Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 206 The agreement before departure

"But if these bugs are left alone, wouldn't that still threaten Thunder Canyon?" asked General Cohen. product-book-net

"It's hard to say, because I changed a group of bugs, so I don't know what their leader's attitude towards humans is." Qin Hao said.

"Then what do you mean?" Cohen will ask, he still pays more attention to Qin Hao's opinion.

"General, this is what I think, the leaders of these insects have wisdom no less than that of humans. I think they should all have their own unique ideas. Not every leader of the insect swarm will choose to attack us, if we can live in peace. , then we may be able to find opportunities to mine the energy crystals of Alpha Star." Qin Hao said.

"You mean, we can coexist peacefully with the Zerg?" General Cohen asked.

"Yes, as the invaders, it is not very likely that we want to completely destroy the Zerg. Those nobles who hide behind do not understand the situation, don't you understand? Although we have super weapons to destroy this planet, but If you want to occupy this planet and exterminate all the bugs here, it is impossible to achieve." Qin Hao said.

"Well... continue talking..." Cohen nodded, Qin Hao said nothing wrong, although human beings have powerful nuclear weapons, the heaviest nuclear weapons of destruction level can even destroy a planet, but destruction and occupation are Two different things, if you want to not destroy the planet, just exterminate the bugs, and completely occupy the Alpha star, General Cohen does not think that humans can do this.

After the crash of the Federal Glory, General Cohen spent a period of time on the surface of Alpha Planet. He knew the horror of these bugs, especially their reproductive ability. possible.

"So here's what I thought, we've destroyed a hive, and then the next wave of swarms will fill in, and if they're still hostile to us, then I'll search for the hive location and find a chance to destroy it , The swarms fill in wave after wave, they are considered hostile to us, and after a long time, they will also get used to our existence, and there is still a great chance for everyone to coexist peacefully." Qin Hao said.

"Well! Makes sense!" General Cohen's eyes lit up, and he was now caught in a dilemma.

To advance, it is almost impossible to completely conquer Alpha Star; to retreat, to end the war on Alpha Star, General Cohen can't make the decision, and those wealthy aristocrats who have invested a lot of money and political capital can't agree at all.

These guys have paid too much for the energy crystals of Alpha Star. If they stop now, they will lose everything. Moreover, these generations are the guys who are in the position, and they don't care about the life and death of the civilians and grassroots soldiers below, sacrificed on the battlefield. Soldiers are just a number to them, but these young girls and boys are close relatives to their own families, and no one wants to exchange their lives for their relatives with a bunch of bugs.

So General Cohen has been very embarrassed. He can't stop the war, and he doesn't want those soldiers to die, so he is troubled by the war on Alpha every day.

Now Qin Hao has put forward a pretty good suggestion. If humans can subtly make the swarm recognize their existence, even if the two sides are still hostile, as long as the swarm acquiesce to the existence of humans on Alpha, then humans have a chance to Set up settlements here, and open mines and factories to mine energy spar.

"So don't rush to eliminate these bugs, what if they are not as aggressive as the previous bugs?" Qin Hao finally spared the topic again, he said so much, so that Cohen would not put Eno Ke and his men were all bombarded and killed.

"Well! Let's do as you said! If we can really open an immigration point on Alpha, then you are definitely the greatest hero of mankind, and you may even be recorded in history!" Cohen will say excitedly.

"Hehe... Maybe..." Qin Hao smiled,

He doesn't really care about this kind of vain honor. If it really happens, he would rather be promoted to a few ranks or get a bonus or something.

"Let's do it first, I'll leave this matter to you." General Cohen hung up the communication after he finished speaking.

"Huh..." Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief. With General Cohen's assurance, Enoch and the others were able to migrate to the vicinity of the Thunder Canyon smoothly. By then, everything would be easy. After Enoch had dug their underground nest After that, Qin Hao also had a base near the Thunder Canyon.

"Qin Haowei is really young and promising. Cohen will value you very much!" Deng Jia and other officers complimented Qin Hao. These people are all veterans in the army. It is difficult for them to be low-level officers from motor infantry. Promotion, so whether you like it or not, you have to curry favor with the officers of other arms, even if the other party's own level is still low, because the promotion speed of other arms is much faster than that of the big bosses.

And Qin Hao is not only a special force, but also a popular man in front of General Cohen, and a hero of the Seventh Fleet, so Deng Jia and others are very clear that as long as Qin Hao does not die in battle, he will definitely rise to the top in the future, and now he fawns on him. There is absolutely no harm in it.

"School, you are too good." Qin Hao said politely.

"Haha, don't be too modest. With your ability, you will surely rise to the fore in the future. At that time, we will have to count on your support!" Deng Jia and the others laughed.


After chatting with these officers for a while, Qin Hao and Nicole left the headquarters together. Now, due to the vacuum near the Thunder Canyon, it is very safe here. Almost all the soldiers are strengthening the fortifications, and the officers are also relatively free.

"Not're already a lieutenant, and you're on the same level as me!" Nicole smiled at the brand-new battlefield recorder on Qin Hao's shoulder. At this time, Qin Hao's military rank has been updated.

"Hey..." Qin Hao smiled, then took Nicole's hand and said, "I said before I left, I will definitely come back."

"Well! I remember." Nicole said with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

"Then do you remember what I said after that?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"After that..." Nicole was stunned for a moment, followed by her little face turning red, and the delicate blush dyed to the roots of her ears.

"Do you remember?" Qin Hao smiled.

"Um..." Nicole's voice was low and said yes to Mosquitoes, because Qin Hao had said before that kissing Nicole felt good, and he would continue after he came back!

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