As the Borg officially counterattacked, heavy artillery fire exploded in the swarm, and a large number of swarms died in the explosion.

Different from the previous battles, this time Volka's army is a fully-organized ground army. It has a very complete configuration of arms, and its military strength is also very abundant, so it is impossible to be instantly defeated like before.

You must know that when the swarm invaded the Borg native land, although they left a terrifying impression on the Borg, in that war, although the Borg paid a heavy price, they also fought well on the battlefield. There are back and forth.

"Mech troops dispatched! Suppress the insect swarm in the west!" Following Volka's order, hundreds of giant mechs over 20 meters in height were activated, and a powerful airflow was ejected from their backs, causing these mechs to All flew into the air.

"Boom boom boom..." The next second, these mechas launched their own firepower towards the battlefield to the west.

Each of these mechs has an extremely powerful weapon system. The steel sword wings on their backs are actually missile launchers, and they all launch powerful heavy missiles. Each heavy missile is as powerful as a tactical nuclear bomb. They can easily destroy a huge area with a radius of more than two kilometers in an instant.

In addition, the main weapons of these mechas are a heavy energy cannon and a powerful flamethrower. The energy heavy cannon can fire twenty energy bombs within thirty seconds, and the explosion radius of each energy bomb is It was about 20 meters high, and within the explosion range of 20 meters, except for a few zerg with extremely strong defenses, other swarms would suffer a devastating blow.

And that flamethrower is even more lethal. The flames it sprays can reach a distance of five kilometers. The ultra-high temperature flames can melt iron and stone, and this flame has a strong adhesion. Once it is sprayed, Then even the Zerg with super defensive power will eventually be reduced to ashes in the constant burning!

As soon as hundreds of giant mechs appeared, they immediately suppressed the battlefield on the west side. Although there were countless insect swarms there, they couldn't get over the thunder pool in front of these heavy mechas. Charged in fear of death, but under the blockade of these mechs, the swarm all died howling on the way to the charge.

In the previous wars on the Borg land, these mechas were the main force against the swarms, but they were not without flaws. The air defense capabilities of these mechas were relatively weak, and the flexibility of flamethrowers and energy cannons was It can't fight against flying insects rushing from all directions at the same time.

In addition, strong firepower means huge consumption, and the continuous combat capability of these mechas is also a major weakness of them. In previous local wars, these mechas were usually obtained at the beginning. Suppressive effect, but with the continuous consumption of energy, they will soon be swallowed by the swarm.

After all, the swarm has never been a group that believes in elite warfare,

Their consistent tactic is the sea of ​​insects, and endless consumption is their trump card. Therefore, at the beginning of the war, the massacre of the swarms does not guarantee you victory in the war.

At this time, the ground troops of the Borg were like this. Although they regained the initiative in an instant on the battlefield, not only the western battlefield could perfectly suppress the swarm, but also the other three directions with ease. The firepower of large war machines is very terrifying Yes, the Borg's vehicle-mounted heavy artillery can easily destroy the Zerg swarm within a radius of five kilometers, and then continue to expand backwards. A round of salvo can damage tens of millions of Zerg troops.

But so what? At this time, apart from a few elites, the swarm displayed more cannon fodder legions. The death of these cannon fodder was meaningless to the swarm.

So even though he completely suppressed the swarm on the battlefield, Volka didn't show any joy on his face.

"Have you contacted other troops?" Volka looked anxiously at the communications soldier. At this time, he no longer expected to be able to contact the forward base or the fleet in space. He only wanted to be able to communicate with the other six troops. get in touch.

"Not yet...the electromagnetic interference here is very serious...we still can't get in touch with our friendly forces..." Regrettably, the communications soldier gave an answer that disappointed Volka.

"My lord, let's break through..." the adjutant suggested.

"Yeah!" Volka nodded. The most taboo thing in a war with worms is to fight to the end, because you can't overwhelm the swarm, and even if you are fighting a war of attrition, you must have fortifications, otherwise you will fight against the worms. It would be too bad for a group to consume it.

"My lord, in which direction should we break out?" the adjutant asked.

"This..." Volka hesitated. Although he had decided to break through, he was still struggling in which direction to break through.

Now for Volka, he has two options. The first is to merge with other friendly forces as much as possible. If this is the way of thinking, then continuing to the center of the Gobi is the best choice. meeting place.

Although the appearance of the swarm has proved that Hullor's request for help is a trap, but in the case of losing contact, if you want to join other teams, then continuing to the meeting point is the most sensible choice. Volka believes that other friendly forces He must have thought so too.

But the problem is, since we already know that this is a trap of the swarm, then going to the place where the distress signal is sent, isn't that equivalent to drilling into the enemy's pocket?

At this time, Volka's troops are already going to withstand such a large-scale attack from the swarm, so if they continue to move forward, what kind of scale will the swarm at the meeting point reach?

But if they don't advance towards the meeting point, then Volka has only another choice, which is to break out in the direction of their forward base, but if they break out in this way, they also have to face a problem, that is, the distance is long It may bring disaster to the forward base.

At this time, Volka's troops had penetrated deep into the Gobi, and they were only more than a hundred kilometers away from the final meeting point, but if they wanted to return to the advance base, it would take at least a thousand kilometers. Even if you think about it with your toes, Volka and the others have to face the endless pursuit and interception of the swarm, and I am afraid that none of them can escape back to the base in the end.

And at this time, can the forward base defend against a swarm of insects of this size? Volka has no idea...

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