The Zerg race is a race with a very strict hierarchy. After Qin Hao, the ruler, was impatient, the Zerg swarm below immediately fell into madness.

The crazy swarm rushed towards the Borg battle star with a suicidal attack, forcing the battle star to shed its shell several times in just a few minutes, but even so, the defense brought by the huge size of the battle star The strength is also reflected, even if the shell is shelled several times in a row, the size of the battle star is still very large, and according to this attack strength, the battle star can last for a few hours without any problem at all.

But Qin Hao couldn't wait any longer, because the fluctuations in the surrounding space became more and more violent, which meant that the phase engines of the Borg were getting closer and closer to completing their jump preparations, and they were about to flee!

"Boom boom boom..." The insect swarm in the distance is still rushing towards the battle star and exploding itself in a suicidal manner. The entire battlefield is extremely tragic.

"Om..." The phase channel has begun to appear. Although the phase channel is still very narrow at this time, it is not enough for the battle star to pass through, but in a few minutes, the battle star will be able to escape through this life-saving channel. At that time, even if the swarm rushed forward desperately and blew themselves up, it was impossible to destroy Battle Star in such a short period of time.

"Your Majesty, I have an immature suggestion..." At this moment, a swarm leader said to Qin Hao through a psychic link.

"Talk!" Qin Hao, who was worrying, didn't care what suggestions were mature or not. At this time, as long as someone can propose a solution that seems feasible, he will try it immediately!

"It's such a king! Battlestar's defense is too strong. We can't destroy him in a short time. Now if we want to prevent it from escaping, we can only choose another way!" said the swarm leader.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's get to the point!" Qin Hao has no time to worry about these logical reasons at this time, he just needs to know what to do.

"Yes!" The swarm leader was startled by Qin Hao's spiritual pressure, and then immediately said: "It's too late to attack the battle stars, so we can only attack the phase channel if we want to prevent them from escaping!"

"Huh!?" Qin Hao was taken aback, he had never thought of this possibility.

You must know that the phase channel is a shortcut to jump through the space, and it is also a part of the space in essence, so whether it is a conventional physical attack or an energy attack, it has no effect on it, because no matter what kind of attack it is, in the end it will Energy will be absorbed by space, and then transmitted to other places along the phase channel...

"Your Majesty, I just calculated that although conventional attacks have no effect on the phase channel, space power can affect it!" said the swarm leader.

"Get to the point!" Qin Hao had already seen that the space channel in the distance was gradually widening.

So he knew he was running out of time.

"Your Majesty, what I mean is that we can let those Zergs with independent leaping ability explode near the phase channel, so that the power of space in their bodies can affect the phase channel, although the occurrence of this effect is uncontrollable. But according to the probability, the possibility of going bad is definitely more than getting good!" said the leader of the swarm.

"Hmm..." Qin Hao pondered for about ten seconds, evaluating the suggestion of the swarm leader.

I have to admit that the suggestion of the leader of the swarm is a gamble, because letting the Zerg with the power of space explode near the phase channel will indeed have an impact on the phase channel, but whether this effect is good or bad, and what the specific effect is, then no one can know...

That is to say, after the insect swarm with the power of space explodes near the phase channel, the phase channel may be wider, stronger, or faster, but it may also collapse, shrink, change the transition path, etc. When the situation happens and what it is, it cannot be influenced or predicted.

But as the swarm leader said, although this random variation is uncontrollable, from a probabilistic point of view, the probability of a positive impact on the phase channel is much lower than that of a negative one. The probability of influence, so this bet is done!

"Just do as you say!" Qin Hao didn't have much time to conceive of other feasible plans at this time, so although this plan was more like a gamble, he didn't have a choice!

"My people, dedicate your lives to me!" Qin Hao's psychic power swept across, and all the Zerg who felt Qin Hao's psychic power immediately turned red eyes, whether it was an adult Leviathan, a corruptor, or a purifier. Eyes and other large Zergs, all Zergs with independent leap ability and the power of space in their bodies rushed towards the distant phase channel like crazy.

"Boom boom boom..." The continuous self-detonation exploded near the phase channel. Although the space power in a single worm's body is not much, it can't hold back the horrific number of worm swarms, so at this time a huge explosion occurred near the phase channel. Big turbulence.

Under the interference of the turbulence, the phase channel began to become unstable, but this phase channel is different from the phase channel opened by other ships. It is inspired by the battle star, and the battle star is loaded with a large amount of high-power phase. The engine, under the logic of making miracles vigorously, the phase channel opened by the battle star is also extremely strong, so although it is affected by the space turbulence, the phase channel as a whole is still stable, but with the continuous interference of the turbulence, The jitter of the phase channel is also becoming more frequent.

"Damn it, I can't wait any longer! If we wait any longer, the phase channel will collapse!" At this time, the captain of Battle Star also discovered the problem. Although the defense of Battle Star can withstand the attack for several hours, the phase channel cannot I can't stand it anymore.

"Chief, we must take a risk!" the captain said to Victor.

"According to what you said!" Victor also knew at this time that there was no delay. Since the captain made the request, he could only choose to trust the captain's ability.

The width of the phase channel at this time also depends on the diameter of the containing battle star. According to the normal situation, the battle star needs to wait for the phase channel to be opened before entering. After all, with this width, the battle star must enter the phase channel very accurately. Okay, if there is a slight error, it will cause the battle star to be torn apart by the power of space!

Even though Battlestar is so resistant to the starships and swarms of the Interstellar Federation, but in the face of the space power of nature, any man-made device is extremely fragile!

So at this time, the captain of Battle Star is also taking risks, but he can't do without taking risks. If he takes risks at this time, he can still trust his driving skills, but if he waits any longer, once the phase channel collapses, he can only go to Believe in the kindness of the Star Federation!

But will the Interstellar Federation be kind to them? That's impossible!

Nine Heavens Emperor

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