Under the surge of energy, Villeneuve was sent flying by the shock wave.

"Bang!" Villeneuve, who fell to the ground, still couldn't stop his figure. Under the powerful impact, he forcibly plowed a ravine more than ten meters long on the hard ground.

The ground of the Gobi Desert is different from the yellow sand in the desert. The ground here is extremely solid, but even on such a ground, Villeneuve plowed a nearly one-meter-deep furrow.

"Bang!" Villeneuve, whose body had stopped, slapped the ground, jumped up, and then stood up firmly. He couldn't even find any scratches on his body, which shows that his defense is weak. what a horror.

"Hehe, okay! It's pretty good!" Holger smiled. He was completely merciless in his attack just now, and Villeneuve was unscathed, which surprised him a little.

"Shua!" Villeneuve didn't have any nonsense, he rushed towards Holger again, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Villeneuve's speed was extremely fast, he kept attacking around Holger, because of the speed gap, Holger could only lie on the ground, using the strong defense ability of his own carapace to passively withstand the attack.

"Damn it!" Although Holger lying on the ground didn't care about this level of attack, it was very embarrassing to be beaten on the ground, especially in the presence of Prince Nelson, which made Holger even more I can't get off stage.

"Give you a powerful taste! Damn low reptile!" Holger roared, and then a golden light emerged from his body.

This light and shadow seemed to be an enlarged version of Holger in worm form. After appearing on Holger's body, this light and shadow became bigger and bigger, and soon enlarged to twice the size of Holger's body.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Villeneuve's attack continued, but at this time his fist could no longer land directly on Holger's body, the golden light and shadow seemed to be real, Villeneuve's attack All were stopped by light and shadow.

"Brother... don't you mind if I hurt it?" Before launching the big move, Holger still asked for Nelson's opinion. After all, the newly hatched bug is Nelson's subordinate at this time, although there is no Zerg that beats the dog. Master is such an old saying, but the truth is universal.

"Anything!" Nelson shrugged.

"Go to hell!" After getting Nelson's approval, Holger directly launched his ultimate move, and the light and shadow covering his body erupted instantly, and a terrifying shock wave swept around.

This trick similar to self-destruction is one of Holger's lore,

Insect-shaped royals like him are not good at melee combat because of their body shape, but long-range energy bombardment is not bad against small miscellaneous fish. Facing opponents of the same level, they want to rely on long-distance energy to fight against small fish. Boom to win is impossible.

In this case, insect-shaped royals who are not suitable for close combat usually develop this kind of all-round, explosive attack. The biggest advantage of this kind of attack is that it is unexpected, and it is an all-round attack. dodge.

Of course, the disadvantages of this kind of attack are also obvious. Group ranged attacks must ensure the attack strength, so the consumption is naturally very scary. As far as one-on-one battles are concerned, the combat effectiveness of this tactic is not enough. High, but it is enough to kill people. Anyway, as long as the enemy is dead, the Zerg Emperor like Holger will have time to rest, and the power they consume will naturally be replenished.


"Boom!" Villeneuve was the first to bear the brunt of this energy explosion. He was blown away the moment the light and shadow erupted, and in the process of flying backwards, Villeneuve's skin began to disintegrate.

After the skin disintegrated, it was the muscle tissue, that is, within a second or so, Villeneuve had completely collapsed in front of Holger, his bones were directly exposed to the air, and he was also receiving energy. bright.

But what is surprising is that Villeneuve's head, shoulders, elbows and knees, which are covered by purple carapaces, are still intact. It can be seen that these purple carapaces have stronger defenses, even if it is Holger. There is nothing he can do about his killer move.

Although the carapace's defensive power is strong, it can only protect five parts after all, so Villeneuve was stripped off in this terrifying energy explosion, almost leaving only a skeleton...

And not far behind Holger, Nelson also had to bear this kind of indiscriminate large-scale attack, but compared to the tragedy of Villeneuve, Nelson can only describe it lightly.

I saw that Nelson just stretched out his hand, and a light shield was erected in front of him. Holger's attack, which was similar to self-destruct, would automatically divert to both sides the moment it touched the shield, and Nelson stood on the shield After that, not only was the whole body unscathed, even the corners of his clothes were not even shaken by the terrifying shock wave.

Under the huge gap in strength, although Holger exhausted all his energy to trigger this powerful attack similar to self-destruction, but when facing Nelson, he couldn't even shake the corner of his clothes. The reason why Holger didn't dare to neglect Nelson in the slightest.

"Almost..." Nelson saw that Villeneuve was about to be finished, so he flicked his fingers, and a shield appeared in front of Villeneuve. Holger's attacks were all diverted. Werner Husband's fate was saved.

The battle between Holger and Villeneuve was used to test the strength of the new arms, and it was not a real duel between two people, so after testing the bottom line of Villeneuve's strength, Nelson finally made a move. He was not I feel sorry for Villeneuve, a subordinate who has just taken refuge, but simply doesn't want to waste time and energy to pass on memories to other bugs.

You must know that for a worm emperor, especially a prince-level worm emperor, the waste of brain capacity is the most intolerable thing, so of course Nelson is not willing to let Villeneuve die in vain, and then pass on the memory to other worms up.

After a while, Holger's outburst ended. Although Villeneuve was not dead, Prince Nelson saved it after all. Ergo naturally didn't dare to say anything more.

"Okay, let's go about your business." Prince Nelson waved his hand.

"Yes! Brother..." Holger nodded. He was exhausted at this time and really needed to find a place to rest.

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