"Everyone, be careful!" At this time, the commanders on the front line didn't know what the Zerg was planning, so they could only remind them like this.

That terrifying energy aura lasted for about ten minutes. During this time, that energy aura maintained that intensity, neither increased nor decreased, nor was it released.

"What's going on? Why hasn't the attack started yet?" Many Borgs were surprised. Judging from the energy intensity just now, even the energy cannon was already in the state of being fully charged and about to launch, but it took so long Time passed, why didn't it come?

"I don't know...but such a powerful energy cannot be maintained for a long time..."

"Then what should we do? We can't lie in the pit all the time..."

The Borg soldiers were talking a lot. At this time, they were all lying in the trenches that had just been protruded. Although this simple defense method could not play a big defensive role, it was better than nothing after all. In a very short period of time, even if Even the Borg couldn't build stronger fortifications. They used the tools at hand to dig a simple trench, and then used the shields on their mechs to resist. This was their only useful means.

"It's not an option to lie down like this, let's go!" After waiting for another five minutes, a team commander couldn't help it.

At this time, there must be a team to act as volunteers. The so-called volunteers are actually death squads. The enemy's attack has been reluctant to launch, but once they stand up, they will lose their only bunker, so someone must stand up at this time. Come out, and rush up to see what the hell the enemy is up to.

"Okay! They dare not rush, let's rush!"

"That's right, it's better than waiting here to die!"

"That's right, such a broken pit won't do much good, at most it's just a comfort in the heart! It's better to rush up and die!"


The rest of the team also agreed with the captain's proposal, and then these people jumped out...

After rushing out of the temporarily dug trench, the soldiers of this team found that they were not alone chargers, there were many other teams diving out like them, and these people lined up skirmishers and charged forward.

Of course, these Borg who jumped out of the trenches were all pilots of battle mechs, and the captains of those pilot command mechas. It was not so easy to figure out after those combat vehicles were thrown into the trenches because of flexibility problems. And they can't provide much help when charging.

"Start the jetpack! Charge!" Under the command of the captains,

These mecha fighters opened their jet packs one after another...

With the help of the jet pack, the speed of these mechas was increased to the extreme. They rushed forward at high speed, but after running for more than ten kilometers, they found no trace of the Zerg at all...

"It's not right..." A captain frowned. According to the report from the reconnaissance plane just now, the Zerg's long-range firepower is nearby, and his long-range heavy artillery bombarded this place, but now there is no energy here at all. Traces covered by heavy artillery!

"Impossible! Didn't we carry out a cover attack on this place just now? Why is there no trace at all?" Other Borgs also noticed this anomaly.

"Beep beep..."

"Alert! Alert! Abnormal energy interference found!"

"Alert! Alert! Abnormal energy interference found!"

The ear-piercing sirens kept ringing in the cabs of these mechas, but the pilots of these mechas acted as if they couldn't hear them. They still drove the mechas and looked around, but at this time there were ruins and ruins everywhere. The corpses of dead bugs, and the army of living Zerg...

But the pilots of these mechs turned a blind eye to the swarms of bugs everywhere, and they were still communicating with each other...

"Strange...why is it so peaceful here..."

"Could it be that the Zerg have all withdrawn?"

"That's impossible... The swarm doesn't have the habit of cleaning the battlefield. Even if they withdraw, they can't transport all the corpses away and restore the ground to its original state, right?"


Just when these Borg were puzzled, a Borg driver in the corner was trembling.

Unlike other Borg pilots, this one is relatively special. He is one of the few fully remodeled Borgs. Although he is just an ordinary squad leader, he has undergone a comprehensive transformation because of his family background. In other words, he does not have a brain, but thinks and processes data through a chip.

It is precisely because he has no brain that what the Borg captain sees is completely different from others. What he sees are swarms of insects all over the mountains, what he sees is the pitted ground bombarded by energy cannons, and Zerg corpses everywhere...

The piercing sirens kept ringing, and the Borg squad leader also tried to wake up his companions, but including his eight mech pilots, all the Borg turned a deaf ear to his words.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?" The Borg captain's hands were trembling with fear. Although he has undergone a complete transformation, he was once a human being after all, and fear is rooted in his soul. Unlike those artificial intelligences that have awakened their self-awareness, this Borg squad leader also knows to be afraid...

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..." Right in front of the Borg team leader, the swarm began to destroy other mechas. Although the shields of those mechas were automatically generated, they showed no signs of counterattack, and their pilots also They were all chatting relaxedly, as if they didn't care that their mechs were attacked.

In an instant, those mechas were dismantled into pieces, and the Borg pilots were dragged out of the mechas and killed. Until the moment their brains were eaten by bugs, these Borgs were still happy chat……

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

This completely remodeled Borg team leader used all the weapons on the mecha to resist, shooting out energy beams, killing hundreds of bugs, and the flamethrower was like a swarm killer, countless The bugs of the plan were reduced to ashes in the flames.

But even so, the number of insect swarms did not decrease at all. More insects were attacking the squad leader's mecha, and the shield of the mecha would soon be unable to hold up. Seeing that the only Borg who could resist was about to When it was disassembled into parts, violent explosions suddenly sounded all around.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Amidst the explosion, some slender and flexible figures with a height of less than two meters appeared. They were the angel troops of the Borg!

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