"Shua!" Qin Hao arrived outside the shield of the Titan battleship with a teleport.

Although Qin Hao's target was not the Titan battleship, the command cruiser used as the flagship usually hid behind the Titan's shield.

Because command cruisers are usually small ultra-light cruisers, this kind of cruiser is not much bigger than a frigate. Compared with the huge Titan, it is like a small toy, so as long as it keeps a very close distance with the Titan You can hide in the gap between the Titan's armor shell and the energy shield, and then use the Titan's shield to improve your survivability.

In this way, in battle, the command cruiser used as the flagship can not only enjoy the survivability almost equal to that of the Titan, but also if the battle situation is unfavorable, the commander on it can immediately abandon the Titan and let the Titan battleship take up the task of ending the battle. Use its powerful own strength to hold back the enemy's fleet, and let the commander of the flagship lead part of the fleet to flee the battlefield.

Of course, the commanders who dare to abandon a super battleship of the Titan level to escape are usually people on top, and have a strong background. If the general fleet commander loses the Titan, he will basically be shot by the military court when he goes back. Therefore, only those commanders with extremely high status who are greedy for life and fear of death will choose to use the command cruiser as their flagship, and are ready to escape at any time, instead of living and dying with the fleet.

Just now Qin Hao also regarded this Titan as the flagship of the fleet at the beginning, until he discovered that there was a command cruiser hidden under the Titan's shield.

And this also strengthened Qin Hao's determination to choose this fleet, because a commander who is greedy for life and afraid of death is much easier to control than a general who thinks death is his home!

After coming out of the shield of the Titan battleship, Qin Hao flew forward slowly, thinking that the energy shield itself has no interception effect on living organisms, and Qin Hao's speed is not fast, so he will not Intercepted as a fast-moving space object, he easily entered the defensive layer of the shield.

After entering the shield of the Titan battleship, Qin Hao went straight to the ultra-light cruiser and reached the top of the cruiser.

Because it has already hidden behind the Titan's shield, and it is not in a combat state at this time, the shield of this ultra-light cruiser itself has not been activated.

"Shua!" Qin Hao opened his consciousness, and he began to feel the situation inside the battleship. After scanning a small area, Qin Hao teleported in directly. Because there was no energy shield to block him, he teleported into the battleship. For Qin Hao, it was as simple as finding something out of a pocket.

After entering the interior of the battleship, Qin Hao immediately heard the siren.

"Beep beep...\u0026amp;*(\u0026amp;*...%...\u0026amp;%..."

Along with the beeping siren, there was a series of mechanical sounds, but Qin Hao could not understand the language at all, but it should be something like the discovery of intruders. After all, Qin Hao suddenly appeared inside the spaceship, and he would definitely be caught by many detected by surveillance cameras.

"Hehe... that's fine, I'll save you trouble!" Qin Hao smiled, he was about to catch an intelligent creature and read its memory, and the siren would send him to him soon in front of.

Qin Hao didn't care about the defensive weapons and soldiers in this spaceship at all. With his strength, all the weapons in this spaceship were not enough to pose a threat to him.

What can really threaten Qin Hao is the weapon on that Titan battleship, but does that Titan dare to attack? Qin Hao and the commander who is afraid of death are both on this spaceship. If this spaceship is attacked, the commander who is afraid of death will not survive. If he has the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, he may not There will be this flagship.

"Tat Tat Tat..." In an instant, the sound of footsteps resounded in the distant passage.

"Shua!" Qin Hao didn't wait for the other party to approach, he teleported over there, and then grabbed the soldier who looked like the captain.

These soldiers are all wearing white armor, which is roughly the structure of a human being, but because the white armor is a full body armor, Qin Hao can't see what's going on inside.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." All guns were pointed at Qin Hao.

"Whoosh!" With a teleportation, Qin Hao took the team leader back to the cabin where he was just now, leaving only those soldiers with dazed faces.

"Boom!" After returning to the cabin just now, Qin Hao tore off the soldier's helmet, and saw that the soldier's face was not much different from that of a human, except that the soldier didn't have any hair.

The whole head is bald, and he has no eyebrows, which makes people feel weird.

But at this moment, Qin Hao was not in the mood to appreciate this braised egg-like head, so he directly pressed his right hand on top of the opponent's head!

"Shua!" With a murderous look, the man immediately widened his eyes in horror, and then his eyes became dull.

After a while, Qin Hao had already read the other party's memory, and mastered the language of this civilization based on the other party's memory.

"Docanzi Federation..." Qin Hao murmured to himself. At this time, he was already using the language of the Dokanzi people. Although it was still a bit jerky and the pronunciation was not very accurate in some places, it was used for communication. There is no problem at all.

"Shua!" After mastering everything he wanted to know, Qin Hao no longer continued to entangle with those soldiers.

From the memory of the soldier captain, Qin Hao knew that the commander of this fleet is indeed a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. If he gets it by killing here, he will be waiting for him to arrive at the bridge. That guy has already been sitting on the shuttle Run away.

So in order to avoid complications, Qin Hao ran directly to the bridge of the spaceship.

It didn't take too long to shuttle in a small spaceship at Qin Hao's speed, and Qin Hao soon came to the gate of the bridge.

"Bang!" This time, Qin Hao didn't write any more ink, he directly smashed the gate of the bridge, and then walked in.

"You... who are you..." At this moment, Morroll regretted it very much. He should have taken the shuttle to escape from the flagship as early as the moment the alarm sounded, but it was a pity that the adjutant's assurance made him hesitate for a moment. , it was this moment of delay that made Qin Hao come to him.

"You... didn't you say that the marines would take care of the intruders?" Morroll glared at the adjutant fiercely.

"..." At this moment, the adjutant had nothing to say, the enemy was already in front of him, and he held up his pistol tremblingly, barely protecting Morroll.

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