After sending Holger away, Nelson came to Villeneuve.

At this time, Villeneuve had collapsed to the ground. Although his life was saved, Villeneuve was also seriously injured in the battle just now, especially the front half of his body. Villeneuve's bones were completely exposed to the air. , and more than half of the internal organs were lost, but even so, Villeneuve still did not die with his strong vitality.

"Shua!" Nelson stretched out his hand, and a psychic energy was injected into Villeneuve's body, and then Villeneuve's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye...

This is not any healing method used by Nelson, he just provided Villeneuve with some spiritual energy, all of which are Villeneuve's own self-healing ability, but self-healing at this speed requires a lot of spiritual energy , and in the battle just now, Villeneuve's spiritual energy had been exhausted due to resisting Holger's attack.

If it wasn't for Nelson to provide spiritual power, then Villeneuve would have to lie here for at least a month before his injuries could gradually heal, but even so, the vitality and self-healing ability were already terrifying.

You must know that if such a serious injury occurs on a normal natural creature, more than half of the internal organs are lost, all the musculature of the front half of the body disappears, and the bones of the entire person are completely exposed. Such a situation cannot be called an injury in other races. It can only be called a corpse, it is dead, and it is still a dilapidated corpse!

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Villeneuve stood up after repairing his body. He saluted Nelson, and then stood behind Nelson respectfully.

"Hest, when will the mass-produced recruits be finished?" Seeing that Villeneuve was completely healed, Nelson sent a message to the nest through psychic energy.

As the core building of the Zerg, the insect nest itself is not intelligent, nor can it communicate with others, but it can instinctively feed back some spiritual energy signals, just like there is often a progress bar on the equipment of technological civilization Same.

"Four more hours!" Soon, Nelson got feedback from the worm nest.

"Four many first recruits?" Nelson asked.

"One hundred!" The insect nest fed back the information again.

"Continue to incubate recruits after this batch of incubation is complete!" Nelson nodded, and then began to think about a question, that is, how to name this kind of recruits.

In the past, the naming of recruits was done by the master, but now Qin Hao and the Queen of Worms are no longer on Kruzer, so the job of naming naturally falls on Nelson.

And this job really gave Nelson the biggest headache.

If a person asks what is the most important thing for a Zerg prince, all the princes, including Nelson, will all answer the same answer, and this answer is definitely not power!

Although the Zergs value power very much, for the Zerg Kings, the brain capacity is the most deadly, because the Zerg Kings do not have the ability to forget, so their brain capacity will be very tight, which leads to the royal family, especially the prince-level The royal family doesn't like to use their brains easily. They are more willing to leave the work that needs to be thought to the swarm leader to complete, and they would rather sleep when it is not necessary, or boring to improve their own strength, so naming the new arms is such a thing. It can be regarded as stumping Nelson...

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let Holger leave so early. It would be great to let him come up with a name!" Nelson sighed, but he still didn't want to waste this brain cell by himself, so he directly contacted the swarm of bugs under him. leader.

"Balka, come and name these recruits, and don't disappoint Master Juggernaut!" Nelson said to the leaders of the swarm.

It is different from naming Villeneuve before. At that time, Nelson was just naming one of his subordinates, and he could call him whatever he wanted, but now he is naming a new Zerg group. dissatisfaction.

And for a Zerg, there is nothing more terrifying than provoking the Overmind.

"Okay! Master!" The leader of the swarm named Barka took over the task as a representative. Unlike the royal family who are easily unwilling to use their brains, these leaders of the swarm except for a piece of skin and digestive system, the rest of the whole It's the brain, so that's what they're best at.

After some deliberation, the leaders of the swarm finally gave a rather weird name - child.

"Children? Are you kidding me?" After hearing this name, Nelson almost twisted his nose in anger. It's not that he doesn't know how to name names, but he thinks that naming them casually might offend Qin Hao, but it's too much to think carefully about the name It was a waste of brain cells, so I left this matter to the leaders of the swarm.

What I didn't expect was that these guys with brains and brains discussed for a long time, and they gave such a bad name. It's better to let him pick one casually.

"Master, please listen to our explanation..." Balka said hastily, he was also afraid of offending Nelson.

"Say!" Nelson said in a cold voice. Although he was angry, he still gave the leaders of the swarm a chance to explain. After all, these guys have nothing but brains, and they can't intentionally provoke themselves.

"That's right, this name has multiple meanings." Sure enough, when Balka opened his mouth, Nelson became interested.

"Sir, these guys look a bit like human children, both in terms of height and appearance." Balka said, although overall, the newly hatched arms are very surprising to humans, but all of them With a height of less than six meters, and that baby face, he really looks like a little human boy.

"What else?" Nelson asked. If it was just this reason, it would not be enough to appease his anger. He could still think that the leaders of the swarm were blind and deliberately provoking him.

"What's more, this new unit is our secret weapon, the ultimate weapon used to quell this war, and in the hometown of Juggernaut, there was a weapon like this, its name is the little boy, but we Zerg There is no gender, so they can be called children." Balka continued.

"Little boy..." Nelson frowned. He didn't want the leaders of the swarm to have unlimited brain cells to absorb all kinds of knowledge. The current human situation is a blind spot for him, let alone a long time ago history.

"If you don't think it sounds good, we can also call these recruits-Child, which also means children." Balka changed the name, but it was just a homonym of a certain language on Earth.

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