A transport ship left the station of the Seventh Fleet, and Ken left with the reinforcement soldiers. General Cohen also personally called Hu Yong from the Academic Affairs Office. Hu Yong said that he could help Qin Hao keep his school status. If Qin Hao wanted to go back If you study in college, you can go back at any time.

After everything was settled, Qin Hao stayed in the Seventh Fleet and the Federal Glory.

"Qin Hao, you will stay for a while. I want you to return to the establishment of the army. What do you think?" Two days after Ken and the others left, General Cohen called Qin Hao in front of him.

At this time, Qin Hao was still a student of the Federal Naval Academy. He was not in the ranks of the Federal Navy, and his previous achievements in the rescue could not be counted as military achievements. He could only apply for an additional medal. In a sense, Qin Hao was at a disadvantage.

And Qin Hao is not in the sequence of the Federal Navy, which makes him unable to participate in the daily life of the army smoothly, whether it is to give him orders or let Qin Hao manage other soldiers, because there is no battlefield recorder, and no Corresponding rank, these are impossible to talk about.

"Yes! Anyway, I won't be returning to the academy any time soon. Re-integrating into the army is the best choice." Qin Hao nodded.

"I checked your files before. Although most of them are encrypted, you can still see your previous military rank. You used to be a corporal rank, and your position was the guard platoon commander of a school-level officer, right?" General Cohen While looking at the personnel file in his hand, he said to Qin Hao.

When Qin Hao joined the "Twilight" organization before, his file was encrypted. Although the relevant information was blocked, the former military rank and military position can still be found.

Regarding the fact that Qin Hao's files were encrypted, General Cohen didn't mention it because he mistook him for a Stormtrooper, and Qin Hao naturally wouldn't pick up on it. The two of them tacitly ignored this point.

"Yes! General." Qin Hao nodded.

"Well, I'll use my authority to recruit you into the army. The rank will be given to the second lieutenant. Is your position... Commander of the special forces, what do you think?" General Cohen said after thinking for a while, because Qin Hao's previous military exploits It cannot be accumulated, so he can't give a rank that is too high, regardless of his status as a general, but if he is not the commander-in-chief of the front line, he does not even have the right to directly grant the rank of second lieutenant Qin Hao.

"Thank you! General!" Qin Hao salutes General Cohen. From corporal to second lieutenant, he can be said to have been promoted by rocket. In just a few months, he has gone from being a top soldier to becoming a senior. an official officer.

Although he is only a second lieutenant at the lowest level, from this moment on, Qin Hao is no longer a soldier, but an officer.

"Adjutant, go and help him go through the formalities." Then General Cohen said to the adjutant.

"Yes! General!" After the adjutant took orders, he took Qin Hao to the Military Affairs Department, and then through the special recruitment procedure, gave Qin Hao a new military ID card and a battlefield recorder.

Soon, Qin Hao, who had completed all the procedures, returned to General Cohen. At this time, General Cohen was chatting with Nicole.

"General! Second lieutenant Qin Hao came to report!" Qin Hao gave a standard military salute in front of Cohen.

"Yeah!" General Cohen returned a salute, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Since your military status has been settled, I will now appoint you as the battalion commander of the 1st Special Forces Battalion directly under the fleet." After General Cohen finished speaking, he turned to Nicole and said, "Girl, I will lower you half a rank, you Do you have an opinion?"

"No! General!" Nicole saluted General Cohen. Cohen told her just now that Qin Hao would be transferred to her unit. In this way, Nicole had to change from battalion commander to deputy battalion. long.

If it was someone else who came over to press her, Nicole would definitely not be able to do it, but if it was Qin Hao, then Nicole would of course have no opinion.

"Okay, Nicole, take Qin Hao to your own troops to get acquainted with them. You must unite and cooperate in the future!" General Cohen said with a smile.

He intentionally arranged Qin Hao and Nicole to the same unit, on the one hand to take care of his daughter's safety, and on the other hand to facilitate the two of them to develop their relationship.

"Yes! General!" Nicole saluted Cohen, then happily pulled Qin Hao out of the bridge.


"Haha, I'm sorry, I took your place." Qin Hao said to Nicole a little embarrassedly.

"Humph! You know it! Tell me, how can I make up for it?" Ni Ke asked, holding Qin Hao's arm in a coquettish tone.

"How do you want me to compensate you?" Qin Hao smiled, seeing Nicole like this, he knew she was not angry anymore.

"Well...I'll think about it, and I'll tell you after I've decided!" Nicole made a face at Qin Hao, and only when the two of them were together would Nicole show such a little daughter's attitude.

Talking and laughing all the way, Qin Hao and the two came to the station of the 1st Special Forces Battalion. The station here is much more comfortable for the mobile infantry. Although the soldiers do not have independent dormitories like the officers, they are all four-person rooms. But the 32-person dormitory that Qin Hao and the others lived in was much stronger.

Moreover, in this camp, there are not only independent canteens, but also complete fitness facilities. The quality of the soldiers is not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

"Assemble!" Nicole shouted loudly after arriving at the camp.

"Hula..." It was also 20 seconds. The entire first battalion was assembled. These special forces soldiers raised their chests and raised their heads, and their faces were resolute. At first glance, they knew that they were a master of a hundred battles.

"I think everyone got the news from the battle recorder. We have a new battalion commander." Nicole was training in front of these soldiers. At this time, she was full of heroic spirit, a majestic aura It naturally revealed that she was completely different from the girl who was holding Qin Hao's arm and acting like a spoiled child.

"Now, everyone has it! Welcome to the new battalion commander!" Nicole roared loudly.

"Welcome to the new battalion commander!" the soldiers below shouted in unison.

Then Nicole returned to the queue and gave up the seat to Qin Hao.

"Hello everyone, I'm your new battalion commander. My name is Qin Hao!" Qin Hao came forward and looked at the soldiers in front of him. He nodded secretly. Since he wants to lead soldiers, no one doesn't like this kind of training. Well-rounded elite.

"Hello, battalion commander!" The soldiers saluted in unison.

"Very good! I don't have long-winded nonsense. My request is only one, starting from today, what I say, what do you do, can you do it?" Qin Hao said loudly.

"Yes!" the soldiers answered in unison.

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