As one of Victor's confidantes, Balorna didn't want to see Qian Feng grow bigger, so no matter whether Hu Li surrendered for real or fake, he would never allow it anyway.

"Don't worry about the tricks of these earthlings, keep attacking!" Balorna gave the order.

"Yes!" The adjutant conveyed Balorna's order.

For the captains of the Borgs below, it doesn't matter whether the earthlings really surrendered or not. Although the earthlings surrendering can reduce their casualties, it will also reduce their military exploits.

Although forcing the enemy to surrender seems to be a great achievement, this kind of credit will basically be attributed to Balorna alone, and the captains below will not get any benefits.

But it would be different if it was a real effort to take down Star Honey. After all, how much damage each warship output and how many enemy warships it sunk cannot be faked. This credit cannot be denied.

So for the captains below, if the Star Federation fleet in front of them does not surrender, although they may suffer some casualties, they can also get more military merits. As soldiers, if you are afraid of casualties, then don't It's time for battle.

Therefore, under Balorna's order, the captains below did not have any objections. They followed Balorna's order and continued to attack the Interstellar Federation Fleet in the orbit of Hornier.


"Commander, the enemy ignored your surrender request..." Uncle Wang reported the news to Hu Li helplessly.

"Hey! Don't think about it for a second..." Hu Li shook his head helplessly. He didn't expect the enemy to be so determined that he wouldn't bargain with him at all.

In Huli's view, even if the enemy suspected that his surrender was fake, they would definitely try to contact him. After all, if the Star Federation fleet surrendered, it would greatly reduce the casualties of the Borg fleet.

And in this way, Hu Li can use the opportunity of negotiation to delay time with the enemy, even if it is only a few hours.

It's a pity that the enemy wasn't fooled at all, they didn't delay for a second, and the attack continued.

"Hey!" Hu Li sighed. Although the enemy wasn't fooled, he didn't lose anything. After all, the surrender was just a casual talk, and he didn't pay anything.

The battle is still going on, in the gravity well of Star Hornier, the fleet of the Interstellar Federation and the fleet of the Borg are still exchanging fire.

During this period of time, the capital ships and interstellar bases of the Interstellar Federation continued to recharge the super weapons, so as to force the Borg fleet to disperse, then gather, disperse, and gather again.

In the end, the Borg simply stopped gathering the fleet and continued to attack the Star Federation's fleet in a scattered formation. Although this would waste part of the firepower, it was really frustrating to be fooled by the Star Federation fleet. Not popular.

Seeing the Borgs attacking like this, Huli's goal has been achieved. After all, if he launches an attack in this scattered formation, the Borgs' firepower will be weakened a lot. In this way, the force field guards on his side The shield reduces a part of the pressure, so it can last for more time.

"Commander, our force field shield is expected to be broken in twelve hours!" Uncle Wang reported the latest shield value.

"Hmm..." Hu Li nodded. At this time, there were still fifteen hours before the slaughter warhead arrived. By constantly forcing the Borg fleet to move, he won another hour for his side.

But Uncle Wang doesn't seem optimistic about it.

"Uncle Wang, you seem to be worried about something..." Hu Li looked at Uncle Wang.

"Commander, our situation is actually not optimistic. Although it seems that we only need to delay for three hours after the shield is broken, it is not the case. I think the enemy will be able to detect the massacre warhead after another two hours or so. Signal, at most three hours, they will be able to confirm that this is not a capital ship coming for reinforcements, and that time is the most difficult time for us!" Uncle Wang said to Hu Li.

"Well! At that time, the Borg fleet, realizing what was about to happen, would definitely attack with all their might..." Huli nodded.

Although it seems that the Star Federation Fleet has taken the absolute initiative in the battle, the real test for them has not yet begun. Once the Borg realize the attack of the killing warhead, they will definitely attack the Star Federation Fleet like crazy. The attackers thought that if they wanted to escape from Star Honey, they had to destroy the gravity disruptor. Only after destroying this thing could they escape from the gravity well of Star Hornier through a jump.

Otherwise, if only conventional engines are used, it will take several hours for them to reach the edge of the gravity well of Hornier Star from their current position. Without the help of the jump engine, it will take even more time for them to escape from Hornier Star. In this case, it is impossible for them to escape the damage range of the killing warhead.

So for the Star Federation's fleet and the entire defense system, the real test is five hours later, seven hours when the Borg realize that the killing warhead is about to arrive!

During these seven hours, the Borg fleet will definitely launch a crazy attack on the defense system of the Interstellar Federation regardless of casualties, and the Interstellar Federation must hold out for at least six hours to ensure that the Borg fleet cannot escape from Hornir. Star flees.

"Uncle Wang, how long do you think our force field shield can last under the crazy attack of the Borg?" Hu Li looked at Uncle Wang.

"It's hard to say, let them do the math." Uncle Wang looked at the science and technology officer in the corner of the bridge. They were specialized in calculating these war data.

"Commander, according to our current consumption rate, the remaining value of the force field shield will be close to collapse after five hours. If the enemy doesn't attack with all their strength lost, then our force field shield will collapse in at most 20 minutes! ’ the science and technology officer reported.

"Just two salvos..." Hu Li's expression turned ugly.

"In fact, if the enemy is willing to use super weapons, then a salvo can break through our force field shield..." the technology officer added.

"How long can those two interstellar bases last?" Huli asked. After the force field shield was broken, these two interstellar bases became the last two shields of the Interstellar Federation Fleet.

"If the enemy used super weapons before, then the two interstellar bases can last for about three hours. If the enemy didn't use super weapons before, they would be destroyed within two hours!" After calculation, the science and technology officer concluded The result, and this result is not optimistic.


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