begun to imagine how they will use the resources of the earth to unify the universe after they get the earth!

Qin Hao only knew part of the plans of the Yagota people. After all, the level of these Yagota captives was very low, and Qin Hao could see the content of their reports, but the top management of the Yagota people would not inform them of their plans. these captives.

Moreover, in the eyes of those high-level officials, these captives have actually been abandoned, because the plan to eliminate the masters of the earth does not include the rescue of these captives of Yagota, and not only that, but also in the battle to eliminate the masters of the earth. In the plan, the Yageta people used an indiscriminate range attack, and these Yageta prisoners would die in the attack almost immediately.

But Qin Hao didn't know these things, all he knew was the plan of the Yageta people to kill people with their swords.

Soon, a sense of danger shrouded the hearts of Qin Hao, Yandi and others. Although these top masters did not have any technology such as radar, they had the strongest sixth sense, and could predict danger long in advance. advent.

"There may be a tough battle to be fought next, and I believe you can win it, but there is one thing I need to remind you, that is, don't underestimate the enemy, and don't be careless!" Qin Hao reminded before the battle. There are already two masters who have suffered.

The reminder for Qin Hao is that everyone will keep it in mind, they may not recognize Qin Hao, but the lesson from the past is in front of them, no one will make fun of their own life.

More than two hours later, a large number of ship signals appeared in the radar systems of Qin Hao's spaceships, and when Qin Hao and the others found the enemy, the enemy's fire control radar had already locked them.

After all, Qin Hao and the others were only landing ships and transport ships, and the radar systems of these spaceships were not as powerful as those of warships.

"Everyone abandon ship! Prioritize destroying the smaller enemy spaceships, then break those large spaceships and enter the spaceship to fight, don't destroy those large spaceships!" Qin Hao immediately informed everyone of his tactical plan through the radio.

From the very beginning, Qin Hao gave up the spaceships they were on. After all, under the firepower of the enemy's huge fleet, it is impossible for these landing ships or transport ships to survive.

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