Although these two interstellar bases are already two interstellar fortresses, they have high defense and high defense when fighting against fleets, but you can't hold back the number of enemies. What is the concept of 40,000 warships? Such a huge fleet bombards you indiscriminately, even the strongest fortress can't hold it!

"It seems that we have to think of something..." Hu Li frowned.


Time passed little by little. During the two hours, the two sides continued to spend this low-intensity mutual bombardment. The energy of the force field shield was consumed little by little, and the warships on the Borg side also Still maintained a low degree of damage.

Two hours later, a signal source appeared on the phase radar on the Borg side!

"Commander! A jump signal is approaching, and the target is the gravity well of Hornir!" The radar soldier immediately reported to Balorna.

"Target strength, and quantity!" Ballorna asked.

"The strength of the capital ship, the number is one!" The radar soldier reported.

Because the transition signal is still far away from the Hornier star at this time, although the radar soldiers found this signal, they could not specifically judge its attribute, and could only judge it as a capital ship based on the existing data.

"Just one capital ship?" Balorna frowned. As far as the current battlefield is concerned, the defeat of the Interstellar Federation's fleet is a certainty. As long as the force field shield is broken, the fleet will be wiped out It's just a matter of time.

At this time, the enemy really needs reinforcements, but what can a capital ship do? It can't change the situation of the battle at all!

"My lord, according to our information, the enemy has a special battleship called the Anteco Marauder-class battleship. This kind of battleship has average offensive and defensive capabilities and doesn't have too many fleet auxiliary systems, but it does It is possible to create a phase transition node and a stable phase space, and with it, the Interstellar Federation Fleet can often forcefully transition to other places in some space environments that cannot transition!" A staff officer said to Balorna.

"Oh?" Balorna immediately called up the shipboard database, because there was a war with the Interstellar Federation before, and the performance of some warships of the Interstellar Federation has been entered into the database.

At this time, Balorna quickly found some relevant data of the Anteco Predator-class battleship after calling out the database.

"So, this capital ship is here to pick up the evacuation of these Star Federation warships?" Balorna frowned. According to the data, with the presence of the Anteko Marauder-class capital ship, the Star Federation fleet seems to be It is really possible to ignore the phase interference device and force a transition.

"Very likely! It seems that they are going to give us a certain degree of damage before abandoning this planet!" The staff officer said, because the Star Federation Fleet has done this more than once. In previous battles, they usually relied on The orbital defense facilities fought back frantically, and after the orbital defense facilities were almost destroyed, they used powerful phase technology to directly abandon the planet, and then evacuated to a safe star field.

And because the Borg are far inferior to the Interstellar Federation Fleet in the field of phase technology, they are unable to pursue immediately under the interference of the phase interference device, so apart from occupying the planet abandoned by the Interstellar Federation Fleet, they can only watch helplessly Fleeing with the Star Federation Fleet.

And it is true that the Interstellar Federation Fleet does not always have an Anteko Marauder-class battleship,

Because this kind of spaceship plays a very limited role in a fixed position, it is more suitable for kite combat while running. Therefore, in the battle against the Borg, the fleet is usually not equipped with capital ships of this level. They usually They are all equipped with those storm-type capital ships with powerful energy weapons and super weapons.

Only when there is trouble with the fleet's evacuation, the Anteko Predator-class capital ship will use its powerful phase ability to rush to support and take away the Star Federation's fleet.

As this tactic is often used, it was not surprising that the Borg found a Federation capital ship supporting the battlefield at this time.

"Hey! Forget it, let them run if they want to run..." Balorna sighed, and now both sides have activated the phase interference device, and only the Anteco Predator-class battleship is special that ignores phase interference. Ships can come and go freely, and the phase engine of this spaceship is particularly powerful. Unlike other spaceships, when jumping to the gravity well of a certain planet, it randomly leaves the phase space at a certain position on the edge of the gravity well.

Instead, you can freely choose the escape point of the phase space, so it is almost impossible to intercept this spaceship. It must appear directly in the fleet of the Star Federation, and then directly open the phase node to run away with the fleet of the Star Federation.

At this time, if the Borg want to stop the Star Federation's fleet, they have to attack at all costs to destroy the Star Federation's defense system and destroy the Star Federation's fleet before the capital ship arrives.

But in that case, the price the Borg will have to pay is quite terrifying. They must concentrate on their positions if they are unable to attack the losses. System, the casualties the Borg have to pay may be as high as 15,000 ships!

Coupled with the previous losses, if you want to annihilate the Star Federation's fleet of 3,000 warships, you need to pay nearly 20,000 warships as a price. This number of casualties is unacceptable to Balorna!

"Forget it, just run away... Order the fleet to reduce the attack frequency, retreat a little, and reduce our losses." Ballorna then issued an order.

In Balorna's view, the Star Federation fleet is about to run away anyway, and he does not intend to destroy the Star Federation fleet at all costs, so there is no need to waste it needlessly. The Anteco Marauder-class capital ship has arrived, and the enemy probably should evacuate. After they leave, Balorna will have plenty of time to wear down the two interstellar bases, and then occupy the planet!


"Commander! The enemy has retreated..." At this time, Huli also received a report from his subordinates. After the Borg sent the jump signal, not only did they not intensify their attack, they even retreated. Not only did Huli have a chance to breathe, but even the force field shield began to recharge!

"I think they must have misjudged it. They took the massacre warhead as the Anteco Marauder-class battleship that led us to evacuate!" Huli quickly judged the reason for the enemy's decision.

"Commander, I have to remind you that there is indeed no Anteco Marauder-class battleship in our fleet, and we don't have the ability to evacuate the planet's gravity well once the killing warhead arrives!" Uncle Wang reminded road.


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