Since the attack on warships mainly relies on formations to kill, and Qin Hao is not in the same system as these people, so he is independent of all formations. In other words, in this battle, Qin Hao is considered idler.

Since there was no important task, Qin Hao simply left the battlefield to find a suitable ship. If he could find a merchant ship or a few small patrol ships in the nearby airspace, hijacking these spaceships would be better than controlling them. The battleships in front of me are much easier.

After all, the crew on a merchant ship does not have the high fighting awareness and sacrifice spirit of a serious soldier. As long as there is a threat of violence, they will easily succumb. Although the small patrol ship is also full of soldiers, it is easier to control the small ship with fewer people.

Although these large warships in front of us can accommodate all of Qin Hao and the others, the problem is that there are at least tens of thousands of crew members on this spaceship.

Moreover, the high-tech battleships are full of sophisticated instruments. These masters from the earth do not understand at all. Maybe some tricks, and if the spaceship has problems in the empty star field, Qin Hao and the others will still be trapped in the void.

Therefore, Qin Hao is not willing to take the risk of using the warships in front of him unless it is absolutely necessary.

Because Qin Hao's targets also included spaceships of the small patrol ship type, he jumped towards the direction most likely to find the spaceship, and this direction was the direction from which the enemy reinforcement fleet came.

In Qin Hao's view, since the enemy is coming from this direction for reinforcements, they will definitely release a large number of patrol ships along the way. These patrol ships are usually not too far away from the mother ship. If they can forcibly board the ship, And cut off their contact with the outside world, maybe they don't know about the destruction of their own fleet, and their hatred for Qin Hao and others will be slightly less by then.

"Shua!" After a short jump, Qin Hao escaped from the phase space near an asteroid, because he was looking for a suitable ship, so if the jump is too far at once, the target may be missed. Therefore, the distance of each leap of Qin Hao does not exceed one astronomical unit.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." Another three consecutive jumps, Qin Hao reappeared near a terrestrial planet, and as soon as he escaped from the phase space, he found that there was a large-scale planet in front of him. fleet.

However, judging from the situation of this fleet at this time, it should have experienced a major war just now. Almost all the spaceships were injured, and the configuration of the fleet also seemed unreasonable. There was a serious shortage of small frigates and light cruisers. , should have been worn out in the fierce battle.

Although the distance between Qin Hao and these warships is only tens of kilometers at this time,

In space, this distance is basically close to cheek, but the other party didn't notice Qin Hao's arrival at all.

After all, for the vast universe, a mere human being in this vast void is not even a microbe from the perspective of ordinary people, but can a human being see microbes with the naked eye? He obviously couldn't, and these warships also couldn't find a single human trace in the vast void, especially if they didn't search deliberately.

"Why is this fleet here?" Qin Hao frowned, but he was soon relieved, because not far from this fleet, there were a large number of warship wrecks scattered around.

And some of these wreckages still clearly retain the hull number of the ship and the logo of the civilization it belongs to. Although Qin Hao didn't know which civilization the fleet in front of him belonged to, she could tell from the logo that some people on the battlefield The wreck belongs to this fleet.

On the wreckage of some other battleships, there are logos that Qin Hao is very familiar with - logos belonging to the Yagota Empire!

Qin Hao is no stranger to the logo of the Yageta Empire. This is not only because they had a short-term cooperation with the Yageta people before, but more importantly, in Qin Hao's time and space, he has the Yagota Empire under his command. Geta's battleship, so he is no stranger to this logo!

It seems that this fleet even had a fierce battle with the Yagotas with the two fleets that came to support them here, but no trace of the Yagota Titans was found here, which means that they have broken through and escaped.

"Did you really leave us and run away?" Qin Hao sneered. He had already expected this result. After all, the Yageta people had never regarded them as allies. To others, Qin Hao and the others were just a group of people. They were just cheap thugs, so when they were in danger, abandoning Qin Hao and the others would have no psychological burden on the Yageta people at all.

Qin Hao was not surprised by this ending because he had known the Yageta people for a long time. He looked at the crippled fleet in front of him and began to think about it.

"This fleet has only fought against the Yagotas. Their logos are different from those of the Gwana Empire and the two reinforcement fleets. It can be seen that they belong to different civilizations, which means that the fleet in front of us There is no conflict with us."

"Although they suffered relatively large losses, they did not lose their combat effectiveness, but they stayed here to rest and did not go to reinforce the Gwana Empire with the two fleets. This shows that this fleet is different from those three countries. heart, or they are more selfish!"

Qin Hao was thinking silently in his heart, he was considering whether the fleet in front of him could be used.

After the search just now, Qin Hao has basically given up his extravagant desire to find passing merchant ships in the nearby star field, and the fleet in front of him is basically the means of transportation that best meets his needs.

"Try it, let's see how good it is!" After Qin Hao made up his mind, his eyes began to scan back and forth between these spaceships, and after a while, he locked on a light cruiser in the fleet.

Although there are also Titan battleships in this fleet, Qin Hao determined after observation that the flagship of this fleet is not the Titan, but a light cruiser near Titan.

Intensive energy signals are constantly coming out of this cruiser, and its shape is not a main battle ship, it is probably a command-type auxiliary cruiser, this kind of ship is actually more suitable for use as a flagship than a Titan.

Regardless of the large size, strong defense, and fierce firepower of the Titan itself, it is also easy to become the target of the enemy's concentrated fire, and because of its large size, it is cumbersome. It is difficult to organize the evacuation of the fleet, so some generals who don't like to live and die with the fleet usually choose a command cruiser as their flagship instead of a Titan.

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