It is precisely because they know that the Interstellar Federation will never let them go, so the Borg have no other choice at this time, they can only put all their eggs in one basket.

After obtaining Victor's consent, the captain forcibly drove the battle star to rush into the phase channel that had just been opened. Although this was a bit risky, it was their last chance!

"Damn it!" Qin Hao didn't expect the Borg to be so decisive, but at this time all the bugs under him with the phase jump ability had already exploded before the phase channel, and he had no other means to interfere with the battle star jump!

"Ang!" At this moment, the ghost Leviathan under Qin Hao's feet suddenly let out a mental roar, followed by a swing of its head, and even threw Qin Hao off.

"Your Majesty... I... went!" The ghost Leviathan sent the last message to Qin Hao through mental power, and then rushed to the last gap between the battle star and the phase channel.

The ghost Leviathan is the strongest race under Qin Hao, bar none!

Although the Zerg Kings have the ability to evolve continuously, the time for Qin Hao to rebuild the Zergs is too short after all. Only ten or twenty years is not enough for the Zerg Kings to evolve to a high-level prince, so for now, Ghost Leviathan is Qin Hao's number one general.

Not only that, but the ghost Leviathan also has extremely high intelligence. Although its expressive ability has not been very good, its wisdom is not weaker than anyone else, but after feeling Qin Hao's urgency, as a Zerg A part of the Ghost Leviathan made an immediate decision.

After throwing Qin Hao off his body, the ghost Leviathan leaped across the space like lightning, and appeared directly between the battle star and the phase channel.

At this time, the ghost Leviathan has grown up, and the energy in his body is very terrifying. Before and after reaching the phase channel, the light blue body of the ghost Leviathan, which is full of stars, becomes even brighter!

"It's done!" Almost at this time, there was a burst of cheers in Battle Star, because under the precise driving of the captain, Battle Star actually entered the phase channel perfectly, and they would be able to leave No. 2 in the next instant. The gravity well of the planet has gone to the free and spacious star universe...

But at this moment, the ghost Leviathan blew himself up!

"Boom!" The terrifying shock wave abruptly squeezed out the battle star that had already penetrated into the phase channel. Although the distance that the battle star was pushed back was no more than 100 meters, it was able to push the super battleship of the level of the battle star. Shock wave, its power can also be imagined!

However, compared to the shock wave of the ghost Leviathan's self-detonation, the space power in its body is even more terrifying. At the moment of self-destruction,

The stars in the ghost Leviathan exploded one by one, and the terrifying space turbulence swept away. The already precarious phase channel was instantly torn apart, and the last hope of the Borg to escape was completely extinguished...

"It's over..." Victor stared blankly at the disintegrating phase channel outside the porthole. He knew that he was finished, and the Borg were also finished!

After losing the battle star, the Borg are no longer qualified to challenge the Star Federation...

"Didn't they say they would help us destroy the Star Federation?"

"Now we are all going to perish, why don't they show up?"

"Damn it, we are just their pawns. Now that we are useless, are we abandoned?"


At this time, Victor suddenly understood a lot of things in his heart. Because he was blinded by the ambition to unify the universe before, he didn't think much about many details about the Destroyer, but now that his ambition was shattered, Victor suddenly became clearer. I wanted to understand a lot of things, but it was too late.

Although at this time, in order to cut off the last hope of the battle star's escape, all the large Zerg in the Zerg swarm have all self-destructed before the phase channel, but this has no impact on the overall battle situation at all. , and there are hundreds of millions of ordinary Zergs. Although these Lashers and Skywalkers are not enough to pose a fatal threat to the Battle Star, they can hold the Battle Star back and prevent it from rushing towards the Star Federation fleet at the last moment.

And at this time, although the battle star can't escape, there are still phase channels in the gravity well of the second planet. Although the width of these phase channels is not enough for the battle star to pass through, they can bring one after another There are only adult Leviathans, and the bodies of these Leviathans are thousands of swarms...

Quantity is always the biggest advantage of the Zerg Swarm, especially after Qin Hao released the restrictions on the Zerg Swarm and allowed them to develop wantonly for nearly ten years, Qin Hao himself may not even know the exact number of the Zerg Swarm... …

The vast number of swarms rushed to the gravity well of planet No. 2 one after another, and then frantically launched an attack on the battle star. At this time, the battle star has exhausted almost all of its energy. Now it is a large target. Not only does it have no The ability to fight back, even the weakest shield can't hold up...

At this moment, Victor and the others in Battle Star were already in despair. They were equivalent to being in a huge cosmic coffin. They could do nothing but quietly wait for the arrival of death...

"Hu's the last time..." It wasn't just Victor and other Borg executives who felt uncomfortable at this time, Qin Hao also felt uncomfortable.

The current battle star has completely lost its combat capability, but Qin Hao feels that the power of fear around him is not enough. As the power of fear becomes weaker and weaker, the Destroyer is very likely to show up to intervene, The star has become much smaller after shelling many times, and it is also incapable of fighting due to loss of energy, but if it is rescued by the Destroyer, then just return to the Borg occupied area, as long as it gets energy and repairs , then this battle star will make a comeback in a short time, and in this way, all the efforts Qin Hao put in before will be in vain!

So even though Qin Hao didn't know whether the Destroyers would intervene, or whether they would have time to intervene, he didn't dare to take any risks, thinking that once this possibility came true, he couldn't bear the consequences!

Under such circumstances, Qin Hao almost gritted his teeth and issued a cruel order, that is to order several Star Federation warships to die, even if the Borg have no ability to fight back at this time, but the Navy officers and soldiers of the Star Federation Or pay with their lives...

This kind of cruel order made Qin Hao's heart bleed, but he had no choice, thinking that he didn't dare to gamble, because he couldn't afford to lose at all...

Under Qin Hao's order, Hu Ke ordered several frigates to rush forward and approached the Borg battle stars. Although the battle stars could no longer destroy the Star Federation warships that were sent to the door, the swarms replaced them. They got the job done...

Nine Heavens Emperor

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