On the night of the second day, Qin Hao arrived at the place Qian Feng had mentioned as scheduled, which was a three-hundred-story building.

Standing on the top of the building, Qin Hao could feel the biting cold wind...

"It's so cold at the top..." Qin Hao muttered to himself.

"Yes! Only when you are in a high position can you feel it." Qian Feng stepped out of the shadows.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Qin Hao asked with a smile. When he came, he found that Qian Feng was already waiting there.

"Not long..." Qian Feng smiled.

"How are you doing here?" Qin Hao didn't rush to get down to business.

"It's okay now, at least no one dares to monitor me." Qian Feng smiled. Without the monitoring of the Destroyer, he is much freer now.

"What about safety?" Qin Hao asked.

"How should I put it... Of course there are people who want to kill me. After all, sitting in this high position, how can no one care about the chair under your butt?" Qian Feng smiled, and Qin Hao could understand this. Because he has been assassinated several times, although those who dare to assassinate Qin Hao are idiots who don't know Qin Hao at all, and don't know his strength. They even think that a laser gun, or a bundle of The cluster energy grenade can kill the generalissimo of the Federation.

So the end of these idiots is not very good, because there is no need for Qin Hao to deal with them, Huang Xing has already dealt with those idiots, and those guys didn't know the reason for their execution until they died. Not to assassinate the head of state, but there is no need for such idiots in the ruling class.

As a ruler, Qin Hao can understand this situation very well. Of course, he also believes in Qian Feng's ability. If he can't even deal with these assassins, it is impossible to control the entire Borg Mechanical Alliance.

Qin Hao doesn't believe that Qian Feng's position today is just a coincidence. If there is no secret operation by Qian Feng, then only a fool would believe it.

"It's good that no one doubts your identity." Qin Hao nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry, even if someone doubted me before, they will never do it now, and even if one day they collectively oppose me and want to kill me, it is definitely not doubting my identity, but thinking that I love the Borg Alliance too much Already!" Qian Feng said with a smile.

Because at this time, Qian Feng is playing an extreme patriot, but he loves the Borg Mechanical Alliance,

His ideal is to fight the Star Federation bloody to the end, even if the battle is down to one soldier, he must resolutely resist!

Such a person can only be called a hero. Who would have thought that he was a spy of the Interstellar Federation, and who would have thought that his purpose was to let more Borg die on the battlefield without burdening Qin Hao?

The common people are very blind, they can't understand the deeper meaning at all, they only see the superficial things.

Although the strength of the Borg and the Interstellar Federation is very different now, one side has lost the support of the Destroyer, while the other is ready to use the power of the swarm wantonly, the next battle is already a one-sided situation, Bo The resistance of the grid can only cause them to lose more lives, and there is no possibility of any victory at all.

But at this time, if anyone dares to surrender, he is still a traitor, and he is still a coward who is spurned by everyone. Although many of them are cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death, it does not rule out that some of them want to surrender. Form suspends the current situation, giving the Borg time to accumulate strength before resisting.

As for those who opened their mouths and clamored to beat them, apart from most reckless youths who were full of enthusiasm but didn't understand politics, there were also a few real traitors like Xiang Qianfeng.

Many things have two sides, what you see may not be true...

But ordinary people often only look at the surface. Even if the truth is revealed one day, they will just sigh: Hey! It turned out to be like this, I was deceived at the beginning!

That's all, as for those who were wronged back then, no one will pity them, because time has passed, they have been forgotten...

Therefore, Qian Feng is not worried about his identity being exposed at all, because if someone dares to stand up and say that he is a spy of the Interstellar Federation, then the vast majority of Borg people will not only believe it, but they will also think that the guy who corrected Qian Feng is doing something wrong. Planted, and then chopped him up.

"That's good..." Qin Hao nodded his head. If Qian Feng was the spy, it would be the end of the job...

"Let me tell you about my next plan first!" The reason why Qian Feng didn't see Qin Hao yesterday was mainly because he needed to prepare some materials. He had to tell Qin Hao the plan he had set up in an orderly manner. In this way, the fleet and swarm of the Star Federation can cooperate with him to complete the genocide of the Borg.

War is the only reasonable and legal way to massacre the population. Once the Borg surrender, there will be no shop after passing this village. Although Qin Hao can still forcefully order the massacre of the Borg, this cruel and cold-blooded His behavior will definitely shake his reputation in the hearts of the people of the Interstellar Federation, so Qian Feng will not allow the war to end so soon.

According to Qian Feng's plan, the Borg will resist in five times, for a total of about ten years. After each resistance cycle, they will give up part of the star field, and then retreat to the more core area, while the Interstellar Federation fleet and the swarm need to Cooperate with Qian Feng, they don't have enough food to play straight-forward tactics, kill the capital star of the Borg within a few months, then Qian Feng's plan will be completely ruined.

According to Qian Feng's plan, the Interstellar Federation Fleet will move forward slowly, and then crush the Borg's strategic counterattacks one after another, and then turn the entire front line into a meat grinder, annihilating the Borg in large numbers and cutting them down. In the end, they can all be imprisoned on one planet, and then deprived of their right to explore the universe, making them completely pets in the zoo.

"Well... I see..." After hearing Qian Feng's plan, Qin Hao had to admit that the plan was cruel, but it was indeed the best plan for the Star Federation.

Suddenly, Qin Hao's heart trembled, because he suddenly thought of another possibility...

How terrible would it be when a spy mixed into a hostile force and became the supreme leader of the enemy? Qian Feng is the best example. What if this matter is changed to the Interstellar Federation?

Although Qin Hao is now the supreme ruler of the Interstellar Federation, why isn't he a creature of another race?

From a genetic point of view, Qin Hao's human genes at this time are much lower than those of the Zerg. If he chooses the words, Qin Hao should be regarded as a Zerg infected with human genes at this time! And he is the supreme ruler of mankind at this time, if one day his racial affiliation is affected by which side of the Zerg, then what will happen to the Star Federation...

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