Not long after the Borg were ready for battle, they began to feel the ground tremble slightly.

The ground here in the Unnamed Gobi is relatively solid. There are dry and cracked ground everywhere, as well as gravel and gravel scattered everywhere on it. If you observe carefully at this time, you can see that the gravel and gravel on the ground are slightly jitter.

Although the Borg's large vehicles would also cause a similar phenomenon on the way, the vibration frequency at this time obviously has nothing to do with the Borg's heavy machinery.

"Everyone be careful!" The commander of the vanguard shouted loudly, and at the same time he began to command the troops to temporarily stop advancing. While the mecha troops were getting ready for battle, all the vehicles behind them also stopped.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The shaking of the ground became more and more obvious. At this time, it was no longer the shaking of gravel and gravel. People standing on the ground had begun to show signs of instability, but fortunately the Borg There are no ordinary people in the army at all, and their weakest soldiers have also undergone a high degree of mechanized transformation. The gyroscope in their bodies can effectively help them master their balance, so as not to fall down on the trembling ground.

"Everyone! Prepare to fight!" The commander of the vanguard directly issued an order, and with the order of combat readiness, the command of the Borg army was quickly delegated. This is the basic experience of fighting the swarm.

Although the swarm is a biological civilization, they do not have any technological means, but in the process of biological evolution, they have also mastered the means of electromagnetic shielding, and they are very clever. Normal communication under interference.

Therefore, in large-scale wars, the Borg have become accustomed to the fact that orders cannot be communicated over long distances, so when they fight against the swarm, they usually delegate the command authority and let the ground troops fight with the swarm in small groups. against one.

After all, although the swarms are powerful, their tactics are relatively monotonous. Basically, a swarm of insects can be summed up in tactics.

So even if the unified command is lost, the Borg cannot suffer at the tactical level based on the performance of the frontline commanders alone.

Today, the Borg, as usual, in order to combat the electromagnetic interference of the swarm, they once again delegated the command authority, allowing each team to fight independently, in order to offset the communication interference caused by the electromagnetic shielding.

"Swish, swish..." At this moment, there was a piercing whistling sound from a distance. This kind of piercing sound was no stranger to the Borg, and it was the precursor of the Zerg air attack!

"Infantry covert! Anti-aircraft weapons are ready to intercept!" The frontline commanders of each Borg squad gave the same order. After many actual battles, the Borg were already quite experienced in fighting the Zerg.

"Ka Ka Ka..." A large number of land combat mechas squatted on the ground one after another. At the same time, a support frame was extended from the back of the waist, allowing the mechas to stabilize on the ground in the form of three legs. In this posture, the mechas Can use some weapons with strong recoil more easily.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..." Immediately after these land combat mechas, there was another burst of deformation. The sword wings on their backs spread out, and more than a dozen anti-aircraft guns appeared behind the mechas, and they were already pointing at the sky. The direction from which the sound of breaking through the sky came from.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, the white light balls emitted by the insect swarm struck.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." The mechs who had already been waiting for the attack immediately activated the anti-aircraft guns behind them, and laser beams shot straight into the sky. The high-frequency laser beams quickly intercepted a large number of people with the speed of fire and the tracking speed of the gun barrel. light clusters, but there are still a few light clusters that have slipped through the net...

After all, no matter how advanced the interception system is, it cannot guarantee a 100% interception rate.

"Get out of the way!" Seeing the ball of light fall to the ground, while the front-line commanders gave a loud warning, some of them threw away their soldiers with all their might.

"Boom boom boom boom..." After the light group hit the ground, terrifying energy erupted instantly. The incandescent light pierced people's eyes, and the terrifying power was released instantly, just like heavy aviation shells. A light cluster can trigger a violent explosion.

Although most of the light groups were intercepted by the mecha's anti-aircraft guns, the small number of fish that slipped through the net still caused a lot of casualties to the Borg ground troops.

But even so, the formation of the Borg is not in the slightest chaos, they have experienced too much of this kind of war!

"Counterattack! Drone! Precisely lock the enemy's coordinates!"

"The heavy artillery units counterattack immediately!"

The commanders on the front line gave orders loudly. Although the electromagnetic interference of the swarm had made it impossible for the Borg to communicate at this time, the semi-mechanical Borg had powerful speakers. Other natural creatures have an advantage!

Among the Borg ground forces, each regular squad includes a front-line commander with a reconnaissance mech, an eight-man fighter mech squad, two self-propelled energy heavy artillery, a radar vehicle, and two logistics supplies vehicles and several combat robots.

Therefore, after receiving the commander's order, the radar vehicles of each combat team released drones to lock the source of the attack. At the same time, self-propelled energy heavy artillery also began to deploy. Attack...

That is, a few minutes later, the flying drone sent back information about the gun positions of the swarm, and then the Borg's self-propelled energy artillery fired...

"Boom..." The two energy heavy cannons of each team can actually cover an area with a radius of several hundred meters at most, but the problem is that there are thousands of such teams in the Borg ground forces. So in an instant, the artillery fire from the Borg's side rang through the sky.

"Boom boom boom..." The artillery positions of the swarm were covered by dense energy cannons, and those giant golden caterpillars and those giant blue caterpillars that provided shields for the caterpillars were blown into flying pieces in the blink of an eye. Ash.

This time, even the frontline commanders of the Borg were dumbfounded. Looking at the misfired swarm in front of them, these frontline commanders felt a little dreamy. Why did the swarm look menacing this time, but they were so unbearable one strike?

But just when these Borg were surprised, there were bursts of terrifying energy fluctuations. These energy fluctuations no longer need to be detected by radar. Every Borg can clearly feel these scalp-tingling waves. The powerful energy fluctuations, it feels like an M bomb is detonated beside me!

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