As the youngest fleet commander of the Gwana Empire, Rops himself has a kind of arrogance from the bottom of his heart.

So after seeing the commander of the Yagota fleet make such a low-level mistake, Lops despised the commander of the Yagota fleet from the bottom of his heart.

"Commander, are we going to chase it?" the adjutant asked.

"Forget it, they also have Titans, and the fleet size is much larger than ours. If they invade our border, then we can't back down, but now they are still in the public sector, and we are asking for trouble if we chase them out!" Rops waved his hand. His task at this time is to lead the fleet to patrol the border area to prevent the invasion of other civilizations.

Although the nearby Yagota fleet is larger than his fleet, because of the presence of Titans, even if the two fleets encounter each other, he can persist for a long time.

You must know that this is the territory of the Gwana Empire, and their reinforcements will arrive soon. Although the Yagota fleet is larger than theirs, the Yagota people are going deep alone. Once they are dragged, Then they have almost no chance of winning.

In addition, there are many orbital defense facilities in the Gwana Empire, and these things can also provide a lot of combat power, allowing Rops to defend more easily.

Now Lops is waiting for work at leisure, and with the help of orbital defense facilities, he is not afraid of the fleet of the Argota Empire, but it will be different if he chases them out. The Argota fleet fought a fair encounter, this kind of self-inflicted behavior, Rops would never do it.

At this moment, no matter whether it is Rops or the owner of the Gwana Empire fleet, none of them have noticed that in the dark starry sky outside, more than three hundred small humans are approaching their battleship!

The human body is placed in the vast space, it is like a water molecule in the ocean, even if you look with wide eyes, it is impossible to see it!

It's just that water molecules are not a threat to the sea, but Qin Hao and the others from the earth have dealt a fatal blow to the fleet of the Gwana Empire!

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." A series of sword gangs appeared almost out of thin air, and they slammed into the defenseless Gwana battleship.

Gwana warships were easily destroyed, and only the mighty Titan survived the first wave of attacks.

About the powerhouses on Earth, only the Navians and the Yagotas know about it, and the relevant information is also the core secret.

Even in these two civilizations, only the absolute high-level people have the opportunity to get in touch.

So for the Gwana Empire, they don't know anything about the people on Earth, and they don't even know that there is a planet called Earth!

The universe is so vast, even those top civilizations, they have only explored a small part of it, most areas are still unknown, and the location of the earth is not the center of the universe, and it is even very remote. As for it, it was only recently brought into the Yagota people's field of vision because of the accidental crash of the Navian warship.

Compared with the Yagota civilization, although the Gwana Empire is relatively strong, they have not yet reached the level of wanton expansion, so their tentacles are still quite far away from the earth.

But at this moment, this distant planet, which is almost insulated from the Gwana Empire, has brought disaster to the Gwana civilization! And today's battle is the beginning of disaster!

"What's going on! Have you found the source of the attack?!" A flustered look appeared on Rops' face.

It cannot be denied that Rops is indeed a leader among the young officers of the Gwana Empire. His ability is indeed good, but the problem is that he is too young, and he has been smooth sailing all the way. In such a sudden situation, it is normal to be flustered.

Seeing the surrounding battleships being destroyed one after another, Rops turned on the radar power of the Titan battleship he was on, but he couldn't find the source of the attack. Those attacks seemed to appear out of thin air.

It wasn't until almost all the ordinary battleships around were destroyed, and only the two capital ships were still barely supporting, that a radar operator accidentally touched the switch of the bio-scanning radar, and the traces of Qin Hao and others were exposed to Lops In front of others.

"It's impossible!" After finding the attacker, Lops' first reaction was to deny it, thinking that Qin Hao and others were far stronger than he knew!

We must know that when the earth masters attacked the Yagota spaceship, their commanders also had similar expressions. For these cosmic civilizations that rely on technology to make a fortune, the behavior of these earth masters is indeed beyond their cognition.

"Increase the strength of the shield and release the hummingbird drone!"

"Turn off the main gun system, turn on the firepower of close-in weapons, and cover strikes!"

"The planetary detection radar faces the enemy, and the maximum power is turned on!"


It has to be said that Lops did have two brushes. After a short period of panic, he immediately calmed down and formulated a fairly reasonable response plan.

At this time, the conventional battleships in the fleet have been completely damaged, so don't worry about them, and the two capital ships have also retreated after being seriously injured at this time, and are about to withdraw from the battlefield, so the one that can continue to fight is this one. Titans gone.

Faced with such a situation, Lops issued a very targeted order. He tried his best to increase the strength of the spaceship's shield, making it impossible for Qin Hao and others to break through the Titan's shield system for a while!

You must know that Qin Hao and the others don't look at the number of people, but there is an essential difference between the attack strength and the phoenix and the unicorn, so if they want to defeat the Titan's shield, they can only grind it slowly, and in this short period of time, The attack of the titans will deal a merciless blow to them!

Lops knew very well that these mysterious masters possessed extremely strong mobility, so he didn't intend to try hard to lock Qin Hao and others at all. He directly ordered the Titan's melee weapons to carry out cover strikes. These melee weapons Weapons are not just high-frequency laser beams, but also include a large number of electromagnetic pulse bombs.

These attacks were large-scale coverage strikes. Qin Hao and others had to dodge by teleporting continuously, and continuous dodging made them unable to continue attacking the Titan.

In addition to these strikes, Rops also used radar to attack Qin Hao and others for the first time. You must know that the power of the radar that detects the planet is very terrible. If it is fully powered, within a few hundred kilometers The people in it will be roasted in an instant, so when it irradiates Qin Hao and others with full power, the power is quite terrifying.

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