"Lucy?" Qin Hao looked at Nicole blankly.

"What are you pretending to be? Are you blind or stupid? Can't tell that she likes you?" Nicole gave Qin Hao an angry look. Although she knew that Qin Hao was not to blame for this, the girl was worried. Time is not unreasonable.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed, and he couldn't tell clearly about his feelings. For Lucy, he felt a little bit indebted in his heart. After all, the girl gave him hints at the beginning, but he didn't explicitly refuse, so Give people hope.

"How is your injury?" Nicole asked after a long silence.

"It's okay, as you know, I am a strengthened person with strong self-healing ability." Qin Hao said.

"Well! Then I'll take you to go through the discharge procedures." Nicole said, she didn't want to stay on the medical ship anymore, because it was too embarrassing to meet Lucy.

"Okay." Qin Hao had the same thought as Nicole. Now that he has made his words clear, he can only let time dilute everything. Perhaps Lucy will soon forget him and find someone she really likes.

Because of Nicole's existence, Qin Hao enjoyed a full set of green passages, and his discharge procedures were quickly completed, and then the two of them returned to the Federation Glory on the transport ship.

"How is it? Xiao Qin, are you okay?" Qin Hao and the two had just stepped out of the transport ship when they saw that General Cohen came to pick him up in person.

"General, why did you come in person?" Qin Hao hurried over.

"Hey! Xiao Qin, you can't take such a risk next time..." Cohen was also frightened this time. When Qin Hao was sent to the medical ship, his injuries were too serious, and Nicole was very sad at the time. He was about to pass out, which made Cohen very distressed.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that bug to be so powerful..." Qin Hao said with a wry smile. His words were not false at all. When he rushed out, he never thought that he would be in danger.

Because based on Qin Hao's previous knowledge of the Zerg, no matter how powerful the Zerg is, as long as it is not the Zerg King, it will not dare to take the initiative to hurt itself. At that time, he rushed out directly.

It turns out that Zerg can still have such a way of playing. After Zerg at the level of predators are subdued by the royal family, they can actually hunt and kill the lower-level royal family. As long as they dedicate the spirit crystal to their master, they can still kill Get that royal corpse as a reward.

If Qin Hao knew this rule before, then he would definitely not provoke the predators. After all, he can't even beat Yinjiao now, so if he rashly provokes the predators, wouldn't that be death?

"Yes, although your equipment and the battle recorder are all destroyed, but with your skill you have suffered such a serious injury, I can imagine how powerful that bug is!" General Cohen nodded.

"Father, are you going to chat here for a day? Qin Haoke has just been discharged from the hospital!" Nicole said dissatisfiedly.

"Hahaha, blame me, blame me, let's go back and talk again!" Cohen laughed loudly, and then he took Nicole and Qin Hao in his special car and rushed from the tarmac to the bridge.

The battleship Federal Glory is very large, and there is a long distance from the hangar to the bridge. It took Qin Hao and the others more than 20 minutes on the road even by taking the suspension vehicle.

After returning to the bridge, Cohen first sent Qin Hao and Nicole back to clean up, and then let them come to the meeting room to find him.

After dozens of minutes, Qin Hao, who had taken a shower and changed his clothes, returned to General Cohen's office. At this time, Nicole had already arrived.

"General!" Qin Hao saluted General Cohen.

"Xiao Qin, you are here. Sit down. There are no outsiders here. Call me Uncle Coen." After seeing Qin Hao this time, Cohen will treat him better.

"Yes, Uncle Coen." Qin Hao sat next to Nicole.

"Come on, tell me about the characteristics of this humanoid bug." General Cohen said.

"This bug is very rare, and it's the first time I've encountered it, but it's very powerful.

Even I am much better! "Qin Hao's words are not false at all.

"Tell me specifically!" Cohen nodded and signaled the adjutant to start recording. After all, Qin Hao's battlefield recorder was destroyed again. If you want to know the characteristics of the weird bug, you can only rely on Qin Hao's description.

"Well..." Qin Hao nodded, and then said: "First of all, the speed of these bugs is very fast. In the eyes of humans, they are almost a faint afterimage!"

"That's right! It's very fast, and it's very difficult for our weapons to lock on to it." Cohen will nod, and they have confirmed what Qin Hao said, because the predator captured the soldier before at the human base Inside, although the two human soldiers didn't see its shadow at the time, there were high-definition cameras everywhere in the base. After slow-motion, the bug was clearly photographed.

"Secondly, its attack power is extremely strong. Only three or four attacks completely destroyed my flanker individual armor!" Qin Hao recalled now, and he was also afraid for a while, if Prince Xin came one step later , he really fell into the hands of this predator.

"So strong?!" Cohen was stunned after hearing this. You must know that the flanker armor on Qin Hao's body is special equipment for special scouts, and among many armors, the flanker armor can be called close combat. s King!

Not only is it equipped with the strongest alloy armor, which can provide the wearer with very powerful defense capabilities, but it is also equipped with the most advanced bionic mechanical nerves, which allows it to react extremely fast and can effectively deal with sneak attacks.

But even so, Qin Hao, who was wearing the Flanker 2 armor, was injured by predators within a few rounds, which shows the horror of this bug.

"General, according to the information from Dr. Pang Meng, the worm's claws are indeed very sharp and hard. Our super alloy is as vulnerable as tofu under its claws!" The adjutant said at this time.

"Oh?" Cohen raised his eyebrows.

"Also, don't look at its small size, but its strength is astonishing. I'm no match for it when I'm wearing a single-soldier battle armor." Qin Hao added at this time.

"Huh... fortunately, these bugs are very rare, otherwise, if the Zerg were to use them as their main force, we wouldn't even be able to gain a firm foothold on the ground," General Cohen said.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao also agreed, but he also knew that predators were very rare, and they occupied the control slot of the Zerg Emperor just like the leader of the swarm, so it was impossible to attack in large numbers.

"By the way, how did you beat it?" Cohen will suddenly ask.

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