It has been more than a month since Qin Hao re-enlisted in the army. During this time, although Qin Hao served as the battalion commander of the 1st Special Forces Battalion, he and his troops remained on the Federal Glory and were not put on the ground battlefield. . !

Qin Hao had mentioned the Zerg royal family to General Cohen before, which made Cohen even more afraid of the Zerg tribe.

However, since General Cohen's withdrawal application was rejected by the command, he can't withdraw now, and can only continue to remain in a stalemate on the Alpha Star battlefield, and he has recently received a communication from the Third Fleet, the rest of the Third Fleet General Reached the Alpha Gravity Well recently.

"Hey!" Cohen will sit in his command chair and sigh for a long time. Recently, the war on Alpha star has been stalemate, and the ground battlefield is under great pressure. Due to Qin Hao's influence, Cohen will not continue to be a soldier. Important landing points, all the troops are concentrated in one of the three areas.

"Thunder Canyon, Isis Beach, Scarlet Plateau..." Cohen muttered to himself, these three places are the only three large-scale human bases left on Alpha, and the rest are scattered dozens of small bases. Strongholds, they are evenly distributed in the vicinity of these large bases, which are regarded as outposts of these bases.

"General Cohen, are you looking for me?" Qin Hao was ordered to come to the bridge.

"Yeah! Take a look at the latest order of the high command." General Cohen handed Qin Hao an order from the rear with a bitter expression.

"They're just joking!" Qin Hao turned his face after reading it, because the commander-in-chief actually gave a deadline order to allow General Cohen to achieve a decisive victory within 100 days.

"Hey!" General Cohen sighed, the guys in the back didn't know the situation at all, they only knew how to apply pressure blindly, as if as long as they put pressure on, the front line could achieve results.

"Then what should we do now?" Qin Hao asked. He was just a guy from a big head soldier. He didn't know how to deal with these political matters.

"What should I do? Salad!" Cohen smiled helplessly. Facing the pressure of those wealthy families, even though he was the commander-in-chief of the front line, he couldn't change the command of the command. This matter was the most important to him. The bad result is also to be dismissed, and then go home to lay off like General Rice before him.

But Cohen will be different from Rice. Rice is only worried about his own career, while Cohen will be worried about the officers and men of the Federal Navy. Now that he is the commander-in-chief of the front line, he can adopt some conservative tactics to reduce the Casualties on the front line, in case he is suspended and replaced by a young radical general, then the casualties of the Federal Navy may skyrocket.

"But..." Qin Hao was even more anxious. Cohen would only be worried about the casualties of the federal navy, but Qin Hao was worried that if the command was replaced by a stunned young man, in case the queen of insects was angered, once the Zerg army was full of nests To go out, or even take the initiative to attack from the Alpha star, that is a disaster for mankind.

"Forget it, at the end of the season Love's Third Fleet is about to arrive. Let's see what he thinks first." General Cohen shook his head. Major General Love at the end of the season is the commander of the Third Fleet. Pentakin loves soldiers like a son, and is a famous legend of the Federal Navy. Although his rank is not particularly high, and he does not serve in the Command, but his influence in the Federal Navy makes the Command have to pay attention to his opinions.

"Okay." Qin Hao nodded, he didn't know much about these bureaucratic things.


Almost a week later, Cohen will call Qin Hao to the bridge again.

"General, are you looking for me?" Qin Hao asked.

"We were attacked by the Zerg near Thunder Canyon. Now the front line is under great pressure. I have sent the Falcon and Viper frigates to support, but the strength of the four marine divisions may not be able to hold it." Qin Hao said that it was not that he did not want to send more reinforcements, but because of the terrain restrictions of Thunder Canyon, too many troops could not be deployed there.

"What do you mean?" Qin Hao asked.

"I don't want to play fueling tactics with the Zerg. It is a very irrational behavior to fight with the insects." Cohen agreed with Qin Hao very much. You must know that ordinary giant beetles are not worth much at all, and even the insects themselves have to deal with them. Dropping the extra ordinary giant beetles, so fighting with them to consume them is definitely a no-brainer behavior.

"So I want you to take the 1st Special Forces Battalion to support, and return to the fleet after the crisis is resolved." At this time, General Cohen obviously regarded Qin Hao as a firefighter.

"General, can I take a look at the combat map?" Qin Hao didn't answer directly.

"Okay!" General Cohen nodded, and then the adjutant immediately called up Alpha's combat map.

"Thundering Canyon..." Qin Hao quickly found the place where the battle was tight. At this time, there were large areas of red around the Thunder Canyon. This was the result of the shipborne biological radar scan, which represented that a large amount of hoarding was accumulated near the Thunder Canyon. Swarm.

"The terrain here is dangerous. It is the strongest defense in the three major bases, so we can't lose it no matter what!" Cohen will say.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded. This small valley is not very big. According to the results of ultrasonic scanning, the surrounding mountains and underground are all solid granite structures, which makes this place a natural defense. In this area, humans build bases here, and the possibility of the Zerg attacking from the ground can be completely ignored, which reduces a big trouble for humans.

Moreover, this canyon has only two entrances at the front and back, and they are all very narrow, which makes it difficult for the huge Zerg army to exert their own advantages, so it is definitely called easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The most important point is that Qin Hao discovered that this Thunder Canyon is not very far from Prince Fei's territory, so the territory of the swarm owner is very likely to be bordered by Prince Fei's territory.

"Okay! I've accepted this mission!" Qin Hao nodded. If he could get the help of Prince Fei, it shouldn't be a problem to defend the base of Thunder Canyon.

"Great! I'll wait for your words!" General Cohen said with a smile.

"General, when are we leaving?" Qin Hao asked.

"The transport ship is ready, you can leave at any time." General Cohen said.

"Okay, then I'm going to assemble the troops now." Qin Hao said.

"Wait a minute!" General Cohen stopped Qin Hao.

"Do you have any other orders?" Qin Hao asked back.

"It's alright..." Cohen swallowed what he was going to say. He just planned to keep Nicole on the Federal Glory. After all, the ground battlefield was too dangerous, but after thinking about it, he retracted the previous one. Thought, because he believed that Qin Hao had the ability to protect Nicole, and the friendship forged on the battlefield was the strongest.

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