"You see the weather is nice today.!" Nicole shyly tried to change the subject.

"Yeah, the weather is very good today, it's very suitable for collection!" Qin Hao suddenly took a step forward and took Nicole into his arms.

Nicole made a slight effort, but it looked more like she wanted to refuse and greet her. Otherwise, how could she, a female special forces soldier, be so weak, Qin Hao didn't even exert any strength, she was paralyzed in Qin Hao's arms.

"Ugh..." Nicole, who gave up her struggle, snuggled into Qin Hao's arms and began to enjoy the deep affection between the two.


After a long time, Nicole pushed Qin Hao away, and then shyly rebuked: "You are really, it's not good to be recognized in this public!"

"Haha..." At this time, Qin Hao had taken advantage enough, and all he could do was smirk.

The happy days lasted for two weeks. The entire Thunder Canyon was as quiet as a resort. The bugs seemed to have disappeared around here, and the beasts that were shocked by the ground returned to the nearby jungle one after another. The defending soldiers added a lot of game.

On this day, there was a sudden call from Qin Hao's heart. It turned out that Enoch finally settled the Zerg under his command.

"King! I've let the swarm take over this territory, it's just too desolate..." Enoch complained.

"It doesn't matter, reduce the number of ordinary soldiers appropriately, and Skywalker can slightly increase it." Qin Hao said, in his opinion, those ordinary giant beetles are simply too cumbersome, although they are the lowest level of troops, but the flying insects Much better.

"King, I don't have many Skywalker Overseers, so I can't expand the Skywalker Legion casually." Enoch gave Qin Hao a disappointing answer.

"Oh! That's it, then you can figure it out." Qin Hao shrugged. He didn't know much about the configuration of the swarm. Ke went to fix it himself, and Qin Hao was happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Yes! My king!" Enoch took the order.

"By the way, occasionally let a few squads of giant beetles harass the Thunder Canyon, but don't make it too strong." Qin Hao said to Enoch, if this swarm does not attack humans, it would be a bit too deliberate .

"I see..." Enoch replied.

"Okay, do your job first, pass me the coordinates of your worm's nest, and I'll go to you if I have something to do," Qin Hao said.

"Yes! My king!" Enoch immediately transmitted his nest coordinates to Qin Hao.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded. The location Enoch chose was far away from the location that was cleared by the nuclear bomb before. It seemed that the swarm was also consciously avoiding the radiation area of ​​the nuclear explosion.


Early the next morning, several groups of giant beetles appeared on the periphery of the Thunder Canyon base. They did not attack from the ground, but rushed to the Taniguchi from a distance.

"Da da da da..." Several outpost bunkers spewed flames, and the electromagnetic rifle and the Vulcan cannon on the top of the bunker fired violently. After just a few minutes, these ordinary giant beetles were wiped out.

"Ugh..." The alarm sound of the swarm's attack has not been extinguished, and those giant beetles have all been swept into corpses.

"So weak?" Deng Jia and other officers were stunned.

"It should be the new swarm testing it..." Someone guessed.

"Well! Today's attack may be just a test, but it also proves that a new swarm has arrived." Deng Jia nodded.

"Mmmm..." Qin Hao, who was also at the headquarters, nodded his head, but his heart was too happy. The attack of the swarm was completely ordered by him, so the attack intensity would not be too high.

In the next few days, the swarm attacked several times, but the intensity was not very strong. Except for leaving the bodies of hundreds of giant beetles to feed the soldiers, other effects had no effect, not even at all. Touching the outermost outpost, it was wiped out.

"Wang... Do I need to strengthen my next attack?" Enoch contacted Qin Hao through a mental wave when it was late.

"Well... let's strengthen it a little bit, demolish a few bunkers, but try not to kill people." Qin Hao said.

"Wang... I'm afraid this is difficult. Ordinary warriors have limited wisdom, and they may not be able to accurately execute such detailed orders." Enoch said.

"Is that so..." Qin Hao hesitated, he could let his subordinates look at the bugs to die, but he couldn't accept that his orders caused casualties to the soldiers who were also human.

"Wang...will the attack continue tomorrow?" Enoch asked.

"Forget it, don't step up the offensive for the time being, let's just cancel the harassment these days." Qin Hao said.

"Yes! My king!" Enoch said, although he didn't know what Qin Hao wanted to do, he had to unconditionally execute it.


A few days later, the nervousness of the soldiers in the Thunder Canyon was relieved. The attack intensity of a swarm was very low, so many soldiers did not have to worry about it.

"Qin Hao, you're right again. I heard Deng Jiaxiao say that this time the swarm doesn't seem to be keen to attack the Thunder Canyon?" General Cohen sent a special message to Qin Hao again.

"Haha, I guessed it too, but I didn't expect to guess it right." Qin Hao said.

"According to Deng Jiaxiao's analysis, it may be because the Thunder Canyon is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the newly arrived swarms lack flying insects, so they have little interest in Thunder Canyon." General Cohen said.

"That's right! It should be like this!" At this time, Qin Hao fell in love with Deng Jia, and the reason this guy came up with was perfect!

"Hehe, it seems that on the Thunder Canyon side, we should have a firm foothold." Cohen will laugh.

"General, how is the situation on other ground battlefields?" Qin Hao asked.

"Yeah! I was just about to tell you about this. Did you say that our previous nuclear bomb attack deterred the Zerg? They seem to have calmed down a lot now, especially on Isis Beach, although the battle is still going on. Continue, but it's all skirmishes, and we still have casualties, but they're small," General Cohen said.

At this time, there are only three main landing points for human beings on Alpha Star. The Thunder Canyon is almost a truce. Although there is still fire on Isis Beach, the intensity is very low, and there is no need for fleet support at all. Only the Red Plateau is left. The situation on the side was still stalemate, but it was good enough for General Cohen, and now he only had to worry about one battlefield.

"I don't know..." Qin Hao suddenly had a bad premonition.

"You said whether we should use nuclear bombs on the Scarlet Plateau. If this thing can really deter the Zerg, then we may be able to relax a little more!" General Cohen asked.

"No!" Qin Hao immediately stopped him. This nuclear bomb attack was directed by him. If he rashly uses nuclear bombs on other insect swarms, if he angers a certain ultimate prince, then the human army in the Scarlet Plateau is really Dangerous!

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