"Okay, since we have agreed so, then I will help you deal with this wave of enemies!" Emperor Yan nodded, and then asked Admiral Verop: "You all know the approximate size of the enemy, right? "

"Of course!" Verop nodded, and then showed Emperor Yan the size of the enemy fleet. For the projected enemy fleet, Emperor Yan could not tell the strength of those warships, but the number could still be distinguished.

"Two hundred people should be enough." Emperor Yan said after a little hesitation, the enemy's fleet was not large, only more than a hundred ships.

"Boss, bring more people, that big guy is not easy to look at!" Qin Hao said from the side, Emperor Yan and others may not know each other, but he can tell at a glance, the more than one hundred people in the projection A battleship is nothing, but the escort among them is a titan!

You must know that the combat power of the Titan is definitely not comparable to that of conventional warships, or even battleships. Destroyed one of the Yagota Titans.

But firstly, it was because the Titan was just an early test model of the Yagota people, and its strength was quite different from the real active Titan, and secondly, it was also because the strength of Phoenix and Qilin was there!

Although Yandi and other masters from the earth are also very strong, they are obviously no longer on the same level as Qilin and Phoenix.

So in this case, the enemy's Titan is stronger than the Yage Tower Titan that crashed on the earth, and these earth masters are not as powerful as Phoenix and Qilin, so when facing this Titan, what Qin Hao can think of? The only means is the crowd tactics!

"Okay! Then three hundred people!" Emperor Yan nodded, and he looked in the direction of Qin Hao's finger. The Titan among the enemy formations was indeed very conspicuous. It was several times larger than the largest battleships around!

"Everyone, if you are sure, then I will arrange someone to take you to the delivery cabin, where the delivery device has been prepared for you." Admiral Verop said to Qin Hao and others.

"Well! Lead the way!" Emperor Yan nodded, and then an officer led them to the delivery cabin.

Like the previous Navians, the Yagotas will not develop any special delivery devices for these earth masters. They also simply modified the heavy drones, canceled the weapon system and ammunition, and then Added some rough seats.


On the way through Yandi's allocation,

Three hundred warriors were quickly selected. This time Emperor Yan did not do anything himself, but in order to ensure a smooth battle, he sent Qin Hao to the front line.

Qin Hao did not refuse Emperor Yan's orders. He followed 300 other warriors to the delivery cabin, and boarded a crude modified unmanned bomber.

"Everyone, the enemy this time is no small matter, don't take it lightly!" Before setting off again, Qin Hao reminded his companions.

"Brother Qin Hao, you are just too cautious. It's not like we haven't beaten these guys before, this is a piece of cake!" A leader of the orc clan smiled nonchalantly.

"Listen to me! Be careful!" Qin Hao urged again, because he has a good relationship with Phoenix and Qilin, so he cares about these strong men of the orc clan. If this is a sea clan, Qin Hao would not bother to talk to them.

"Well! I listen to you! Brother Qin Hao!" The leader of the orc clan nodded, because before departure, Qilin told them to obey Qin Hao's arrangements, so when Qin Hao reminded them again, this The orc leader still listened.

Soon, all the personnel who needed to participate in the battle entered the drones, and then these drones began to slowly disengage from the mothership according to the established procedures, and after adjusting the formation around the mothership a few times, they started Performed a short-distance jump in the direction of the target.

Logically speaking, this kind of unmanned aerial vehicle is simply equipped with seats, and the aircraft without any protection cannot be manned. The passengers inside create an enormous load.

Under normal circumstances, people who perform phase transitions in this unprotected state will basically be torn apart by the power of space, but Qin Hao and the others are different. Needless to say, Qin Hao can physically transition and do it with his own ability. The space jumper.

And although the other earth powerhouses cannot phase jump on their own because they don't have the eyes of the universe, their physical strength is also there, so even if they take this simple means of transportation, they can fully carry it. The tearing of the power of space.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The drones of the Yageta people came out of the phase space, and they flew directly to the vicinity of the enemy warship.

Of course, this kind of direct face-flying behavior must have been detected by the enemy long ago, so when these drones escaped from the phase space, they were locked by the enemy's fire control radar. A few seconds later, the enemy's The weapon fired, and at this time the drone's conventional engine had just ignited, and the plane had no time to adjust its orientation.

"Get out of the drone immediately!" Qin Hao shouted through the simulated mental power.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." One after another dim lights flashed, and these earth masters fled from the drones they were riding in one after another.

Because this is not the first time, they have experienced a delivery on the Navian side before, and they already have experience, so although the enemy's artillery fire came quickly this time, these earth masters also escaped very quickly .

"Boom boom boom boom..." Two to three hundred drones were all destroyed in an instant. After all, drones were vulnerable to the anti-aircraft artillery fire of the battleship.

But at this time, the mission of these drones has also been achieved, and they successfully sent these earth masters to the enemy's fleet.

"Kill!" A master of the orc race roared through his spiritual power, and then he was the first to kill the battleship beside him!

"Clean up those small spaceships with all your strength, and at the same time, everyone must be careful, don't love to fight, and flee immediately if you feel danger!" Qin Hao warned these earth masters through his spiritual power.


"Don't worry! Brother Qin Hao!"


Because it was not the first time to fight against warships, these earth powerhouses had already found the trick, so under Qin Hao's order, these guys immediately rushed towards the ships in front of them like wolves and tigers.

"These Yageta people are really useless. They only send drones to consume them from such a long distance. This commander is an idiot!" At this time, a young officer in the Titan battleship sneered disdainfully.

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