"I couldn't beat it at first, but this guy underestimated the enemy later. After he knocked me down, he didn't kill me. He wanted to eat my meat, so I counterattacked and hit the vital part!" Qin Hao had already made up. reason.

"Use your bone spurs?" General Cohen asked, he was no stranger to Qin Hao's bone spurs, and it was no secret that Qin Hao strengthened people.

"Yes! I may have stabbed its brain." Qin Hao said, the wound can be inspected, because Prince Na Xin was a predator killed by this method.

"No wonder." Cohen nodded, because the corpse of the predator was brought back. During the period of Qin Hao's treatment, he also went to see the insect corpse himself, so he knew what the wound looked like.

"I have to say, it was really a fluke that I won this time!" Qin Hao said.

"What kind of strength are you strengthening people?" Cohen will ask.

"I don't know very well. Although my test result is only F-level, it seems that those B-level enhanced people are not my opponents at all." Qin Hao did not hide his strength in front of General Cohen.

"Is that so, does that mean that your strength is at least as good as B-level enhancement?" Cohen will ask.

"You can say that, but I want to take the time to go back and test it again." Qin Hao said, he really wanted to leave the army system temporarily, because he was already on the verge of transformation, and he always carried a battlefield recorder with him, which made him He couldn't complete the transformation at all.

"Well, I can arrange it after a while." Cohen nodded and then pondered.

If Qin Hao's combat power is equivalent to a b-level or a-level enhanced human, then this humanoid bug is obviously even more terrifying. If it hadn't been for underestimating the enemy, Qin Hao would never be its opponent, or even in a state of complete abuse. It can be seen that this kind of bug is probably only able to fight against the masters of the Storm team.

However, although the Storm Team is assigned by the President in name, these guys do not obey orders at all. They will only act when the President is assassinated or the Federation is threatened. Sent to the front.

And the enhanced human troops that the president can mobilize are useless on the battlefield. After all, the strongest A-level enhanced human can't defeat this kind of humanoid bugs, and when facing the overwhelming swarm of insects, the individual combat power of the enhanced human is not obvious. So they will not play a big role when they come.

"Qin Hao, do you think this kind of humanoid bug will assassinate our commander on the ground?" Cohen will suddenly ask, because according to Qin Hao's description, this kind of bug is almost invincible on the ground, and the defense of the human base The facilities can't stop them at all, so if they are officers who specialize in assassinating humans, it will really be an unsolvable trouble.

"I don't know about this either..." Qin Hao frowned. What Cohen said was not impossible. Although the number of predators was small, there was definitely not only one.

"With the wisdom of the Zerg, I think they will think of this method soon, but we can't defend at all..." Cohen will be a little worried.

"General, I don't think you should be worried about this issue." Qin Hao said, he was also misled by General Cohen's assumption just now, so he just thought about how to crack the predator's assassination.

In fact, if the Zerg really intend to wipe out the humans on Planet Alpha, do they still need to do any assassination? Just send the army of bug swarms to push them over, those human bases can't stop the army of hundreds of millions of bug swarms!

At this time, the reason why humans can gain a firm foothold on Alpha Planet is not because of their strength, but because of Qin Hao's face in the Zerg race. Which of these human bases is not built on the site of Qin Hao's Zerg brother? Otherwise, how could they live so peacefully?

"Then what should we worry about?" Cohen will obviously be involved by himself.

"What we should worry about is how to avoid an all-out war with the Zerg!" Qin Hao said.

"Huh?" Cohen was taken aback for a moment.

"Look, general, aren't we peacefully co-existing with the nearby bug swarm? And in this war of bug swarms, we chose to form an alliance with the nearby bug swarm. If they win, there will be no conflict between us." War!" Qin Hao paused for a moment, and then continued: "I think we should not fight against the swarms of the entire Alpha Planet, but we should choose sides and form an alliance with some swarms to fight other swarms, so that Harness the power of the Zerg against the Swarm."

"Is this feasible?" Cohen frowned. After all, bugs are not human beings, so there is no way to communicate with them!

"General, isn't this battle the best example?" After Qin Hao finished speaking, he asked again: "By the way, General, how is the situation on the ground battlefield now?"

"As you guessed before, a large number of insect swarms appeared in the west again, the number was similar to the size of the attacking insect swarm in the north, and it seems that they are indeed the reinforcements of the local insect swarm!" General Cohen said here that he had to admire Qin Hao , this kid's prediction of the swarm is simply amazing.

"What about the battle situation now?" Qin Hao asked again.

"It's still stalemate, the strength of both sides is too much, it's unimaginable!" General Cohen sighed, hundreds of millions of bug swarms were fighting each other, the scene was very spectacular.

"Then didn't we do something?" Qin Hao asked.

"What action?" Cohen was taken aback.

"Of course it is to show our attitude. Although our strength is too small compared to the swarm, Captain James' troops can also launch some long-range weapons to support it. Although it will not have any effect on the battle situation, at least it can be like The local swarms show our attitude!" Qin Hao said.

"Well! Makes sense!" Cohen nodded. Judging from the current situation, Qin Hao has not made any mistakes in his prediction of the Zerg. Except for the reinforcements from the West, Qin Hao previously predicted that the local Zerg would be harmful to humans. The attitude is also very accurate.

Since humans helped the local swarm mine and blocked the hostile swarm, neither the local swarm nor the reinforcements from the west showed any aggressive behavior when they passed by the human base. On the contrary, the swarm Occasionally, the corpses of some small animals will be dropped near the human base as a symbol of their friendliness.

Of course, these little beasts stained with Zerg's saliva cannot be eaten, but they at least show the attitude of their allies.

"Adjutant, send an order to let James support the local bug swarm with long-range weapons." Cohen thought of this and immediately asked the adjutant to draw up a military order and pass it on.

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