As the team continued to go deeper into the Gobi, Volka frowned. Although his artificial skin could not break out in cold sweat, the feeling of imminent danger still lingered in Volka's heart.

Standing on the shoulder of the mecha, Volka looked into the distance. At this time, the Gobi Desert was getting more and more desolate. Looking around, everything here was filled with yellowish brown, except for the gravel that can be seen everywhere and the withered grass that can only be seen occasionally. Nothing at all……

"What's that?" At this moment, Volka noticed a few pillars standing extremely far ahead.

As the team continued to advance, Volka finally saw the true colors of those pillars. It turned out that this was the skeleton left by a super huge creature after death, and these pillars towering toward the sky were the ribs of the dead creature.

"It's so huge..." Volka couldn't help admiring. The main battle mecha under his feet was 23 meters tall, but even so, Volka, who was nearly three meters tall, stood on the shoulders of the mecha. You need to look up to see the tip of the rib that soars to the sky.

From this, it can be seen that the thickness of the chest cavity of this gigantic behemoth alone exceeds thirty meters, and its length is obviously more than one hundred meters!

"My lord, something is wrong..." the adjutant said to Volka through the communicator at this time.

"Hmm! Did you notice that too?" Volka nodded.

"I can't tell you the specifics, but it just feels wrong..." the adjutant said.

"Then shall we stop, or pass through this place immediately?" Volka asked, unable to make a decision in his heart at this time.

The uneasiness in his heart has always troubled Volka, which made him want to order the team to stop and enter a defensive state, but in this way, they will be in a dangerous place, but if they pass through this dangerous area quickly, then On the move, they are more likely to be targeted by the enemy.

"My lord, or let's defend on the spot..." the adjutant suggested.

"Okay!" Volka couldn't make up his mind, since the adjutant suggested, he simply followed the adjutant's suggestion.

Soon, the army led by Volka began to camp on the spot, with tens of millions of elite robots on the outermost periphery, and then a middle defensive circle composed of various tanks and mechas. Greyhound marines.

After the camp was set up, the sense of crisis in Volka's heart did not diminish at all. He stood on the shoulder of the mech and looked at his camp.

The army composed of tens of millions of mechanical warriors and war equipment stretched to the sky, and he could not see the edge at a glance. Under the protection of layers of troops, he should have been extremely safe, but that sense of crisis was always in his hands. lingering in my mind.

"What's the situation with other teams?" Volka looked at the communications officer.

"My lord... We have lost contact with other troops..." The communication officer looked at Volka with horrified eyes...

At this time, not only could the communications officer not be able to contact other troops that were also located in the Gobi, he could not even be in touch with the advance base in the rear, let alone the fleet in space!

"Damn it! We might be in an ambush!" Volka's heart was like a bright mirror. The message of help from Hullor was probably the enemy's bait. Although he didn't know why Hullol betrayed the Borg, but Obviously, this is definitely not the wisdom that a group of beasts can possess.

So far, either the powerful creatures on Star Kruzer have advanced intelligence, or there are other people involved in it!

"Big... my lord! No... that's bad! We detected a twelfth-level psionic reaction..." At this moment, the radar soldier shouted in a terrified voice.

"What!? The swarm!" In an instant, Volka fully understood that all this was simply a conspiracy of the swarm, and he had fallen into the trap of the swarm!

Level 12 psionic reaction! What this means Volka can't directly tell, but he once fought against Zerg with a tenth-level psionic reaction, and the result was a lose-lose...

Volka was very sure that even the Zerg with eleventh-level psychic reaction could not deal with it. As for the twelve-level...that is not something he can fight...

"It's's over..." Volka's face was ashen, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. After all, he didn't come alone, and he didn't need to face the twelfth-level person alone. Zerg, he still has tens of millions of robot soldiers, a large number of war machines, and millions of powerful Borg marines.

But another idea is constantly stimulating Volka's nerves, that is, when did the Zerg play heads-up? People who play gang fights are the ancestors!

Although there is more despair in my heart, but the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say anything else...

"Notify the troops, prepare to fight!" Volka issued an order.

Fortunately for Volka, the short-distance communication in their army remained unimpeded until this time, so the order was issued smoothly.

Soon, the ground troops of the Borg were ready to fight, but at this time they were not qualified to take the initiative to attack, and could only quietly wait for the attack of the swarm...

"Order a few special forces to break out of the encirclement when they find an opportunity. We must pass back the news that Kruzer Star has been occupied by the swarm, and we must let the fleet know the real situation of Kruzer Star!" Volka's mind is still clear. , he knew that if all his teams were wiped out, then for the Borg fleet, Kruse Star would still be a planet with powerful creatures and extremely valuable.

This will make the Borg continue to send troops to Kruzer Star, and then waste their strength here in vain. Only when Victor understands that this place has been occupied by the swarm will he order to directly destroy this planet!

That's right, at this time Volka has already made up his mind to die. He doesn't plan to leave Kruzer alive, because he knows that in terms of the strength of the bug swarm here, apart from destroying the planet, the Borg have nothing to do with them. It is simply impossible to defeat the swarm on the ground battlefield.

The attack of the swarm did not keep Volka and his troops waiting for long, that is, less than an hour later, clusters of white light rose into the distance, and then landed in the formation of the Borg.

"Boom boom boom..." Violent explosions erupted in the formation of the Borg, and large swaths of elite robot fighters were destroyed.

"Is the artillery radar locked on the target?" the commander on the front line urged.

"Locked!" The radar soldier shouted.

"Share the coordinates, the artillery counterattack!" The frontline commander shouted loudly. The Borg brought all the war equipment this time, so they won't lose the wind at all in the face-to-face confrontation.

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