Thinking of this, Qin Hao had a terrible idea in his heart. Did the Queen of Worms invest in him back then, did he also have this idea? If it is... that is simply too scary!

"Brother Hao, what are you thinking?" Qian Feng called Qin Hao softly when he saw that Qin Hao was distracted.

"'s nothing..." Qin Hao shook his head vigorously. He was also a little confused now. Is he a human or a Zerg?

From the genetic level, Qin Hao is definitely a Zerg, but from the perspective of personal identity, at least for now he still thinks he is human...

"Brother Hao, do you think there is something wrong with my plan?" Qian Feng didn't know what Qin Hao was thinking, on the contrary, he paid more attention to his plan.

"Hmm..." Qin Hao was silent for a moment, and then said to Qian Feng: "I don't have any opinions on the war level, but you don't seem to have considered your own safety...I'm a little worried about this."

"My safety will not be a problem, I usually bring enough bodyguards." Qian Feng said.

"Hmm..." Qin Hao was silent for a moment, and then said to Qian Feng: "Well, I'll arrange a bodyguard for you, or it can be useful at critical moments!"

While speaking, Qin Hao pointed his right hand together to form a sword, and then used his spiritual energy to force out an inch-long stellar qi.

"Shua!" Qin Hao scratched his left wrist with his fingertips, and his wrist was immediately cut open, and blood flowed down.

"Brother Hao, what are you doing?!" Qian Feng was taken aback.

"It's okay..." Qin Hao squeezed out a smile, and he allowed his blood to continue to flow, and he also controlled the wound to prevent it from healing.

With Qin Hao's strength and his Zerg genes, if he hadn't been able to maintain this wound, such a small hole would heal almost in the blink of an eye.

Ten seconds later, a large pool of blood was already flowing on the ground. At this time, Qin Hao waved his hand, and the wound on his wrist healed and disappeared immediately, leaving no trace.

"Shua!" A psychic energy hit the blood on the ground, and then the blood on the ground began to twist.

Under Qin Hao's command, these blood cells began to reorganize and divide. Under Qin Hao's spiritual energy supply, these cells quickly divided and reorganized, and gradually took on a human form.

"Master!" The figure knelt in front of Qin Hao on one knee,

This is a predator made by Qin Hao using his own cells. It has a human-like body shape, but its face is still that of a worm. At the same time, its arms have a pair of hidden blades like praying mantises.

Because it was born from Qin Hao's tissue cells, this predator possessed the strength of the royal family of the adult insects from the moment it was born, but unlike the real royal family, the predator has no possibility of evolution, although his strength is born It's that strong, but it's only that strong until death.

However, it shouldn't be a big problem to use this strength to protect Qian Feng, and the reason why Qin Hao used his own cells to create a predator is mainly because this thing can be invisible and can better protect Qian Feng personally.

"From now on, your task is to protect his safety!" Qin Hao said to the predator.

"As you wish! Master!" replied the Predator.

"You are..." Qian Feng looked dumbfounded. Although he had a certain understanding of Qin Hao's strength, the method Qin Hao used at this time was simply appalling. Creating a powerful creature with wisdom out of thin air What? God's domain?

Although with the current technology, there are no technical problems at all in creating human clones or cloning other creatures, but it is simply impossible to create such a powerful creature that immediately possesses advanced intelligence and strictly obeys orders. imagination.

"It's just a small trick..." Although he and Qian Feng are good brothers, because of the association just now, Qin Hao didn't want to mention too much about the Zerg, so he just skipped about the predators.

"Okay!" Seeing that Qin Hao didn't want to say more, Qian Feng didn't ask, after all, everyone has secrets.

"With him by your side, I can almost feel relieved." Qin Hao said.

"Can he change his shape? It's hard for me to take him with me..." Qian Feng looked at the predator with some embarrassment. He believed that the things Qin Hao created must have great strength, but this guy's shape It doesn't look like a Borg. If this is brought out, many people will become suspicious.

"It's okay." Qin Hao nodded, and then the predator's figure gradually faded, and then disappeared into the air.

"This..." Qian Feng was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, ordinary detection methods can't detect him, unless the high-power biological radar is specially used to detect life." Qin Hao said to Qian Feng with a smile.

"That's fine!" Qian Feng nodded. In fact, the exposure of the predator is just a small trouble for him. He just needs to arrange an identity for the predator. Although this guy has a worm face , but after all, the body is still in human form, which is very different from the Zerg in everyone's mind, so even if other people know that Qian Feng brought an alien bodyguard, they will only think that the predator is another bodyguard that has been exterminated The remnants of the cosmic creatures.

In the vast universe, there used to be countless civilizations, they all disappeared in the long river of history due to various reasons, but this does not prevent them from continuing to survive in various ways. The way continues to wander in the universe.

Therefore, it is not inexplicable for Qian Feng to take such a powerful cosmic wandering warrior as a bodyguard. Although it is a bit troublesome, because Qian Feng's performance in front of the public is simply too patriotic, so people will not because of such a trivial matter. to doubt him.

"If you want to contact me for anything, just ask Cynthia, and I will ask her to help you more." Qin Hao told Qian Feng.

"Yes! I see!" Qian Feng nodded.

Then Qin Hao and Qian Feng talked about other things, and they didn't part on the roof until it was almost dawn.

Qian Feng returned to his official residence with the bodyguard of the predator, and he would continue to play the role of the leader of the Borg, while Qin Hao left the capital star of the Borg directly.

At this time, the Borg demise plan has entered the implementation stage under the planning of Qian Feng and Qin Hao, so it is meaningless for Qin Hao to stay here. All the information Feng got here was handed over to Ji Moluofu and others, and a special plan was made to cooperate with Qian Feng.

However, although he wanted to communicate with Ji Moluofu and the others, Qin Hao still did not intend to tell these generals about Qian Feng's identity. After all, there were so many people talking, and if any news leaked, Qian Feng would have to bear endless risks.


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