When Qin Hao opened his eyes again, he was already lying in the ward of the medical ship. !

"Gulu..." After opening his eyes, Qin Hao felt his stomach growling. He was seriously injured before. Although he has a strong self-healing ability, he needs a lot of energy to recover from such a serious injury, so Qin Hao Hao experienced the feeling of hunger before again.

I looked around for a while, this is a single ward with a very good environment, it is only natural for Qin Hao to enjoy this kind of treatment, after all, he is not only the rank of major at this time, but also the hero of the Seventh Fleet, so he enjoys the single ward. It's normal to be in the ward.

After reading the surrounding environment, Qin Hao felt heavy breathing around him. He looked down and saw Nicole lying beside the bed. Judging from the sound of breathing, the girl must be exhausted.

He raised his hand and moved his ankle again. Qin Hao felt that his injury had fully recovered. Now he had no discomfort except his stomach was very hungry, so Qin Hao stretched out his hand and held it gently. Nicole's little hands.

"Ah!" Although Qin Hao's movements were very light, Nicole who was paying attention to him was still awakened.

"Are you awake? Are you okay?" Nicole asked with concern.

"I'm fine, thank you for your hard work." Qin Hao smiled. Although it was not the first time he was sent to the medical ship, but when he opened his eyes, he could see the girl who cared about him. In a sense, This is really a kind of happiness.

"That's good! That's good!" Nicole cried with joy. You must know that when they found Qin Hao just now, Qin Hao was in tatters. The doctor even thought he couldn't survive. After all, his back was completely torn apart. The wound on the arm was also deep enough to show the bone. This kind of injury is enough to kill a person for a long time, and what is even more fatal is that Qin Hao's blood loss has reached two-thirds, which can be said to be fatal in medicine.

But Nicole firmly believed that Qin Hao would survive, and used her identity to ask the doctor to rescue him with all his strength. When the doctor faced Qin Hao, the hero of the Seventh Fleet, he did not hesitate to use all the facilities of the medical ship. Qin Hao's rescue finally brought him back from the "death line".

Of course, it doesn't matter if the doctors don't save him, as long as Qin Hao is thrown in a safe place, his powerful self-healing ability can heal his injuries.

"By the way, did you take the bug's body back?" Qin Hao asked suddenly.

"Well! That bug is very special, so Colonel James sent its body to the flagship, and now Dr. Pomon and the others are studying it." Nicole said.

"That's good! That's good!" Qin Hao nodded again and again. The predator is very rare, and it is full of treasures. It would be a pity if it was thrown away casually.

"You should pay more attention to your injuries. You almost lost your life this time, so why worry about bugs!" At this moment, a girl in a nurse's uniform walked in.

"Lucy?" Qin Hao looked up, and a familiar pretty face appeared in front of him.

"Hmph! I thought you forgot about me!" Lucy walked over with her mouth pouted, and said to him coldly, "Turn over!"

"Ah?" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment.

"Tell you to turn over!" Lucy repeated.

"Oh!" Qin Hao didn't understand, so he turned over and lay down on the hospital bed.

"Hey..." Lucy was not polite at all, and directly tore off Qin Hao's pants, because Qin Hao's combat uniform was cut up and thrown away during the rescue, and the hospital uniform he was wearing Very loose, so a pull to the end.

"I'm going...what are you doing..." Qin Hao was startled, and then he wanted to pull up his pants.

"Why? Of course it's an injection! Don't move! Lie down!" Lucy said with a cold face.

"Oh!" Although Qin Hao felt that he no longer needed to receive treatment, he still didn't dare to resist seeing Lucy like this.

"Pfft!" Lucy's needle was not as gentle as in the past, and her posture was as if she was holding an awl to the sole of a shoe.

"Hiss..." Qin Hao grinned after getting an injection in his ass.

"Lucy, take it easy..." Nicole said distressedly.

"What's wrong? Distressed?" Lucy gave Nicole a white look.

"Uh..." Nicole was a little embarrassed. In fact, the two of them were best friends because they cooperated to rescue the wounded on the ground. Although Nicole was the general's daughter and Lucy was just an ordinary medical soldier, the two of them The relationship in private is very good.

Especially after being rescued by Qin Hao for the second time, Lucy once revealed her feelings for Qin Hao to Nicole, but Nicole didn't have any feelings for Qin Hao at the beginning, so she didn't take it seriously.

Later, under the help of General Cohen, the relationship between Nicole and Qin Hao quickly heated up, and Lucy also cut off contact with Qin Hao due to her job, so the two of them came together logically.

So Lucy had a crush on Qin Hao, Nicole later forgot, but the problem is that she can forget, Lucy can't forget, this time Qin Hao was seriously injured and sent to the hospital ship, Lucy saw Nicole's anxious expression He knew that the relationship between the two of them was unusual, and after a little inquiring, he found out that the two of them had already started dating.

So Lucy resented Nicole very much. She felt that Nicole had robbed her boyfriend, although neither she nor Qin Hao expressed anything.

So in a fit of anger, Nicole gave Qin Hao a hard shot in the ass. In fact, Qin Hao didn't have a medical project at this time, and Lucy's injection was just an ordinary glucose injection. The downside is that she actually came here to understand hatred.

"Lucy, we..." Nicole didn't know how to explain it now. She had long forgotten that Lucy had a crush on Qin Hao. After all, the two of them couldn't see each other because of their positions in the Seventh Fleet. On the other hand, after such a long time, Ni can think that Lucy has forgotten Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was also quite embarrassed at this time. At the beginning, he really had a good impression of Lucy. After all, he had just been dumped at that time, and he had survived a near-death situation. There was a beautiful and lovely girl who was so gentle to him. Of course there will be good feelings.

But because Lucy was on the medical ship, Qin Hao couldn't see her or contact her at all, so after a long time, this good impression gradually faded away, and then Nicole slowly walked into his life, So he had already forgotten about Lucy.

"Okay, don't need to say more, it's my self-indulgence, I treat you as a sister, I am self-indulgent, I think I can be with a federal hero, but now it seems that I think too much about everything, I just I am an ordinary girl, and the plot in the fairy tale will never happen to me." After Lucy finished speaking, she turned and left the ward, and the moment she walked out of the ward, tears flowed down her cheeks.

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